Peds/OB Flashcards
Abdominal mass benign in kid
most commonly Neuroblastoma
Sxs of neuroblastoma
abdominal mass in kid, mainly benign. periorbital echhymosis, flushing (catecholamine release), hypertension (presses on renal a), opsoclonus-myoclonus, spinal cord compression
most common renal tumor kids
Wilms tumor; age <5; usually painful, along with hypertension and hematuria; no flushing or sweating
When can you have Rh incompatibility
Rh(D) negative mother + positive father. Prior pregnancy with RhD + fetus = antibodies that can cross placenta and destroy RhD postive fetal rbcs = Hemolytic disease of the newborn
aplastic crisis
from Parvo b19; sudden drop in Hgb and v low reticulocyte count; transient arrest of hematopoeisis
when do you get DTaP vaccine?
5 doses at 2, 4, 6 months; 15-18 months; 4-6 years
contraindications to DTaP vaccine
Encephalopathy after previous dose or anaphylaxis to vaccine component. If they are on steroids, have some minor illness/infection, give it anyways
first line treatment for allergic rhinitis
allergen avoidance intranasal corticosteroids (not decongestant)
contraindications to MMR vaccine
anaphylaxis to MMR, neomycin or gelatin
diagnostic criteria for kawasaki dz
fever >5 days with 4 of the following:
- conjunctivitis
- mucous membrane changes
- rash
- lymphadenopathy
- extremity edema/erythema
complications of kawasaki dz
coronary artery aneurysms (by day 10), MI and ischemia
tx of kawasaki dz
Aspirin + IVIg; all kids get an Echo;
Developmental dysplasia of the hip is characterized by abnormal _____ _____. Prognosis is
Acetabular development (=shallow hip socket, poor support femoral head). Prognosis is excellent, 95% pts have reduction of a dislocated hip.
adolescents with leg-length discrepancy, gait abnormalities (toe walking, Trendelenburg gait), activity related pain
DDH. Can result in chronic, activity related hip pain and osteoarthritis in adolescents and young adults
avascular necrosis of femoral head in children 5-7
Legg-Calve-Perthes dz. Caused by idiopathic interruption of blood supply.
sxs of JIA
fever, joint pain and rash
precocious puberty
onset of secondary sex characteristics:
<9 boys, <8 girls
Sxs of Congential Adrenal Hyperplasia (decreased 21-hydroxylase on ACTH stim test)
early pubic/axillary hair growth severe acne hisutism and oligmenorrhea in girls increased growth velocity and bone age increased 17-hydroxyprogesterone
Tx of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Target glucose levels gestational diabetes
Fasting <95
1 hour postprandial <140
2 hour postprandial < 120
–>can use most anti-hypoglycemic i.e. insulin, metformin or glyburide
when do you screen for gestational diabetes?
usually 24-28 weeks; earlier if there are risk factors (obesity, prior macrosomic infant) at initial prenatal even
Hyperthyroidism tx in pregnancy
1st trimester: PTU preferred (teratogenic effects methimazole)
2nd/3rd trimester: Methimazole preferred (hepatotoxiciy of PTU)
when is post partum thyroditis?
<1 year following pregnancy. associaed with thyroid peroxidase antibody
test to differentiate Graves from postpartum and silent thyroiditis
Radioactive iodine uptake. graves (high) from increased thyroid hormone synthesis; PT and silent (low RAIU) from thyroid peroxidase antibody.
Absent testicular enlargement at age ____ = delayed puberty
test if you’re worried about primary hypogonadism
Karyotype: Klinefelter = 47XXY
insulin is recommended in t2dm with ______
a1c>9, esp if + sxs
screening for gestational diabetes
- administer 50g oral glucose test and check glucose after 1 hour: >140 then next step (challenge)
- Admnister 100g oral glucose, check fasting each hour for 3 hr (glucose tolerance test)
when do you screen for gestational diabetes?
usually 24-28 weeks; earlier if there are risk factors (obesity, prior macrosomic infant) at initial prenatal even
how do you prevent neonatal rubella?
admin of MMR vaccine pre-conception (live vaccine so not during pregnancy)