Pender Flashcards
What is Pender’s model entitled?
Health Promotion Model of Nursing
notes that each person has unique personal characteristics and experiences that affect subsequent actions
Health Promotion Model
is the desired behavioral outcome and is the endpoint in the Health Promotion Model
Health promoting behavior
is defined as behavior motivated by the desire to increase well-being and actualize human health potential
Health promotion
is described as a behavior motivated desire to actively avoid illness, detect it early, or maintain functioning within the constraints of illness
Health protection or illness prevention
categorized as biological, psychological, and socio-cultural
Personal factors
Include variables such as age, gender body, mass index pubertal status, aerobic capacity, strength, agility, or balance
Personal biological factors
Include variables such as self-esteem, self-motivation, personal competence, perceived health status, and definition of health
Personal psychological factors
Include variables such as race, ethnicity, acculturation, education, and socioeconomic status
Personal socio-cultural factors
are those alternative behaviors over which individuals have low control because there are environmental contingencies
competing demands
are alternative behaviors over which individuals exert relatively high control, such as choice of ice cream or apple for a snack
competing preferences