Pelvis & Thigh Flashcards
what are the muscles of the quadriceps femurs group? (4)
rectus femoris
vastus medialis
vastus lateralis
vastus intermedius
quadriceps femoris group (2)
extend the knee
flex the hip
what are the muscles of the hamstrings? (3)
biceps femoris
biceps femoris (5)
flex the knee laterally rotate the flexed knee extend the hip laterally rotate the hip tilt the pelvis
semitendinosus (5)
flex the knee medially rotate the flexed knee extend the hip medially rotate the hip tilt the pelvis
semimembranosus (5)
flex the knee medially rotate the flexed knee extend the hip medially rotate the hip tilt the pelvis
gluteus maximus (4)
extend the hip
laterally rotate the hip
ABduct the hip
ADduct the hip (lower fibers)
gluteus medius (5)
ABduct the hip
flex the hip (anterior fibers)
medially rotate the hip (anterior fibers)
extend the hip (posterior fibers)
laterally rotate the hip (posterior fibers)
gluteus minimus (3)
ABduct the hip
medially rotate the hip
flex the hip
muscles in the adductor group? (5)
adductor magnus adductor longus adductor brevis pectineus gracilis
adductor group (3)
ADduct the hip
medially rotate the hip
assist to flex the hip (except gracilis)
gracilis (2)
flex the knee
medially rotate the flexed knee
piriformis (2)
laterally rotate the hip
ABduct the hip when the hip is flexed
quadratus femoris (1)
laterally rotate the hip
obturator internus (1)
laterally rotate the hip
obturator externus (1)
laterally rotate the hip
glemellus superior (1)
laterally rotate the hip
lamellas inferior (1)
laterally rotate the hip
psoas major (5)
flex the hip laterally rotate the hip flex the trunk towards the thigh tilt the pelvis laterally flex the lumbar spine (unilaterally)
iliacus (4)
flex the hip
laterally rotate the hip
flex the trunk towards the thigh
tilt the pelvis