Pensions & Post employment Benefits Flashcards
What are the two types of plans under GAAP?
Defined Contribution Plan
Defined Benefit Plan
***does NOT include cash basis methods of “pay as you go” (payments are expensed after someone retires) and terminal funding (funding an annuity upon retirement)
What is the definition of a defined contribution plan
ex. 401K or when the employer sets aside specific amounts aside during the time of service, and the retired employee receives whatever sum these contributions and earnings produce.
what is the definition of a defined benefit plan?
the employer guarantees certain benefits to be paid to retired employees and is responsible for setting aside sufficient amounts to fulfill these promises
What is the J/E for a defined contribution plan
debit: Pension Expense
Credit: Accrued Pension Cost (liability account)
when does the liability have to be paid on a defined contribution plan?
by the date of the tax return which is normally 2 1/2 months following the close of the fiscal year.
what is the j/e for pay the liability for the defined contribution plan?
debit: the accrued pension cost account (to clear the balance to zero)
credit: cash
what are the two problems associated with a defined benefit pension plan?
matching principle-pension expense must be recognized at the time of employee service, not when benefits are paid to retired employees
estimation-cost are difficult to determine, since they depend on the lifespan of the employee’s, changes in wage rates, and the rates of return earned on pension investments.
what is a vbo (vested benefit obligation)
what is owed if an employee is terminated immediately. The VBO is the actuarial present value of vested benefits, which are those benefits that the employee is entitled to that are not contingent on remaining in the employment of the entity (if quit)
what is a abo (accumulated benefit obligation)
what is owed for service to date if the employee continues in employment until normal retirement age at current wage rates. the actuarial present value of benefits attributed by the pension benefit formula to employee services rendered before a specified date and based on employee services and compensation prior to that date (salaries rec’d to date) Faithful representation
what is a pbo (projected benefit obligation)
what is owed for service to date if the employee continues in employment until normal retirement age and receives periodic adjustments to pay for increased experience and general inflation based on future wage rates. The present value of the obligation is determined under the benefits-years-of-service method. The PBO is measured using assumptions as to future compensation levels if the pension benefit formula is based on those future compensation levels (salaries to be RECEIVED) Relevance.
what are flat benefit or non-pay-related plans
when an employee’s compensation increases over time, benefits earned after the change in compensation are calculated using the new compensation rate, but benefits already earned are not adjusted for the change in rate.
what are pay related; final pay; final average or career average pay plans?
when an employee’s compensation increases over time, not only are those benefits earned after the change calculated using the new compensation rates but benefits already earned are also adjusted for the change rate.
when will the ABO & PBO be equal?
in a flat benefit or non pay-related plan. in all other cases the PBO will be greater than the ABO
what is a.s.p.i.d.e.r?
A=amortization of existing net obligation or net asset @ implementation
S=Service Cost
P=Prior Service Cost Amortization
I=Interest Cost
D=Deferred Gain (unrecognized pension gains/losses
E=Excess amortization of deferred gain/+loss
R=Return on Plan Assets (actual)
What is the service cost when calculating pension expense?
the increase in PBO that results from employee service in the current period. it represents the amount needed to be set aside by the employer to cover the employee promised benefits after retirement.