Birth-1 year Erikson:
Trust vs Mistrust
(The baby establishes a sense of trust when basic needs are met).
Birth-1 year Piaget:
(The baby learns from movement and sensory input).
Birth-1 year Kohlberg:
Preconventional Mortality
(0-9 years)
Stage 1&2:
(Obedience & punishment and Individualism & exchange).
Toddler (1-3 yr) Erikson:
Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt
(“I am” “I can” & “that’s good” vs “I am bad”—> adults guide toddlers to learn approved behaviors—>self-pride).
Toddler (1-3 yr) Piaget:
Sensorimotor (0-24 months; end stage); Egocentrism (1-3: the world from my own eyes- no sharing).
Preoperational (2-6, beginning stage)
(New ways to produce same consequence (tertiary) and imitation—> true creativity).
Toddler (1-3 yr) Kohlberg:
Preconventional mortality
(Little concern for why something is wrong; action is considered good or bad based on whether the action is rewarded or punished).
Preschool age (3-6 yr) Erikson:
Initiative vs Guilt
(Want to try everything; guilt comes with failure; may wish negative things and feel guilty—> need to clarify that wishes do not make something come true; SUPEREGO; time out is based on age; need little guidance in play; explore the world (safely)).
Preschool (3-6yr) Piaget:
Preoperational (age 2-6)
-preconceptual (2-4)- symbolic play- fastasy & imaginative play
- intuitive (4-7)- early recognition of others point of view, but DO NOT understand right from left or time.
Preschool (3-6 yr) Kohlberg:
Preconventional stage 2
(Satisfying own needs/best interest; follow rules when teacher is watching).
School age (6-12 yr) Erikson:
Industry vs Inferiority
(Children gets skills to become contributing members of society; take part in skills that require practice. Build a model= gain a sense of industry “Is this right?” Vs “I can’t do anything right.” Need frequent reinforcement of the process and not the product. Accomplishment= increased sense of industry).
School Age (6-12 yr) Piaget:
Concrete Operational
(Life centered on school activities and friends; think about consequences; make judgements on what they think and not just see; able to use thoughts to experience events and situations; can classify objects (7)).
School Age (6-12) Kohlberg:
Conventional Morality stage 3-4
(Acts to gain approval of others; good behavior is what pleases others; rarely question authority).
Adolescents (12-18 yrs) Erikson:
Identity vs Role Confusion
(Comes from experiences and testing; accepting changed body image; establish value system; make career decisions. Must have identity before ready for intimacy. Become emancipated from parents).
Adolescents (12-18 yrs) Piaget:
Formal Operations (12-15 yrs)
(Abstract thinking develops, advanced reasoning skills, think about what they feels and think; very self-absorbed; think everyone is thinking of them; INVINCIBILITY- it can happen to others,but not me).
Adolescents (12-18 yrs) Kohlberg:
Postconventional mortality stages 5&6
(Justice demands punishment—> situation ethics (5); golden rule (6)).
Theorist that deals with psychosocial
Theorist that deals with cognitive development
Theorist that deals with Moral Reasoning:
Erikson Stages:
Trust vs Mistrust
Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt
Initiative vs Guilt
Industry vs Inferiority
Identity vs Confusion
Piaget Stages
Formal Operation
Kohlberg Stages:
Conventional Mortality
Postconventional Mortality