Pentateuch Midterm True or False Questions Flashcards
Quiz 1 True or False? The Hebrew old testament is divided into four sections.
Quiz 1 True or False? Jesus taught that the Pentateuch was everlasting.
Quiz 1 True or False? Moses lived for 120 years.
Quiz 1 True or False? In Genesis 1:1 the noun “God” is singular and the verb “created” is plural.
Quiz 1 True or False? The phrase “without form and void” most likely implies chaos and evil.
Quiz 2 True or False? Prior to the the flood it rarely rained upon the earth.
Quiz 2 True or False? We do not know where Adam was when the serpent tempted Eve.
Quiz 2 True or False? Adam did not name his wife Eve until after they sinned against God.
Quiz 2 True or False? After the fall God expelled Adam and Eve from the garden and placed a cherub and a flaming sword to protect the tree of life.
Quiz 2 True or False? Cain brought an offering of his crops while Able brought an offering of the firstlings of his flock.
Quiz 2 True or False? The mark placed upon Cain was most likely dark skin.
Quiz 2 True or False? Noah was not only told to build an ark but also to get enough food for the ark to support his family and the animals.
Quiz 3 True or False? Abram and Sarai traveled to Egypt on account of a famine in the land.
Quiz 3 True or False? Abram and Sarai shared the same mother and not the same Father.
Quiz 3 True or False? Abram refused to take anything from the king of Sodom so that no one could say that Abram gave him his possessions.