Pentateuch Flashcards
First Book of Moses
Second book of Moses
Third book of Moses
Fourth book of Moses
Fifth book of Moses
How many chapters in Genesis?
What was created on day one?
Light, designation of Day and Night
Genesis 1: 1-5
What was created on second day?
Firmament, heavens or atmosphere separating the waters above and below it.
Genesis 1: 6-8
What was created on the third day?
The dry land and seas; having gathered the waters under the heavens together in one place. Grass, herb, and fruit tree.
Genesis 1:9 -13
What was created on the fourth day?
Stars for signs and seasons, for days and years.
Sun (the greater light) to rule the day, and the Moon (the lesser light) to rule the night.
Genesis 1:14-19
What was created on the fifth day?
Fish of the sea and the birds of the air.
Genesis 1: 20-23
What was created on the sixth day?
Creatures of the earth (cattle, creeping thing and beast) each according to its kind.
Humans (male and female)
Genesis 1: 24-31
What happened on the seventh day of creation?
The creation of all the hosts of the heavens and earth were finished. God rested (not from fatigue but because of His accomplishment).
Genesis 2: 1-3
What does the word translated “created” mean?
The verb is in the singular and means “to fashion anew.” In Genesis 1:1 it means God (in the plural) renewed what was in a chaotic state. God changed what was chaos into cosmos, disorder into order, and emptiness into fullness.
The Five Books of Moses
The Pentateuch
Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy