Penal Law Exercise Flashcards
He or she engages in wiretapping, mechanical overhearing of conversation or intercepting electronic communication.
He or she renders aid to person under 16 who intends to engage in conduct that would constitute a class A felony. He or she aids such person to commit such crime.
Criminal Facilitation in the 1st
Sexual intercourse with an under age person whether or not there is consent.
Rape in the 3rd
E- felony or statutory rape
Here she with the intent to cause physical injury to another person when aided by two or more persons actually present.
Gang assault in 2nd
Here she having been charged with or convicted of felony escapes from detention facility escapes from custom or having been adjudicated a youthful offender escapes from detention facility.
Escape in the 1st
Killing under circumstances that excuse the killing.
Voluntary manslaughter
He or she offers or agrees to confer any benefit upon a juror with understanding that such jurors vote will be influenced.
Bribing a juror
He or she knowingly takes a vehicle with the intent to return it.
Unauthorized use if a vehicle
He or she knowingly enters or remains unlawfully in a building with intent to commit a crime; is armed with explosives or deadly weapons; cause physical injury to any person who is not part of crime threatens or uses dangerous instrument or displays what appears to be a pistol rifle or shotgun
Burglary in the 2nd
He or she, for a fee, claims or pretends to tell fortunes have occult powers to answer questions or give advice on person matters or to exorcise evil spirits or curses
Fortune telling
He or she remains or wonders about in public places for purposes of begging for purposes of gambling with cards and dice for purposes of engaging or soliciting another person to engage in sexual contact being messed in any manner or in about school grounds
Unintentional killing from extremely reckless conduct
Involuntarily manslaughter
Here she with intent to damage property of another person and having no right to do so by means of an explosive
Criminal mischief
He or she steals property and when the value of the property exceeds $3000
Grand larceny in the 3rd
Here she renders criminal assistance of a person who has committed an act of terrorism knowing or believing that such person engaged in contact constituting terrorism
Hindering prosecution of terrorism
Here she intentionally places or attempts to place another person in fear of death imminent serious physical injury or physical injury
Menacing in the 3rd
B- misdemeanor
A person forcibly steals property by using or threatening to use physical force upon another person
Robbery in the 3rd
He or she intentionally damages property of another without consent by intentionally starting a fire or causing an explosion
A- misdemeanor
With intent to cause death of another person, e recklessly engages in conduct which creates a grave risk of death to another person; depraved indifference to human life and thereby causes death of another person
2nd degree murder
A- Felony
He or she instills fear in victim that he or she will cause physical injury to a person if victim does not commit or attempt to commit felony
Coercion in the 1st
D- Felony
Here or she engages in sexual intercourse by forcible compulsion with someone who is incapable of consent who is less than 11 years old who is less than 13 and the actor is 18 or more
Rape in the second
Killing as a result of the failure to use reasonable care
Negligent homicide
He or she knowingly and unlawfully sells one or more preparations compounds mixtures containing marijuana and weight is more than 4 ounces and sells it to a person under 18
Criminal sale in the second
He or she recklessly causes the death of a police officer peace officer with such officer was in the course of performing his or her official duties and defendant knew that such person was a police or peace officer
Aggravated manslaughter in the second
He or she strikes, shoves or kicks another person, or attempts or threatens to do the same. He or she follows person in public or repeatedly commits acts that annoy the other person.
Harassment in 2nd
Violation- max 5 days in jail
15 days
A. Misdemeanor
One year
B. Misdemeanor
3 months
E Felony
4 years
D. Felony
7 years
15 years
B. Felony
25 years
A. Felony
Life in prison