Pelvic Exam Flashcards
How do you minimize the pt’s apprehension?
- keep woman involved in exam: ask if there is anything i can help you be more comfortable?
Try to relax as best you can, let me know if I’m hurting you - talk b/f touch - tell woman what you are doing with each part of the exam
Preparation b/f pelvic exam?
- physical comfort: temp of room, head of bed elevated as needed for pt comfort and eye contact with you
- stirrups padded and in comfortable position
- privacy:
room setup
chaperone - have pt empty bladder
- warm speculum
- appropriate position - more abducted the hips the easier the exam - don’t force legs apart though
External exam of the vagina - labia majora?
- labia majora:
rednes or swelling
excoriation, rashes, ulcers or other lesions - discoloration or thinned white appearance
- varicosities or angiomas
- trauma
** always orient the pt to your hand on location separate from genitalia initially
External exam of the vagina - labia minora?
- symmetry
- moisture
- color
- inflammation
- excoriation
- d/c
- uclers
- verrucous changes
- have to spread apart labia majora to get good look of labia minora
External exam - clitoris and urethral meatus?
- clitoris: size atrophy/hypertrophy adhesions or inflammation of prepuce/hood - urethral meatus: d/c polyps, carbuncles, fistulas irritation or inflammation
External exam - vaginal introitus?
- moisture
- swelling
- discoloration
- d/c
- lesions, fistulas, or fissures
External exam - perineum and anus?
- perineum: scarring, inflammation, fistulas, lesions or growths
- anus:
color, scarring or skin tags, excoriation, fissures or lesions
External exam - palpating the skene and bartholin glands?
- d/c
- tenderness
- swelling
- masses
- temp
Critical items with placing the speculum?
- 1) retract labia minora laterally
- 2) avoid urethra by downward pressure on posterior vaginal introitus
- 3) angle speculum about 30-45 degrees downward towards the sacral promontory
Internal inspection includes?
- cervix: color, position, size, surface characteristics (location of SCJ, presence of nabothian cysts) d/c - cervical os: size and shape
Specimen collection includes?
- pap smear
- gonorrhea and chlamydia swab
- herpes swab and media
- wet mount
Bimanual exam - cervix palpation?
- size, length and shape
- position
- consistency
- movement
- nodules
- hardness
- tenderness
bimanual exam - uterus palpation?
- location
- position
- size and shape (sym.)
- contour
- mobility
- tenderness
How do we feel an ovary on PE?
- with downward pressure with hand on abdomen
How can uterus be palpated if it is retroverted or retroflexed?
- through rectal exam
Ovaries palpation and adnexa - on bimanual exam?
- size**
- shape
- location
- consistency
- tenderness
- nodularity
- masses
- tenderness
What is involved in the rectovaginal exam?
- anal sphincter: tone
- rectal walls: masses, polyps, nodules, strictures, or induration, irregularities, tenderness
- rectovaginal septum: tone and thickness, nodules
- uterus or adnexal mass: location, position, size, shape and contour, consistency, tenderness
- stool: color, blood - guaiac
What might compromise a pelvic exam?
- full bladder
Classic position of the uterus?
- anteverted