Pentacles Flashcards

Pentacles interpretation and reversals


Ace of Pentacles


Introduction: The Ace of Pentacles is likely to find you enjoying a new beginning on several levels, and this is a very positive new beginning. Your health and vitality is likely to be at a high point. The appearance of this card is usually the sign of a turn for the better in terms of fortune and wealth, and sometimes it can even indicate gifts of money, or inheritance from unexpected sources but it certainly doesn’t mean that someone has to pass over for you to receive this inheritance.
General: You are likely to be feeling optimistic, upbeat, and hopeful about your future. Things should be going well, in general. You could well be starting something new very soon, this could be in the realm of work or personally, but either way, it’s a good thing.
Work: You may be moving to a new position or a new set of responsibilities. If you’re wondering whether or not to leave your current position, this card is an encouraging one to see. This new position may happen whether you are looking for it or not. Either way, this is good news.
Love: If you are currently in a committed relationship, it may well rise to new and better heights soon. You will re-connect. If you’re looking for love, this is a very positive time to get out and meet people, something new could start that is very promising in terms of love. Be prepared. Think positively. Have fun.
Finances: Money is looking to be much more available for you when the Ace of Pentacles appears. You are likely to be able to pay off debts and there will even be an ability to share your wealth with those less fortunate than you. This is not a time to spend everything you get, however. Plan for a rainy day.

Introduction: The reversed Ace of Pentacles can indicate that you are worrying too much about money. Yes, we all need to pay attention to our finances, but to be overly concerned can steal our capacity for happiness in the present moment. Count your blessings. Do what you can, and leave the rest to the universe.
General: The time may be approaching that will call you to go out into the world in a different and bigger way to make a living. Don’t avoid this, just do it. You will do fine. Don’t let yourself get mired in jealousy about other people’s finances.
Work: When you draw the reversed Ace of Pentacles, you may need to consider asking for more responsibility at work or a promotion. If you’re thinking about leaving your current position, this card tells you that leaving is likely to be a very good thing. All in all, the reversed Ace says good things are (or will soon be) happening on the work front.
Love: The reversed Ace carries a warning to look out for possible issues of greed and jealousy if you are currently in a committed relationship. Don’t compare yourselves to each other, be a team. If you are looking for love, this is a clear signal that the time may be drawing near that you could meet someone wonderful, either through your work or theirs. Be friendly, and get out and mingle.
Finances: When the reversed Ace of Pentacles appears, it’s important that you don’t allow yourself to think too negatively about money. Yes, other people have more, but your finances are generally stable and are going to stay stable when this card appears. Think positively, and make the best of what you have.

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2 of Pentacles


Introduction: The 2 of Pentacles is a card about balance, often also about partnership. You are likely to be trying to keep two broad areas of life (money and health, love and work, etc.) in balance. This card is generally considered to be a positive omen.
General: Two main issues are foremost in your mind. You may need to pull back from trying to pay attention to quite so many things. Multi-tasking is not your friend now, you may need to cut down on the things you are doing in order to focus on your two main priorities. Your financial situation may need to be more balanced, be sure that you are paying attention there.
Work: You may need to consider taking a risk. You can limit the chance you will need to take, but you cannot fully prevent being somewhat exposed. Don’t run around like a chicken with your head cut off. Focus on just two main tasks at most. If you’re looking for work, find two main prospects and do your homework on these, rather than blanketing potential work situations with applications.
Love: If you’re currently in a committed relationship, you and your sweetheart may be having trouble finding time and energy for each other. Make sure that your relationship remains high on your priority list, otherwise it won’t be there when you come back for it. If you’re looking for love, don’t tell yourself that you are ready if you are truly NOT ready for a relationship. You don’t have to be perfect first, but you do have to be willing to create the time, space, and energy to put into romance.
Finances: Pay attention to the bottom line, be sure that you know where you are financially. You may need to get things in balance, e.g. either spending less or bringing in more money in order to build a sounder financial future. This is a good time to invest (wisely.) This is not necessarily a great time to spend or speculate financially.

Introduction: The 2 of Pentacles reversed can indicate that you have a lot that you are trying to juggle, and can be a signal that you may need a break; even a short break of some kind is preferable to ongoing, unremitting stress.
General: If you are feeling like “it’s all too much,” and that you just can’t deal with all the things on your plate, it’s important to pay attention to those feelings. Get help if you need it, as we are all in this life together, or give yourself at least a short bit of breathing space. You will go back to things renewed.
Work: Although the reversed 2 of Pentacles is generally a good card, the demands at work may have become a bit overwhelming. Don’t over-commit, it is better to do a couple of things thoroughly and well than to do many things badly. If possible, consider some time off. If looking for work, focus. Solicit companies which are well suited to your background, rather than just applying to everything at random.
Love: The 2 of Pentacles in reverse carries many of the same concerns in a love context as it does upright. If you are currently in a committed relationship, other concerns may be pulling your attention away from your beloved. Be sure that your partner knows how much you care and how much you appreciate them. If you are looking for love, be sure that you are not fooling yourself about how ready you really are for a deep relationship to come into your life. If you are constantly filling all your time with work or with distractions, there may not be room in your life for a partner. Evaluate.
Finances: This card in reverse tells you to watch out that you aren’t “Robbing Peter to Pay Paul.” You need to be sure that you are living within your means, and to do that, you have to know what your incomings and outgoings actually are. If you need help getting to the bottom line on this, ask for it. You cannot afford to ignore your finances and assume everything will be fine.

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3 Of Pentacles


Introduction: The 3 of Pentacles is a very positive card, particularly with regard to work and career questions, but it’s a good overall omen that you are in general, doing well.
General: The 3 of Pentacles tells you that the people around you appreciate you and your efforts, and notice the quality of what you do, even if you don’t get a paycheck. The Three tells you to keep doing what you’re doing as you are on the right track (although there is always room for improvement.) You don’t need to scrap something and start again.
Work: This is an extremely positive omen with regard to work and career questions. It tells you that your work is appreciated and generally well regarded, which is always a good place to find yourself. Similarly, if you are seeking employment, this card hints that you can expect success fairly quickly.
Love: In a love question, the 3 of Pentacles is a good omen. Particularly if you already know someone that you are interested in, this tells you that they see you in a positive light, as someone who has the qualities that they are looking for, although love has not quite developed yet. So there is a need for patience. If you’re unattached but looking for love, this card indicates that you are likely to meet someone through your work or through theirs. Keep your eyes open!
Finances: The 3 of Pentacles is a very good omen with regard to money; it can mean that your proverbial “ship is coming in,” though it carries with it the clear caveat that you still must do your part. This is not a card about windfalls, it’s a card about fair remuneration for the work that you have done and the quality of it. Keep a positive attitude, keep plugging along, and the rewards will come. Things are looking up.

Introduction: The reversed 3 of Pentacles is generally a positive card, particularly with regard to work and career questions, but it carries the warning that this is not the time to allow yourself to slack off.
General: Work is very much a focus when the 3 of Pentacles reversed is in the picture. It’s an important time to give your best, not settle for the simplest solution. If you do, you are likely to find yourself with much success.
Work: Provided you don’t suddenly start producing lousy or inferior work, you should find that you are more successful in the “marketplace” when the reversed 3 of Pentacles is in the spread. Do not allow yourself to give in to any feelings of jealousy or pettiness. Take the higher road.
Love: In a love question, the reversed 3 of Pentacles is a good omen. If you are looking to add to your family, this is a time when fertility can be higher than usual. If you’re looking for love, this is a good time to meet people (particularly through your work) however, beware a tendency to be overly subservient or to behave as though you are “less than” the potential love partners you are meeting. Hold your head up high!
Finances: Money should be going well (or be about to go well for you ) when the reversed 3 of Pentacles is part of your spread. However, you need to not just expect “pennies from heaven.” How well you do financially will be in direct proportion to how hard you have worked and how much you have tried. Don’t grovel, but do ask for what you deserve.

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4 Of Pentacles


Introduction: The 4 of Pentacles can be a card about holding on to things, people, money, or situations longer than is healthy or realistic. When this card appears in a reading, it’s a sure sign that you must look carefully at what you are clinging to, and whether others are clinging to you in an unhealthy way. Relax.
General: In general, the 4 of Pentacles can point to anxiety/fear about money and/or a clinging to whatever it is that makes the querent feel secure. The key here is to try to realize that being anxious and grasping does NOT bring security. If any card in the Tarot relates to the old saying about “If you love something set it free…” this is the one.
Work: With regard to work questions, the 4 of Pentacles says that you may be doing something you don’t like just because it’s putting food on the table. Jobs and situations such as this have their place, but to better your situation, you must elevate your spiritual understanding and belief in yourself. What would it take to be in a situation work wise that fulfills you? What steps would have to be made to get yourself there? Believe that such a thing is possible, then start making it happen.
Love: The 4 of Pentacles is a card about fear, basically, when it comes to love. Either you are holding on far too tight to a situation or lover, or someone is attempting to do that to you. This clinging is not healthy. True love allows for space between the lovers, and no matter what, one can never really control another person. If you are single and think that you are ready for a relationship, realize that you will undoubtedly have to step outside your comfort zone to make it happen. True love will not just drop out of the sky.
Finances: You have some understandable anxiety about money and are trying to hold on to every penny. There is a fine line between fear-based grasping and being accountable and deliberate about where your money goes. You can break this grip of fear by reminding yourself that no matter what your circumstances, there is someone who is less fortunate than you are. Try giving a little, with an open heart, even if it’s 25 cents. Often this can open up the flow of prosperity and bring even more financial security back to you. We are all in this life together.

Introduction: The 4 of Pentacles reversed often implies that you are holding on to things, people, money, or situations far more than you should for your own well-being and peace of mind. It’s time to relax and to remember that you cannot control what others choose to do. We all have free will. Focus on your own choices.
General: When the 4 of Pentacles is reversed, it can mean that the querent will move quickly through the fear-based clinging they have been exhibiting and suddenly learn to be more open, more generous, and more aware that fear solves nothing. Making a point to think positively will help.
Work: With regard to work questions, the 4 of Pentacles reversed implies that you are far too worried about the safety and security of your job. This is understandable in the light of the current global economic uncertainty, but it can be counterproductive to worry so much, as it can actually make your work suffer. Think positively and focus on producing the best work that you can.
Love: The 4 of Pentacles reversed is a card about fear, when it comes to love. However, the reversal can mean that you are about to let go of the fear, and finally open yourself up in a way that is real, and which will give your relationship a fighting chance. If you are looking for love and get the reversed 4 of Pentacles, it is telling you to not let fear of rejection hold you back. Reach out, mingle, get to know people. You have to be open for love to come to you, and being full of fear is not helpful.
Finances: When the reversed 4 of Pentacles appears, it can show that you are finally getting beyond your worries about money, because you will have realized that your worry isn’t helping you. You can make a difference in your financial situation, if you let go of your fear and get moving.

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5 Of Pentacles


Introduction: The 5 of Pentacles can point to a time when life is feeling less than secure. The important thing to remember is that there is always help available when we need it, from forces both seen and unseen. You may feel alone, but you have the capacity to change that. Reach out.
General: In general, the 5 of Pentacles points to a feeling of being left out in the cold, as though everyone else in the world has everything and you are the only one that is suffering. Realize that this is not the case. Do the best you can, with what you have, but remember that the wise thing to do, if one needs help, is to go out and ask for it. The help you need will come.
Work: Work can be either burdensome or non-existent when this card appears, and you may be feeling stuck. Know that you do not have to stay in a situation that is not healthy or workable for you, have faith in yourself and the universe that changes are possible. You don’t have to do everything all on your own. If you need a new position, ask everyone you know for possibilities. Things will get better. Have faith!
Love: The 5 of Pentacles is not a particularly happy indicator when it comes to love questions, unfortunately. You may have your eye on someone who you feel is not treating you the way they should. It may be that you need to stop fantasizing about this person entirely. This card can be very much a card of feeling left out in the cold. It’s important to remember that there is never only one person that we can be with and have a soul-level, happy, meaningful relationship. When love is right, you don’t have to do back flips to make it work. Broaden your horizons and try hard to think positively. You are not an unlovable troll.
Finances: You may feel as though all is lost with regard to money. Take a deep breath and re-think. You are not all alone with no help, even if you don’t know anyone at all in your immediate surroundings. Reconsider things, skills, and situations, that you may have dismissed. If you need financial help, don’ t be too proud to ask for it. There is always something that can be done to put food on the table. This period is temporary. Be sure you are getting good, workable advice.

Introduction: The 5 of Pentacles reversed can point to a time when you are about to move from feeling not very secure into feeling safer. Whether it’s because you’ve realized the time has come to reach out to others, or because you are beginning to see some concrete new prospects, this is a very good thing.
General: In general, the reversed 5 of Pentacles says that in the recent past you may have felt “left out in the cold,” as though everyone but you had everything made in the shade - but that feeling is passing. Your confidence should be beginning to renew now. Trust any reasons you’re feeling for being upbeat.
Work: You may be moving beyond a place of feeling stuck when this card appears; new opportunities may suddenly be on the horizon. Don’t hesitate, move forward with confidence. Yes, the period just behind you may have been a bit bleak, but that doesn’t mean that the future will be bleak, too. Think positively and go after what you want and need.
Love: For reasons unseen, you may feel something that has been holding you back sort of breaking free. Suddenly, you feel more open to love, more able to take the chance of being vulnerable, and when this happens, almost magically, you may find yourself receiving more love. Be open. If you’re already committed, the relationship may suddenly draw closer and become more pleasing. The only problem this card can point to is if your relationship has been built on “it’s us against the cold, cruel world.” to survive, if you have that attitude, that must change.
Finances: Especially if you’ve been worried about money, it seems as though the worry is about to lift. Something comes through that allows you to breath easier. You will finally know, through and through, that you are going to be all right financially. Just do your part, and don’t hesitate to ask for help or advice if you need it.

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6 Of Pentacles


Introduction: The 6 of Pentacles is often a sign of a turn for the better, particularly with regard to money. It’s one of the more positive Pentacles cards. It speaks of equality, fairness, and the cyclical nature of life. When this card appears, you are likely to be heading into a positive cycle.
General: The 6 of Pentacles is often a card about generosity, meaning that you are either about to be the beneficiary or the giver of something with value. Share what you have as there is always someone who needs it. This generosity does not have to be fiscal, of course; a listening ear, spiritual support, etc. is often far more important than anything money can buy. Don’t be too proud to accept what is offered, if you are the intended recipient.
Work: You may find things going much better at work, almost out of the blue. A powerful person is likely to support you. This card indicates that this is a good time to ask for a raise or to seek employment that pays more if you are so inclined. On the whole, your work/career front is looking up. If you are seeking funding through a bank, for your own business, this card is a signal that you may be more successful than you had imagined. Go for it.
Love: If you are already in a committed relationship, the 6 of Pentacles points to a happy, generous, fair and balanced relationship for at least a while. Allow your beloved to give to you (whether that’s in the material or spiritual realm,) and at the same time, make sure that you are doing your fair share of giving to the relationship. If you are unattached but looking, when this card shows up, you are likely to meet someone new who is positive, kind, and generous. This may come about via an introduction from someone you know. Make sure you let people know that you are “looking” for a partner.
Finances: The 6 of Pentacles is a particularly good omen for financial questions. It doesn’t point to windfalls like a lottery win, more like fiscal generosity that comes to you because you have worked your way into deserving it. More money is very likely to be coming your way. Equally, this shows a need for you to share what you have financially. What goes around, comes around.

Introduction: The 6 of Pentacles reversed can mean that you are not aware of the potential sources of assistance that are available to you. You may be feeling like you can do everything on your own. This would be a mistake. Don’t be too proud or too stubborn to allow others to help you.
General: The 6 of Pentacles reversed is still very often a card about generosity, but in this case, you may not be seeing the generosity available to you nor the capacity that you have to be generous to others. Open your eyes and realize that to not accept the help that is there for you is much like cutting off your nose to spite your face; also realize that there is much more to generosity than just giving money.
Work: It is important to be generous at work with your time, attention, and information when this card appears. This will make the work smoother (and happier) for you and for everyone concerned. Trying to keep work oriented things totally to and for yourself is a mistake now. Open up. Be friendly. Things are not as cutthroat as you may be thinking.
Love: If you are looking for love, you may need to open yourself up more. Sometimes we think we are open when in truth we are not. Yes, it’s good to be independent, but taken to extremes this can alienate potential partners. If you are in a committed relationship that is not seeming to be going well, try giving more, instead of expecting more to be given to you.
Finances: The reversed 6 of Pentacles can mean that financial increase is available to you - but not in the way you expect. Look around you and consider other ways that you might be able to make more money. Should you start a business on the side? Can you cut down on your expenditures? Above all, if you need help, ask for it.

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7 Of Pentacles


Introduction: The 7 of Pentacles is very often a card about returns on investments. This can be literal such as a bank account returning money to you, or figuratively, such as the investments of time, effort, and energy that you have put into a relationship. You will be reaping what you have sown. This is generally positive.
General: In general, you should be feeling more secure than you have in a while. Things will be moving along well, and you’ll be feeling hopeful about the future - with good cause. You may have to decide whether to put your energy into the things, people, and situations that you already are involved with, or whether to spend your energy trying to bring more into your life. Choose wisely.
Work: Your work is likely to be going smoothly and you will be reaping the rewards of past efforts - what is happening now or in the immediate future will be a direct result of what you have done in the past. Your finances are likely to be flowing well - you may not be “rolling” in money but you will certainly have enough to get by, and then some.
Love: With regard to love, the 7 of Pentacles points to things going well for the person that you have your heart set on. If you are not in a committed relationship, you need to be open to other possibilities, however. None of us have just one person that is the ONLY person that we can be with and have a deep, soulful, happy relationship. Don’t give in to feelings of suspicion or fear. All is well.
Finances: This card is an excellent omen for finances. You are likely to have invested wisely, either in terms of traditional investments or in terms of your time and energy. This is not a time to gamble, however. Being conservative and thoughtful about where you put your resources (especially new-found resources) is key.

Introduction: The 7 of Pentacles, whether upright or reversed, is usually in some way about a “returns on investment.” You are likely to find (whether you are feeling good about things at the moment or not) that you are to some degree getting back what you have given out in the past.
General: The reversed 7 of Pentacles points to a need for you to get real clear, right now, about what success means to you and about what your goals will look like when they are met. This is not the time to allow your goals to be amorphous. If they are, you will never meet them. Be specific.
Work: When you draw the reversed 7, you may be finding yourself feeling more and more dissatisfied with your current work. If that is the case, take the time and effort to figure out why this is, specifically. Be open minded about things that can change in your current situation (this may need to include that YOU need to change.) You may not need to leave your job. Think critically and charitably about others.
Love: It’s important when you get this card in reverse in the context of love, that you realize that no relationship, and no person, is perfect. Neither are you, no matter how hard you try. If you are looking for love and continually coming up empty, consider the possibility that you have an unrealistic, idealized idea of what the “right” partner for you looks like. Real love goes well beyond superficial appearances.
Finances: The reversed 7 of Pentacles is a signal that you should get precise and specific about your financial goals. “To have a comfortable retirement” is not a clear goal. “To have $3,000 per month to live on every month until I am 100,” is more the sort of thing. Think ahead.

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8 Of Pentacles


Introduction: The 8 of Pentacles can indicate a period of very hard work. This does not have to be a negative thing, but you must be prepared for it. Think about what it is that you are working for. This work can be personal or professional. Be prepared to ask for help if you need it.
General: : The 8 of Pentacles in general points to necessary efforts. You will have a lot on your plate that you must accomplish. Dedication to the tasks at hand is important (and admirable,) but working for its own sake can be counterproductive. Be clear on what you are trying to accomplish. Strive for balance. No one can or should work all the time.
Work: If you are seeking employment, this card can indicate that you will be hired into a new position that tests your skills and is demanding. Have faith in yourself, that you can do what is needed to be successful in the position. If you are currently working, you may be saddled with far more responsibility and tasks than can be accomplished well. Don’t hesitate to request assistance from supervisors with prioritizing. You can only do so much; be realistic.
Love: If you are currently committed, your workload or that of your partner may be interfering with the relationship. Make a point to make time and space for the relationship regardless of your jobs, otherwise things will suffer. If you are looking for love, the appearance of this card often tells us that you are actually too focused on money and what you do for a living to really create space in your life for a new relationship. Consider your priorities and where your time and energy goes. If you want love, make sure you have room for it.
Finances: The 8 of Pentacles can tell you that you may receive financial assistance that you have been waiting for or hoping for. However, you don’t want to squander these resources. Be cautious and circumspect. Think long-term. This is not a time to gamble. Money coming to you now comes as a result of work, not luck.

Introduction: Whether you’re in the mood to put your “nose to the grindstone” or not, the reversed 8 of Pentacles tells you that in order to be successful and happy in the near future, you are going to have to play your part. Everyone fantasizes about “get rich schemes,” but the truth is, as they say, there is no free lunch. Do your part. You will be glad that you did.
Work: If you draw the reversed 8 of Pentacles and are seeking employment, be prepared to impress prospective employers with what a hard worker you are/can be, and be prepared to back up your statements. If you are already employed, it’s possible that you may be asked to do more than is humanly possible. Give it your best and then some; before you will be given help, you are likely to have to show that you are doing 110% and it’s not possible for one person to do all that needs to be done. Trying to avoid tasks, now, however, can get you fired.
Love: The reversed 8 of Pentacles can show in a current relationship that one or both of you may not be prepared to do the “work” that is necessary to maintain a happy and fulfilling relationship. Rethink this. Relationships are not a parking lot, people do not just form a relationship or marriage and live happily ever after. On the other hand, you are the only part of the equation that you can control. Do your part, and then see what happens. If you’re looking for love, you are going to have to work to find it. Don’t just sit home and imagine it falling out of the sky. Build your own happy, fulfilling life, and get out and meet people, if you really want love in your life. Don’t fool yourself that it will just magically happen.
Finances: The reversed 8 of Pentacles can warn us about being slightly delusional about money. There’s no harm in dreaming, but don’t count on the lottery to fix your financial problems. Be willing to work. Be patient. They say “good things come to those who wait” but it should really be “good things come to those who work - and wait.” Nearly every “overnight success” was actually years in the making.

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9 Of Pentacles


Introduction: The 9 of Pentacles is one of the most uplifting and encouraging omens in the suit. This can mean that your financial worries are over for a while, and that things in general will be going better than you thought possible. Enjoy this good energy, and share your wealth and happiness with others.
General: The 9 of Pentacles points to happiness and success. This is on both the mundane and the inner realms. You will have a great deal to be proud of and hopeful about. Expect the best to happen. You’ll be in the position to help those less fortunate than yourself. Pay attention not only to your material abundance but also to your spirituality.
Work: If you’re looking for a position, the 9 of Pentacles could well point to a better job coming your way than you would have thought possible. Even if you’re currently employed, expect a change for the better, both in terms of your circumstances and your pay. You’ll have a lot to be grateful for.
Love: The 9 of pentacles is an excellent omen with regard to love, also. If you’re currently committed, you can expect the relationship to raise to new heights of intimacy and joy. If you’re unattached and looking, this card tells you that someone new who has what it takes to be a new, meaningful, deep love, could be headed your way very soon. Smile. The world loves a lover.
Finances: When evaluating your finances, you must also look at your riches in other ways. Are you healthy, with a good family life? This too counts among the things that you must put in your books. On a more mundane level, your financial cycle is likely to improve, perhaps beyond your wildest dreams. Work hard. You will be rewarded. Share what you have. This too is key.

Introduction: The 9 of Pentacles is one of the most uplifting and encouraging omens in the suit. This can mean that your financial worries are over for a while, and that things in general will be going better than you thought possible. Enjoy this good energy, and share your wealth and happiness with others.
General: The 9 of Pentacles points to happiness and success. This is on both the mundane and the inner realms. You will have a great deal to be proud of and hopeful about. Expect the best to happen. You’ll be in the position to help those less fortunate than yourself. Pay attention not only to your material abundance but also to your spirituality.
Work: If you’re looking for a position, the 9 of Pentacles could well point to a better job coming your way than you would have thought possible. Even if you’re currently employed, expect a change for the better, both in terms of your circumstances and your pay. You’ll have a lot to be grateful for.
Love: The 9 of pentacles is an excellent omen with regard to love, also. If you’re currently committed, you can expect the relationship to raise to new heights of intimacy and joy. If you’re unattached and looking, this card tells you that someone new who has what it takes to be a new, meaningful, deep love, could be headed your way very soon. Smile. The world loves a lover.
Finances: When evaluating your finances, you must also look at your riches in other ways. Are you healthy, with a good family life? This too counts among the things that you must put in your books. On a more mundane level, your financial cycle is likely to improve, perhaps beyond your wildest dreams. Work hard. You will be rewarded. Share what you have. This too is key.

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10 Of Pentacles


Introduction: The 10 of Pentacles is a very positive omen. It can mean that your material wishes will be met – perhaps to a degree that you would not have thought possible, and that in general, things will be going exceedingly well for you. Security in all forms is at a high ebb.
General: The 10 of Pentacles in general says that you have a great deal to be thankful for. Relationships of all kinds, finance, health, all should be going well. Consider how you got to this happy situation. Make the best of it, and be sure to share what you have, even if it’s only a kind word spoken to someone in need. We get back what we give out.
Work: A raise in pay or a better position may come to you out of the blue when the Ten of Pentacles appears. You are very likely to enjoy this new situation. This is also an excellent omen when you are looking for work. Just the right position, at just the right pay, is likely to be made yours if you keep trying. Under no circumstances should you give up. Things are on the upswing, even if you see no concrete signs of this yet.
Love: The 10 of Pentacles is a very happy indicator with regard to love. If you are currently committed, this card can mean that you will move to the next level; living together, engagement, marriage, childbirth, all can be indicated by this card. For a time, you are likely to have a peaceful, happy period in your love life. Enjoy it, and make sure your beloved knows how much they mean to you. If you’re not in a relationship, this card can mean that a new love may come into your life so fast it makes your head spin. Be open.
Finances: When the 10 of Pentacles appears, the answer to any financial question is likely to be a resounding and upbeat “yes.” Money should be flowing better than it has done for a while. You should have more than enough money to meet your needs. Invest in your future and save some of what is coming in now.

Introduction: Even reversed, the 10 of Pentacles is generally a very positive omen. This is not, however, a time to gamble with your security and things that are important to you; in other words, don’t take silly chances.
General: The reversed 10 of Pentacles in general says that you have a great deal to be happy about, but you need to beware a sense of boredom, which often comes about when people are actually at peace. Don’t shake things up for the sake of it. Count your blessings, at all levels.
Work: You may be tempted to leave a stable and lucrative situation on a bit of a whim when the 10 of Pentacles reversed comes up in a work reading. Think long and hard before doing so. Yes, life is about taking chances, but don’t take blind chances. If you are looking for work when this card appears, beware people that talk a good game and scammers. You shouldn’t have to pay money to get a job.
Love: The reversed 10 of Pentacles is still a very positive indicator with regard to love. However, if you find yourself feeling bored in a long-time committed relationship, be careful before you get yourself out of it; think long and hard first. It may just be that you need to take a new approach, try new things together, and/or talk about the way that you are feeling. If you are looking for love, and are single, this is a time to get out and meet people; you are likely to find that your good, upbeat energy is coming through you, and that people are naturally attracted to you.
Finances: When the 10 of Pentacles reversed appears, you will need to be especially thoughtful and cautious in your financial dealings. Things that may seem like a good idea on the surface may turn out to be less lucrative than you anticipated. Invest carefully. Watch where you put your trust.

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Page Of Pentacles


Introduction: The Page of Pentacles can be a card about boredom, in some ways. You may be tempted to say or do things to shake things and people up just for a little excitement. Rethink this impulse, and find a better use of your energy. Excitement can be created.
General: In general the Page of Pentacles is excellent energy to support you when you have somewhat tedious work to get accomplished. The Page can give you focus, backbone, and the wherewithal to stick with a task that is not necessarily glamorous or fun. Don’t try to sidestep effort, or you will fall on your face.
Work: The Page can indicate more work to be done than there is time to do it. Don’t despair, just roll up your sleeves and get busy. The news in general is good, but you may be feeling overwhelmed and unexcited. Remember slow and steady wins the race. If you need help to get things done, don’t hesitate to go out and find the assistance. It’s there for you.
Love: If you’re in a committed relationship when this card appears, it may have lost some of its luster. That doesn’t have to mean a death knell, but it does mean that action and discussion is necessary. To create change, you must be honest about how you are feeling. If you are unattached, and can’t seem to meet someone new, look carefully at what you’re holding in your heart. You may still be attached to an ex, and may need to let go before you can expect to move forward.
Finances: With regard to finances, the Page of Pentacles points to rewards for good, old-fashioned hard work. This is not a time to gamble or to be unrealistic. This is a time to put an honest appraisal on the value of your skills and efforts. If you aren’t being fairly compensated, now might be the time to make a change. Invest, don’t spend. Choose traditional, safe investments for now.

Introduction: The reversed Page of Pentacles can be a card about the need for focus. You are very likely to be easily distracted now. Do your best to do one thing at a time, and keep your mind where it needs to be.
General: In general the reversed Page of Pentacles can mean that you either must work harder to keep your energy and mind from going off on non-helpful tangents; or that you need to give yourself a break from your usual routine. If it’s possible, even a long weekend to recharge your batteries can help you come back renewed, refreshed, and more effective.
Work: The reversed Page can indicate that you have a very heavy workload and you may be absolutely overwhelmed. If that’s the case, you must not try to ignore that fact, but seek help in whatever way is possible. It’s better to ask for help than to not complete what needs to be done. You are not all on your own, though you may feel that way.
Love: You may find yourself with a wandering eye when this card appears, even if you are in a solid, happy, committed relationship. Think about how to best handle this. Realize that if you are dishonest with your partner, you may well lose them completely. Find ways to put a “spark” back into your relationship if you want to keep it. If you are single and interested in someone when this card appears, it generally means that neither one of you is truly ready to settle down. That’s okay, just have some sensible fun with it and see where things go.
Finances: You may feel like playing, and gambling now, rather than being responsible. It’s not that you can’t do this at all (unless you have a gambling problem) it’s that you should do this in a controlled, responsible manner. Don’t play with more than you can afford to lose. The lottery is not an investment strategy. Give yourself limits.

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Knight Of Pentacles


Introduction: The Knight of Pentacles points to messages, often with regard to money and finance. You are likely to finally receive news that you’ve been waiting on, and this news is likely to be good. This Knight is a very practical card. The news in question is unlikely to be that you’ve won the lottery.
General: The Knight tells us to pay attention to the mundane and normal parts of our lives. A wise man once said, “Take care of the little things, and the big things will all fall into place.” The Knight of Pentacles asks you to look at how you are handling your affairs, and is a grounding influence.
Work: Now is not the time to suggest an overthrow of the traditional ways of doing things. You must work within existing systems and accomplish what people expect you to accomplish. If you are looking for work this can be a good omen that the position you need is forthcoming, but warns that in interviews, etc., that you will need to come across as dependable and even-keeled, as they are unlikely to be looking for mavericks now.
Love: With regard to love, this card points to the responsibility and duty that is part of any love relationship. Love is not all wine and roses; true love is a willingness to work together to get through any rough spots and to work on the relationship. How well are you meeting your responsibilities? If you are looking for love when you draw this card, it’s a clear signal that you need to vary your routine and try new things if you want to meet someone. Your usual haunts leave something to be desired.
Finances: When the Knight of Pentacles appears with regard to finances, it tells you that money will be coming in very soon, and that it could come from anywhere – a raise, a lottery win, an inheritance – quite literally anything. Regardless, keep your nose to the grindstone and don’t bet more than you can afford to lose.

Introduction: The reversed Knight of Pentacles can carry a warning that this is an important time to keep your focus squarely on your work, if you are working for money. This is a time to be as adult as possible, if you want to be successful.
General: Although you may be feeling somewhat listless and rather unexcited about what is going on in your life, it’s important to realize that the only person that can change that is you. Learn something new. Open yourself up to change, but don’t throw the proverbial baby out with the bathwater.
Work: No matter what the configuration is of your working life (working for yourself, working at a job, etc.) it is tremendously important when you pull the reversed Knight of Pentacles that you do your best to appear focused, hardworking, and methodical about your work. Slacking off now for any reason can create a major loss in your life work-wise. Pay attention.
Love: The reversed Knight of Pentacles can show that you’re feeling more than a little bored with your love life. The major way to handle this is through communication if you are in a committed relationship. Most people are not mind-readers; ask for what you want and need, and you may well get it. If you are looking for love, this is not the time to “settle down.” It’s far better to let any prospective partners to know, up front, in so many words, that you are looking for a good time right now, and are in an exploration mode. Allow yourself to have fun, but be honest with yourself and others.Nobody but you can make your life “exciting.”
Finances: If you work hard, and accomplish what you need to accomplish, your financial situation should be stable, at least. Do the best you can with what you have. This is not the time to gamble–at all.

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Queen Of Pentacles


Introduction: The Queen of Pentacles, like all the court cards, often stands in for an actual person in your life. In that regard, she would represent a woman, likely with dark hair and dark eyes. However this is not always the case, as these cards can also represent energetic influences in our lives. The energy of the Queen of Pentacles is normally quite archetypically feminine; hearth, home, motherhood.
General: This card can indicate that you will be spending time, money, and energy on your home, getting it to be more comfortable. This is a good thing, provided you don’t take on too much debt. People will be looking to you for insight and/or advice. You will be able to help them, if you are so inclined. This is a time period when you can get a lot accomplished.
Work: You are likely to make great headway now. A woman with dark hair and/or eyes may play a significant role in your working life; if so, know that she is an ally for you. If possible, bring items from your home life into your work situation. This will help you to feel more “at home” there, and will likely make you more effective.
Love: In the context of love, this is a very feminine card, and also points to strategy, particularly for those who are not currently involved with anyone. The strategy to find love is the stereotypical feminine one; don’t chase it, make yourself available, but do not be desperate to bring someone new into your romantic life. When the time is right, that will be made abundantly clear to you, and you won’t have to do back flips to make something come about. Be upbeat, and know that you have many things in you which are worth loving.
Finances: The Queen of Pentacles is an excellent omen when it comes to money. Your prosperity level is very likely to be increasing. Don’t hesitate to spend some of your new-found wealth. Saving is important, but enjoying your life when you have the means to do so is also important. Share what you have when you can.

Introduction: The reversed Queen of Pentacles reminds us to stay in touch with the beautiful, simple things in life which are all around us. Find joy in the simple things: a sunset, a child’s laughter, a good meal. This will help you keep your center.
General: Sometimes this card refers to a dark-haired woman who is likely to play an important role in your life in some way. The reversed Queen, however, more often appears to energies in our lives which need to be paid attention to, and in this context, it’s mainly the issues around the home and what “home” means to you.
Work: With regard to work, try hard to keep in mind what it is that is enjoyable, even in the slightest, about what you do. Sometimes when the reversed Queen of Pentacles appears, the only thing which you can control, or enjoy, in your working environment, is your attitude. If you cannot enjoy your work directly, see if you can bring some sort of enjoyment to the people around you. This can be a path to fulfillment as you are deciding what your next move work-wise will be.
Love: In the context of love, even reversed, this is a very feminine card. It points to a need to focus on your home life, whether or not you are currently involved with anyone, and that to do so can improve your love life immeasurably. If you are single and seeking love, it is particularly important that you take the time and trouble to create for yourself a “home base” both in the mundane and in the friends and family that surround it, that makes you feel comfortable, happy, and cared for. This grounding may well attract the love into your life that you have been seeking. The old saw that you must love yourself first, holds very true when this card appears.
Finances: The reversed Queen of Pentacles carries a warning that you may be tempted to spend too much money on your home. A warm, inviting, comfortable home can be created with next to no money; in many ways it is the love and the other unseen energies which makes a dwelling into a real home. Don’t try to spend your way into it.

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King Of Pentacles


Introduction: The King of Pentacles speaks of authority, tradition, and success in money matters. When he appears in a reading, it’s a sign that now is not a time to be a maverick, now is a time to follow the established way of doing things. When he stands in for a literal man in your life, it generally refers to a very masculine fellow with hair and eyes on the darker end of the spectrum.
General: In general the King of Pentacles urges us to be good stewards: of our lives, of our energies, and the concrete resources that are available to us. If he’s referring to a man in your life, know that this is a man who you can believe in and trust absolutely.
Work: An older, established man plays a major role in your working environment (even if on the surface, it seems that you work with all women.) This man is wise, fair, but somewhat quick to pass judgment. This man may become a staunch supporter of yours even if you’ve not met him thus far. Be prepared for scrutiny at all times – you’ll be glad that you were.
Love: This King is an excellent omen with regard to love. Someone may come along and absolutely sweep you right off of your feet. Yes, try to put your best foot forward, but don’t pretend to be someone that you are not. This person will love you for exactly who you are. Be honest and everything should fall into place. If you’re currently involved with someone, the relationship may very well move into a more comfortable place, (metaphorically speaking) but if you are dissatisfied, you’ll need to say so for things to change. Don’t expect your beloved to read your mind.
Finances: The King of Pentacles is an excellent card to receive with regard to financial questions. Your finances are very likely to be on the upswing, largely due to your own efforts and/or wise investments. This is not a time to speculate wildly. Take calculated risks, perhaps, but don’t get carried away. Share your wealth when and where you feel moved to do so. Remember that money is just money; you can’t take it with you.

Introduction: The King of Pentacles reversed tends to be outer-directed, meaning that you tend to identify yourself by your outer accomplishments, without recognizing that who you are inside is of enormous value, regardless.
General: No matter what happens in your life when the reversed King of Pentacles appears, it’s important to know that your happiness and success is not built on one or even a handful of events. This is a time to consciously cultivate a positive attitude.
Work: As with the upright King, the reversed King can point to an older, established man who plays a major role in your working environment (even if on the surface, it seems that you work with all women.) Do the best that you can at work, but realize that your work is not your whole life, and know that some people (which may include the man represented by this reversed King) simply cannot be pleased. All you can do is your best, and that’s enough.
Love: The reversed King of Pentacles can indicate that someone you care about is having a hard time because of issues related to their work (or lack thereof.) Help them to remember that their value goes far beyond what they “do.” If you are single and looking for love, you may meet someone new now who works in the financial field in some way. There may be a large disparity in your incomes. If so, be open minded about that.
Finances: The King of Pentacles reversed tells you that it’s important to think very long-range when it comes to finances and financial investments. Do not identify yourself or your long term prospects with any potential short-term downturns. Money is just a tool. Beware thinking of yourself as a failure if you are facing financial challenges. Financial challenges come to nearly everyone at some time or another. Think positively.

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