Penis and prepuce Flashcards
muscles and corpora of the penile root
–corpus cavernosum–ischiocavernosus and ischiourethralis muscle–bulbospongiosus muscle–corpus spongiosum (ventral penile urethra)—> expands to the bulb of penis proximallycorpora contain enlarged venous spaces
distal portion of the penis
glanssubdivided into 21. bulbus glandis2. pars longa glandis (not as capable at expansion as the bulbus)
what does the os penis attach to
- bulbus glandis2. pars longa glandis3. tunica albuginea
4 extrinsic muscle of the penis
- retractor penis2. bulbospongiosus 3. ischiocavernosus4. ischiourethralis
blood supply to penis
all branches from internal pudendal artery—> artery of the penis1. the artery of the bulb2. the deep artery of the penis3. the dorsal artery of the penis
anatomic distinction of the cat penis
–directed caudally–shorter–cornified papilla (penile spines) in sexually mature cats–persist for 6 weeks post castration
blood supply to prepuce
- the dorsal artery of the penis (branch of the artery of the penis which is a branch of internal pudendal)2. caudal superficial epigastric artery
profound increase in blood supply from internal pudendal arterysecondary to PSNS 1. engorgement of cavernous bodies of the penis (expand arteries contract veins)2. compression of dorsal penile vein against ischial arch by contraction of ischiocavernosus and bulbospongiosus muscle
what is the most common developmental anomaly of the male external genitalia
HYPOSPADIAS—most frequently in Boston Terriersfailure of fusion of the urogenital folds and incomplete formation of the penile urethra1. perineal2. scrotal3. penile4. glandularusually associated with preputial hypoplasia or incomplete preputial fusion and penile underdevelopmenttx: urethrostomy and neuter +/- reconstruct prepuce
penile tumors
canine:TVTpapilloma and SCCOSA of os penisMastocytomatx: small and distal—partial penile amputation +/- shortening of prepucelarge, extensive–extensive penile amputation or ablation of entire external genitalia with urethrostomy (scrotal or perineal depending on location of malignancy)
paraphimosis define and causes
penis protrudes from preputial sheath and cannot be replacedexteriorized glans penis may become congested and discoloredCongenital causes: narrowed preputial orifice or abN short prepuceAcquired causes: trauma, infection (balanoposthitis), priapism–seen after coitus or masterbation in young males
treatment for paraphimosis
—lubricants, hyperosmolar, local heat or cold +/- ucath and purse string—surgical enlargement of the preputial ostium—preputial lengthening/advancement—phallopexy—partial penile amputationPROGNOSIS IS GUARDED AND RECURRENCE GENERALLY OCCURS!
phimosis define and causes
penis inability to protrudeusually associated with urine retention in prepuce—balanoposthitiscongenital causes: small preputial osmiumacquired: previous scar from trauma, neoplasia
treatment for phimosis
inability to protrude–enlarge preputial ostiumif too much tissue is removed—paraphimosisprognosis is generally good for congenital phimosis
what is balanoposthitis
inflammation/infection of penis and prepucenormal dogs have slight purulent discharge but copious yellow, blood tinged discharge may be pathologiclocal lavage, break adhesions, cleansing solutions, topical Ab, rid inciting causeguarded prognosis bc recurrence
the most frequent preputial tumor
MAST CELL TUMORother tumors include TVT, melanoma, perianal gland tumors
complication that may occur following partial penile amputation
urethral stricture if healing is complicated
prognosis following reconstruction of the prepuce for congenital abnormalities (hypoplasia, failure to fuse)
guarded simple advancement is often unsuccessful
muscles and corpora of the penile root
–corpus cavernosum–ischiocavernosus and ischiourethralis muscle–bulbospongiosus muscle–corpus spongiosum (ventral penile urethra)—> expands to the bulb of penis proximallycorpora contain enlarged venous spaces
distal portion of the penis
glanssubdivided into 21. bulbus glandis2. pars longa glandis (not as capable at expansion as the bulbus)
what does the os penis attach to
- bulbus glandis2. pars longa glandis3. tunica albuginea
4 extrinsic muscle of the penis
- retractor penis2. bulbospongiosus 3. ischiocavernosus4. ischiourethralis
blood supply to penis
all branches from internal pudendal artery—> artery of the penis1. the artery of the bulb2. the deep artery of the penis3. the dorsal artery of the penis
anatomic distinction of the cat penis
–directed caudally–shorter–cornified papilla (penile spines) in sexually mature cats–persist for 6 weeks post castration
blood supply to prepuce
- the dorsal artery of the penis (branch of the artery of the penis which is a branch of internal pudendal)2. caudal superficial epigastric artery
profound increase in blood supply from internal pudendal arterysecondary to PSNS 1. engorgement of cavernous bodies of the penis (expand arteries contract veins)2. compression of dorsal penile vein against ischial arch by contraction of ischiocavernosus and bulbospongiosus muscle
what is the most common developmental anomaly of the male external genitalia
HYPOSPADIAS—most frequently in Boston Terriersfailure of fusion of the urogenital folds and incomplete formation of the penile urethra1. perineal2. scrotal3. penile4. glandularusually associated with preputial hypoplasia or incomplete preputial fusion and penile underdevelopmenttx: urethrostomy and neuter +/- reconstruct prepuce
penile tumors
canine:TVTpapilloma and SCCOSA of os penisMastocytomatx: small and distal—partial penile amputation +/- shortening of prepucelarge, extensive–extensive penile amputation or ablation of entire external genitalia with urethrostomy (scrotal or perineal depending on location of malignancy)
paraphimosis define and causes
penis protrudes from preputial sheath and cannot be replacedexteriorized glans penis may become congested and discoloredCongenital causes: narrowed preputial orifice or abN short prepuceAcquired causes: trauma, infection (balanoposthitis), priapism–seen after coitus or masterbation in young males
treatment for paraphimosis
—lubricants, hyperosmolar, local heat or cold +/- ucath and purse string—surgical enlargement of the preputial ostium—preputial lengthening/advancement—phallopexy—partial penile amputationPROGNOSIS IS GUARDED AND RECURRENCE GENERALLY OCCURS!
phimosis define and causes
penis inability to protrudeusually associated with urine retention in prepuce—balanoposthitiscongenital causes: small preputial osmiumacquired: previous scar from trauma, neoplasia
treatment for phimosis
inability to protrude–enlarge preputial ostiumif too much tissue is removed—paraphimosisprognosis is generally good for congenital phimosis
what is balanoposthitis
inflammation/infection of penis and prepucenormal dogs have slight purulent discharge but copious yellow, blood tinged discharge may be pathologiclocal lavage, break adhesions, cleansing solutions, topical Ab, rid inciting causeguarded prognosis bc recurrence
the most frequent preputial tumor
MAST CELL TUMORother tumors include TVT, melanoma, perianal gland tumors
complication that may occur following partial penile amputation
urethral stricture if healing is complicated
prognosis following reconstruction of the prepuce for congenital abnormalities (hypoplasia, failure to fuse)
guarded simple advancement is often unsuccessful
muscles and corpora of the penile root
–corpus cavernosum–ischiocavernosus and ischiourethralis muscle–bulbospongiosus muscle–corpus spongiosum (ventral penile urethra)—> expands to the bulb of penis proximallycorpora contain enlarged venous spaces
distal portion of the penis
glanssubdivided into 21. bulbus glandis2. pars longa glandis (not as capable at expansion as the bulbus)
what does the os penis attach to
- bulbus glandis2. pars longa glandis3. tunica albuginea
4 extrinsic muscle of the penis
- retractor penis2. bulbospongiosus 3. ischiocavernosus4. ischiourethralis
blood supply to penis
all branches from internal pudendal artery—> artery of the penis1. the artery of the bulb2. the deep artery of the penis3. the dorsal artery of the penis
anatomic distinction of the cat penis
–directed caudally–shorter–cornified papilla (penile spines) in sexually mature cats–persist for 6 weeks post castration
blood supply to prepuce
- the dorsal artery of the penis (branch of the artery of the penis which is a branch of internal pudendal)2. caudal superficial epigastric artery
profound increase in blood supply from internal pudendal arterysecondary to PSNS 1. engorgement of cavernous bodies of the penis (expand arteries contract veins)2. compression of dorsal penile vein against ischial arch by contraction of ischiocavernosus and bulbospongiosus muscle
what is the most common developmental anomaly of the male external genitalia
HYPOSPADIAS—most frequently in Boston Terriersfailure of fusion of the urogenital folds and incomplete formation of the penile urethra1. perineal2. scrotal3. penile4. glandularusually associated with preputial hypoplasia or incomplete preputial fusion and penile underdevelopmenttx: urethrostomy and neuter +/- reconstruct prepuce
penile tumors
canine:TVTpapilloma and SCCOSA of os penisMastocytomatx: small and distal—partial penile amputation +/- shortening of prepucelarge, extensive–extensive penile amputation or ablation of entire external genitalia with urethrostomy (scrotal or perineal depending on location of malignancy)
paraphimosis define and causes
penis protrudes from preputial sheath and cannot be replacedexteriorized glans penis may become congested and discoloredCongenital causes: narrowed preputial orifice or abN short prepuceAcquired causes: trauma, infection (balanoposthitis), priapism–seen after coitus or masterbation in young males
treatment for paraphimosis
—lubricants, hyperosmolar, local heat or cold +/- ucath and purse string—surgical enlargement of the preputial ostium—preputial lengthening/advancement—phallopexy—partial penile amputationPROGNOSIS IS GUARDED AND RECURRENCE GENERALLY OCCURS!
phimosis define and causes
penis inability to protrudeusually associated with urine retention in prepuce—balanoposthitiscongenital causes: small preputial osmiumacquired: previous scar from trauma, neoplasia
treatment for phimosis
inability to protrude–enlarge preputial ostiumif too much tissue is removed—paraphimosisprognosis is generally good for congenital phimosis
what is balanoposthitis
inflammation/infection of penis and prepucenormal dogs have slight purulent discharge but copious yellow, blood tinged discharge may be pathologiclocal lavage, break adhesions, cleansing solutions, topical Ab, rid inciting causeguarded prognosis bc recurrence
the most frequent preputial tumor
MAST CELL TUMORother tumors include TVT, melanoma, perianal gland tumors
complication that may occur following partial penile amputation
urethral stricture if healing is complicated
prognosis following reconstruction of the prepuce for congenital abnormalities (hypoplasia, failure to fuse)
guarded simple advancement is often unsuccessful