People Flashcards
Chief-of-staff of Babylon king Nebuchadnezzar & was instructed to treat Jeremiah with kindness after the Fall of Jerusalem
Chief temple priest who had Jeremiah whipped & put in stocks.
A false prophet who opposed Jeremiah, declaring God had broken the yoke of Babylon.
Was the weeping prophet who oversaw the fall of the Northern Kingdom as Jeremiah was the weeping prophet who oversaw the fall of the Southern Kingdom.
Lived out his message as no other prophet. He understood the anguish of God’s heart over His people’s sin as perhaps no other prophet.
Was a prophet of the common people, a defender of the poor, the downtrodden, and the exploited.
Was a younger contemporary of Amos and Hosea and was closely associated with Isaiah.
Name is the same as the message of his book, meaning “Salvation is of the Lord.”
He was of distinguished lineage and education. Jewish tradition says that he was a nephew of King Amaziah and cousin of King Uzziah. He was thus of royal seed and was a preacher at the royal court.
Married to a prophetess and had two sons.
Like Ezekiel, he acted out his message in unusual ways. God commanded him to walk barefooted and naked for 3 years to picture how Assyria would conquer Egypt and Ethiopia-thus removing all hope that Judah could trust in foreign alliances and moving them to trust in God alone for safety.
The Jewish Talmud says that he was martyred by being sawn asunder by evil King Manasseh.
Was a younger contemporary of the prophets Amos and Hosea in the Northern Kingdom and ministered alongside Micah in the Southern Kingdom.
He was the great-great grandson of King Hezekiah and therefore, of royal blood. He was, like Isaiah, a prophet of the royal court.
He was the final prophet called to the Southern Kingdom before its fall to Babylon. He was not only a prophet, but also a Levitical chorister in the Temple Choir.
Built Nineveh and the Tower of Babel, and was the founder of the world wide false religious systems of Mystery Babylon.
Known as the Weeping Prophet. His name means “Jehovah hurls down” or “Jehovah establishes a foundation.”
Jeremiah’s secretary.
The most persecuted of all the Old Testament prophets. He was hated by his countrymen because they wrongly saw him as a traitor because of his message that Judah would be defeated because of God’s judgment and therefore should surrender to Babylon to avoid their own destruction.
Began his ministry during the reign of godly king Josiah, Judah’s last ray of hope. He then ministered through the wicked reigns of Judah’s final four wicked kings.
The final righteous king of Judah and led the nation’s last revival.
The oldest brother of Jehoahaz and son of Josiah. He was appointed as vassal king of Pharaoh Necho.
Violently opposed to Jeremiah and took a pen knife to the scroll of the book of Jeremiah, burning the Word of God one page at a time.
Another son of Josiah, he was appointed as Babylon’s vassal king. He was a weak and vacillating coward who listened closely to, but did not heed Jeremiah’s counsel.
He was a Babylonian appointed Governor of Judah after its fall. He was later assassinated.
Ruled as Governor after Gedaliah and, against Jeremiah’s warnings, attempted to flee with a Jewish remnant to Egypt taking Jeremiah with them as their prisoner.