Pelvis Flashcards
Structure that separates pelvis and perineum
Pelvic diaphragm
Two major components of pelvic diaphragm
Levator ani + coccygeus
Two major components of levator ani
Pubococcygeus and
Two muscles which close lateral pelvic wall
Obturator internus and
Means by which obturator internus exits pelvis
Lesser sciatic foramen
Means by which piriformis exits pelvis
Greater sciatic foramen
Innervation of detrusor
Pelvic splanchnics (S2‐4)
Remnants of umbilical arteries
Medial umbilical ligaments
Chief artery to rectal mucosa
Superior rectal
Most common type of pelvic inlet in females
Two remnants of gubernaculum in females
Ovarian and round
Ligament that contains ovarian vessels
Suspensory ligament of
Lymph nodes for ovary and testes
Normal position of uterus
Anterverted, anteflexed
Chief uterine support
Ligament that contains uterine vessels
Lateral cervical (aka Cardinal, transverse cervical, or Mackenrodt’s) ligament
Structure potentially injured with hysterectomy
Relation of ureter to uterine artery
Inferior and posterior
Structure that separates deep and superficial perineal spaces
Perineal membrane
Bony landmarks between anal and UG triangles
Ischial tuberosities
Lateral wall of ischioanal fossa
Fascia of obturator
Structure that forms the pudendal canal
Fascia of obturator
Structure that separates internal and external hemorrhoids
Pectinate line
Lymph nodes for area superior to pectinate line of anal canal
Internal iliac, IM
Lymph nodes for area inferior to pectinate line of anal canal
Superficial inguinal
Major structure of deep perineal space
Sphincter urethrae
Lymph nodes for glans penis
Deep inguinal
Muscle which compresses the bulb of penis
Muscle which compresses the crus of penis
Muscles which meet at the perineal body
Superficial and deep
perineal, bulbospongiosus, external anal sphincter, pubococcygeus