Pelvic Floor Flashcards
the pelvic floor is part of a functional and global system consisting of what 6 things
- lumbar spine
- thoracic spine and ribs
diaphragm - SIJ
- abdominal pelvic canister
- glottis
what 4 things does the pelvic floor influence
- postural alignment
- breath
- core and performance
- pelvis and hips
the pelvic floor is a primary ____ for the pelvic girdle and works with the abdominal and back m to support the spine
the pelvic floor functions alongside ___ and ___ core and hip m for optimal motor control of trunk and LE
local and global
the pelvic floor forms and integral part of the _______
abdominal pelvic canister
the pelvic floor supports abdominal and pelvic viscera via _____ contraction
how does the pelvic floor function to prime the core for function
eccentrically contracts and lengthens
when does the PFM work in a feed-forward mechanism
activate before other key core or extremity m during activities that challenge continence or support/stability
the PFM provides ______ support to the SIJ
support of the SIJ is achieved by ________
increasing stiffness
what is a key component for SIJ stability during tasks
modulation of intra-abdominal pressure
the PFM contributes to ________ of the SIJ and help control motion of the sacrum relative to the ilia
force closure
what is a structure that is important for load transfer b/w trunk and lower extremities
thoracolumbar fascia
what structure contains smooth m actin myoblasts with contractile properties
thoracolumbar fascia
tension is transmitted from TLF to the ______ to assist with lumbar stability
ligamentum flavum
that is a thick segmental ligament running b/w lamina of adjacent vertebrae
ligamentum flavum
what other structures does the TLF work with to assist SIJ and spinal stability
TrA and deep abdominals
what 10 m does the TLF have attachments to
- TrA
- internal and external oblique
- glut max
- Lat dorsi
- biceps femoris
- quad lumborum
- lower trap
- multifidi
- erector spinae
what ligament connects the biceps femoris to the TLF
sacrotuberous ligament
TLF contributes to core stability partially via ________ tension development
what 2 ways does the TLF contribute to tension development
- myofascial slings
- hoop tension
comprised of skeletal m, fascia and ligaments which cross from one side of body to other
myofascial slings
during _____ mvmt, various parts of the body generate and transmit forces to one another via myofascial slings
hoop tension is partially dependent on what?
adequate IAP in the APC
spinal stability is increased via tension of the fascia which occurs in a hoop like faschion during contraction of _______
abdominal m
what term should we use instead of Kegel
pelvic floor m training
a PFM contraction is described as a ____ and _____
squeeze and inward lift
what happens to the ischial tuberosities during concentric contraction
closer together
what happens to the coccyx during concentric contraction
flexes towards pubic bone
a release of concentric contraction returns PFM to ______
what happens when the PFM elongate from resting position / a lengthening contraction
eccentric contraction
Key pelvic floor m are referred to as …
levator ani
the pelvic inlet divides what?
abdominal and pelvic cavity
what passes thru the pelvic outlet
vaginal canal and terminal parts of urinary and GI tracts
anteriorly situated gap which allows passage of urethra and vagina in females
urogenital hiatus
list in order of superficial to deep: superficial genital m, pelvic floor/LA, anal sphincters, urogenital diaphragm
anal sphincters –> superficial genital –> urogenital –> pelvic floor
funnel shaped muscular structure that attaches to the walls of the pelvis
Levator ani
how is the levator ani or pelvic diaphragm attached to the pelvis?
arc de tendineous fascia
what muscles make up the lateral wall of the pelvic floor
obturator internus and piriformis
piriformis forms what part of the pelvic wall
part of the posterior wall (as well as lateral)
what m are synergists for the hip with the obturator internus
obturator externus, quadratus femoris, gemelli
what is the role of the obturator internus
dynamic stabilizing role
how does the OI affect hip?
modulates the position of the femoral head in the actabulum during mvmt
what 4 m groups make up the core
- pelvic floor
- TrA
- MF
- resp diaphragm
what are the attachments of the diaphragm
xiphoid process
internal surfaces of lower 6 ribs
lumbar spine
arcuate ligament
the “core” starts in the ____ and connects to the ______
mid-thoracic region
pelvic floor
4 functions of the diaphragm
- trunk control
- resting tone increases prior to peripheral mvmts
- tonically active during sustained peripheral activity
- modulate tone dependent on respiration requirements
how do the diaphragm and the pelvic floor move during breathing?
they mirror each other
describe what happens with the diaphragm and pelvic floor during inhalation
descend down - eccentric contraction of PFM activity to spring load
describe what happens to the diaphragm and the PFM during exhalation
recoil back up
proper breathing mechanics result in a _______ in the APC via the function of the diaphragm and PFM
piston like effect
4 functions of the piston of the APC
- provide massage and mvmt to ABD and pelvic organs
- assist pumping of blood and lymphatic fluid thru trunk
- regulate pressure in APC
- aid in pelvic floor m function via tension and recoil
as the diaphragm _____ within the thorax it causes IAP to increase
IAP acts on the lumbar spine, pushing it _____ and causing the abdominal wall, primarily the ___ to stretch
describe how the pelvic floor and pressure in the APC work NORMALLY
pelvic floor m contract just before and with the ABD and back m –> increased IAP is directed up toward vocal cords –> result is effective resp or postural maneuver
dysfunctional activation of pelvic floor during increase in IAP leads to what 3 things?
- associated with LBP and impaired postural response
- stress urinary incontinence
- visceral organ support (prolapse)
the pelvic floor m should contract in response to the _____-
mvmt of the diaphragm
EMG studies show support for what 3 m as facilitators of the pelvic floor
Adductors, gluteals and TrA