Pellett: Virology - Molecular Aspects Flashcards
Genome consists of:
Metabolism on their own:
In host cell:
Infectious, obligate intracellular parasite
Genome consists of DNA or RNA
Metabolically inert on their own (outside the context of a living cell)
Viral genome directs its own replication using cellular systems in a host cell
What are virions?
What is a progeny virion?
Virus particles (virions) are formed by assembly from newly synthesized components within the host cell
A progeny virion is the vehicle of transmission of the genome to the next host cell/organism (disassembly initiates the beginning of the next infectious cycle)
- This disassembly stage is a vulnerable state for the virus
What is a minimal virus?
Minimal Virus: genome with origin of replication and a coat
o DNA or RNA genome
o Proteinaceous coat: also called a capsid
Translation Parasites:
Nucleocapsid: genome + capsid
Envelope: viruses can be enveloped or not
Virion: a complete virus particle with its DNA or RNA core and protein coat as it exists outside the cell; also called a viral particle
Translation Parasites: must use cellular ribosomes in a host in order to replicate
How do we classify viruses?
Nature of genetic material
Capsid Structure
Enveloped or non-enveloped (naked)
Nature of Genetic Material:
Types of RNA viruses (3):
Types of DNA viruses:
- single- and double-stranded
- positive or negative sense
- non-segmented or segmented
ss, ds, linear, circular
Positive or negative sense (Baltimore system)
What must all viruses adopt at some point in their replication cycle?
What does it require?
Possible scenarios:
At some point in their replication cycle, all viruses must adopt a form that allows transcription of mRNA that can be translated by cellular ribosomes
Requires –ssRNA or dsDNA/dsRNA in order to translate into +mRNA
Possible Scenarios:
o +ssRNA Virus –> –ssRNA –> +mRNA
o +ssRNA Virus –> –ssDNA –> dsDNA –> +mRNA (Retrovirus)
Capsid Structure (3):
o Helical
o Icosahedral
o Complex
Other methods of virus classification:
o Gene organization
o Mode of replication
o Susceptibility to physical and chemical agents (for example, chloroform makes enveloped viruses non infectious)
o Cell tropism (what cells and tissues they infect)
o Pathogenic effects
Examples of RNA and DNA viruses:
RNA Virus Examples: polio virus, influenza virus
DNA Virus Examples: adenovirus, herpesvirus
Virus vs bacteria size
In general: most viruses smaller than most bacteria
How can you distinguish herpesviruses?
Individual virus species may share many properties with their relatives, but yet still have readily distinguished genomes:
Example of differences between herpesviruses shown via Southern blot
Size: Enveloped? DNA: Segmented? What does the genome encode?
+RNA genome (needs to be transcribed to negative sense)
Non-segmented: genome encodes single open reading frame that is translated into a large polypeptide and then proteolytically processed to a set of individually functioning proteins
Influenza Viruses:
What does the genome encode?
-RNA genome
Segmented: each gene encoded on individual “chromosomes”;
Genome segmentation is the basis for re-assortment (new strains of virus emerge from infections with 2 different strains)
Transcribed by:
Medium sized dsDNA genome
Transcribed by cellular RNA polymerase II (studying this virus led to discovery of mRNA splicing)
Important in helping:
Number of genes:
Tegument: layers of proteins between envelope and capsid
Important in helping the virus control the cell following infection
dsDNA genome (may encode for as many as 200 genes; tightly controlled expression)
The interaction between the virus and the cell (5)
- Get into the cell
- receptors and co-receptors
- what tissues - Deal with host defenses
- innate immunity
- acquired immunity - Control cellular processes
- macromolecular synthesis and stability
- transport
- cell cycle - Replicate
- Get out
Properties of lytic infections
Lytic Infection definition:
Eclipse period:
Burst Size:
Time Scale:
Lytic Infection: making new infectious virions; can be initiated by a single virion
Eclipse Period: interval between disassembly of input virion and production of new infectious progeny
Burst Size: number of infectious virions released per infected cell (100s-1000s)
Time Scale: can be hours or days from time of infection to lytic burst
Steps in lytic infection
Entry Gene Expression Genome replication Assembly/packaging Egress/Release
Lytic Replication
Mechanisms with examples:
Entry: attachment to receptor, penetration and uncoating
- Endocytosis (poliovirus, influenza virus, adenovirus)
- Genome injection (poliovirus)
- Fusion at cell membrane (HIV, vaccinia virus, herpesvirus)
Lytic Replication
Gene expression:
mRNA synthesis
Protein translation
Lytic Replication
Sites of geneome replication:
Cytoplasm: most RNA viruses + poxviruses (DNA)
Nucleus: most DNA viruses + orthomyxoviruses (RNA)
Both: retroviruses, hepadnaviruses
Lytic Replication
Mechanisms (4):
Cell lysis (poliovirus, adenovirus)
Budding from cytoplasmic membrane (influenza, HIV)
Cell associated (vaccinia virus)
Vesicle fusion (herpes virus)
Consequences of Infection:
Transformation (4):
Serum independent cell replication
Loss of contact inhibition
Ability to form tumors
Consequences of Infection:
Cytopathic Effect (CPE) (5):
Rounding (lose defined shaped)
Fusion (syncytia formation- giant infected cell)
Intracellular vacuoles and inclusion bodies
Cell death
Examples of cytopathic effects in cell culture
Herpes simplex virus - Plaque formation
RSV - Fusion
Polio replication
Positive-strand RNA genome encoding a single polypeptide that is processed to functioning proteins.
Herpesvirus replication
Type of genome:
# of genes required for lytic replication:
Large double-stranded DNA genome encoding ~80 to ~200 individually transcribed genes that are expressed as one of three major kinetic classes.
Only ~50 of the genes are required for lytic replication in cell culture.