People Flashcards
Robert Hooke
Microscope, Fossilized Wood, Cell
John Ray
Divine Creation: Animals adapted to their environments
Adaptation proves divine design
No extinction, no evolution, fixed number of species
Carl Linnaeus
Binomial Nomenclature
Divine Creation: animal classification
No extinction, no evolution, fixed number of species
Georges Buffon
Experimental Age of Earth: 75000
animals from different part of the world is so different it must have been created independently
Animals can change slightly to fit their environment but not change into another species
James Hutton
geological unconformity - does not conform to the ideal state (horizontal layers), it is now vertical and eroded off
Earth is infinitely old
Hutton’s Theory of the Earth - Cyclical Theory - erosion and volcanic eruptions
William Smith
found fossils specific to strata
order of rocks the same everywhere
Georges Cuvier
Comparative anatomy - can reconstruct an animal based on bones and teeth
Proposed age of reptile - rocks during that time period did not have any mammals, only had a kind of extinct reptiles
Found no evidence of a great flood
Instead found succession of time, different geological eras
Believed in revolution - catastrophe happened, wiped everything out, new era formed
believed in extinction - established extinction as a fact
Jean Baptise Lamarck
Progressive Theory of Evolution: Inherent tendency for animals to become increasingly complex and complicated
Subcomponent: Inheritance of acquired characteristics
Lemarkanism was created only in the 1900s (after his death)
Independent spontaneous generation
4 straight-line diagram
No extinction, believed that animals just evolved and changed
Mary Anning
Collect fossils along the coast
Rev William Buckland
Wrote the Bridgewater treatise (1 volume out of 8)
Louis Agassiz
proposed Ice age
Charles Lyell
The Principle of Geology - Slow gradual changes, No revolution
Circular Theory
Animals die if the environment changes too much, extinction was a normal process
if the conditions are right, animals can return (species can be created again, species are not descended from other species)
discussed that perhaps new species appeared in a new environment through migration
Robert Chambers
Published the Vestiges anonymously
extremely radical
but still a best seller
Robert Jameson
put Darwin off geology
Robert Grant
Marine Invertebrate
on the Ova of Flustra- Darwin’s first scientific paper
Rev John Steven Henslow
Darwin’s Mentor in Cambridge
Botanical Garden
gave Darwin the opportunity to sail on the Beagle
John Herschel
Praised Charles Lyell’s Book
Stated that the origin of species is the “mystery of mysteries”
wrote Preliminary Discourse - inspired Darwin how to Science
stressed collecting masses of facts and coming to inductive conclusions based on them
Rev Adam Segwick
One of the fiercest reviews of Vestiges - compared the bright red of the book with prostitute
Field trip with Darwin
against evolution
inbuilt law of progression - development
divine creation - diff fossils found in different layers, adapted to the environment they live in
Alexander von Humbolt
Narratives of Travel to South America
Darwin read his book - wanted to go on an expedition as well
Captain Robert Fitzroy
Voyage of the Beagle
Nicholas Steno
Shark teeth - tongue stones
Theory of Original Horizontally
Theory of Superposition
Leonardo da Vinci
fossils not randomly placed like from a great flood
Richard Owens
Nature of Limbs
Archetype: animals have a common blueprint
explain the similarity in vertebrates
Alfred Russel Wallace
Ternate Essay
Malay Archipelago
Julian Huxley
casual suggestion that Darwin delayed
Howard Grubber
Man on Darwin - Stated that Darwin delay publishing his theory due to fear
interpreted from Darwin’s recollection of dream
Thomas Huxley
Supported Darwin’s Theory
1960 Oxford Debate
Coined the word ‘Agnostic’ - no scientific evidence to prove the existence of God
wanted to stay respectable, could not use the word Atheist
Huxley was not a Christian
pushed for Science as a profession ( not just for gentleman like Darwin)
Samual Wilberforce
Against Darwin’s theory of evolution
1960 Oxford Debate
Charles Kingsley
Priest supported Darwin’s theory
Pierre Simon Laplace
French Astronomer
Willian Palley
Argument of Design
Charles Babbage
The Nine Bridgewater Treatise
Man of Science - Calculator Example:
If something irregular occurs it need not be the work of God but rather just not knowing the complex law of nature that governs
John Pringle Nichol
Nebular Discovery
Formation of Solar systems is a evolutionary process from nebular
Franz Joseph Gall
Phrenology: Study of brain
Parts of the brain called ‘organs’
bigger organ, more active
-did not want to spread his science
Johann Gaspar Spurzhiem
Gall’s assistant
Took Gall’s phrenology and made it his own
the shape of a person’s head would tell everything about a person
-wanted to make converts and travelled around to spread
George Combe
Dr Spurzhiem’s most important convert
The Constitution of Man (not a phrenology book)
- about the doctrine of natural law applied on humanity
- the common belief that being good will not make God protect you and make your life good
- example of the Good and Bad people on ships
John Tyndall
Belfast Address
-there is no room for god
Ernest Haekel
Paleontological Tree of Vertebrate
Placed man at the top