Penal Code Flashcards
Continuous sexual abuse of a young child or disabled person
Duration of 30 or more days
Actor is 17 or older
Victim is younger than 14 or a disabled individuals
Continuous trafficking of Persons
30 or more days and duration; two or more times
Continuous smuggling of persons
10 or more days two or more times
Invasive, visual recording
Without the Persons concert with intent to invade privacy of the other person
Photographs or video tape, intimate area of another person that they have reasonable expectation of privacy, or in a bathroom or changing room
Unlawful disclosure or promotion of intimate visual
Without the persons consent, discloses sex stuff
Or threatens to disclose
Must reveal identity
With intent to arouse or gratify, the sexual desire, observes another person without their consent, in a dwelling or structure
Sexual coercion
Threatens, including coercion, or extortion to commit it off fence under the six chapters in return for
Intimate sexual
A sexual act
Or monetary value
Unlawful electronic transmission of sexually explicit visual materials
Sending nudes without consent or request
Indecent assault
Touches but doesn’t penetrate
Exposes, or attempts to expose
Causes person to contact blood seminal fluid or vaginal fluid saliva, urine or feces
Aggravated sexual assault
Child younger than 14 years of age
Elderly or disabled
Abandoning or endangering child
Child younger than 15
Abandons or places, in circumstances that expose child to unreasonable risk of harm
Tamper with consumer product
Serious bodily injury
Knowingly, or intentionally tampered with
Threatens to tamper with
Leaving a child in a vehicle
Intentionally or knowingly
Longer than five minutes
Younger than seven
Not accompanied by 14 or older
Legally married in marries another, or reports to marry another
or lives with under the appearance of being married
Prohibited sexual conduct
Interference with child custody
Takes a retains
If the child is younger than 18 years of age
Interference with child custody
Takes a retains child younger than 18 years of age
Enticing a child
With intent to interfere with lawful custody of child younger than 18 years
Entices persuades, or takes child from custody of parent
Harboring a runaway child
Younger than 18
Repeated violation of certain court orders or conditions of bond
Commits an offense during a period of 12 months or less, in duration two or more times
Continuous violence against the family
12 months or less two or more times
Indelible marker
Etching device
Agg robbery
Deadly weapon
65 or older
Felony theft or assault
Perception of theft by check
Lack of funds on presentation within 30 days after issue and refused to pay in full within 10 days after receiving a notice of refusal
Organized retail theft
Intentionally conducts, promotes, or facilitates an activity in which the person receives possesses conceals, stores, borders, cells, or disposes of
Unauthorized acquisition, or transfer a certain financial information
Obtains, site order or payment card information of another
Transfers to a third-party information obtained 
Cargo theft
Causing the seal to be broken on the vehicle or the intermodal container containing any part of the cargo
Forges of riding with intend to defraud or harm
Defraud or harm is presumed, if two or more writings of the same type, if government record
Criminal simulation
Makes or alters an object to make it look rare
possesses with intent to sell
Authenticates or certifies
Trademark counterfeiting
Manufactures displays, advertisers, distributes, offers for sale, sells or possesses with intent to sell or distribute a counterfeit mark, or item or service
That has the mark, etc.
Credit card abuse
Possesses two or more incomplete credit cards
Fraudulent use or possession of credit card
A presumption is when they possess five or more
False statement to obtain property or credit, or in the provision of certain services
Intentionally or knowingly, makes material or false, leading written statement to obtain property or credit, including mortgage loan, or for providing appraisal of real property for compensation
Hindering secured creditor’s
Within 10 to hinder enforcement of interest, Orlean, he destroys removes conceals encumbers are otherwise Hamza reduces the value of property
Fraudulent use or possession of identifying information
With intent to harm or defraud, obtains possesses transfers are uses
Presumed intent to harm, if three or more persons 
Exploitation of child, elderly, or disabled individuals
A person commits an elephants, if the person intentionally knowingly or recklessly, causes the exploitation of a child at elderly individuals or disabled individuals
Perjury and aggravated perjury
Perjury is lying
Aggravated perjury is line that is material
Tampering with physical evidence
Includes not reporting a dead body
Funeral service disruptions
1000 feet, three hours before and after
False alarm or report versus false report to induce emergency response
False alarm or report is not making a criminal report
False report to induce emergency is when someone makes a criminal offense report, or an emergency to a police officer
Sexual performance by child
Younger than 18
Employment. Harmful to children.
Younger than 21 years of age
Making a fire arm accessible to a child
Child means person younger than 17 years of age
Alcohol concentration means number of grams of alcohol per
210 L of breath
100 mL of blood
67 mL of urine
Prohibited sexual conduct
Intention of fraud equals
Two or more writings