Peds Neuro Flashcards
Altered mental status (AMS) in children is characterized by failure to respond to ________________ or ________________ stimulation in a manner appropriate to the child’s developmental level.
verbal, physical
The spectrum of AMS includes
- lethargy- decreased self awareness of self and environment
- Stupor- decreased eye contact, motor activity, can be aroused with noxious stimulation
- comatose- unresponsive, not arousable
*girl just go back to slide 4 for the GCS scale :( *
What are some clinical features of a child with AMS?
fever, HA, head tilt, abdominal pain, weakness, hematuria, weight loss, rash, N/V, drug ingestion, seizures, gait disturbance
T/F every child with AMS needs imaging
false- all with acute AMS with uknown etiology needs to get scanned
In what case would you do a lumbar puncture?
suspected meningitis, encephalitis, to rule out SAH in a negative HCT.
What is the management for hypoglycemia ?
treat hypoglycemia
neonates D10W
children D25W
What is the management for hypo/hyperthermia ?
raising temp TOO quickly is BAD
< 32 degrees C internal and external warming
What is the management for trauma/hemorrhage?
neurosurg consult
protect airway (intubate if GCS is <8)
elevate HOB with head midline
Dont hyperventilate unless herniation is imminent
What is the management for seizures ?
post ictal pts should improve in 2-3 hrs (febrile = 1 hr)
focal deficits indicate a lesion… get HCT
drug levels
manage seizures with benzo x 2 (first line)
What is the management for infections ?
broad spectrum ABX ASAP
Lumbar puncture (CSF analysis)
What is the management for tumors?
consult neurosurgery/oncology - steroids may help but leave it to them.
What is the management of vascular disease?
hemorrhagic- treat seizures, investigate coagulopathy
ischemic- supportive care, PICU, neruology, heparin if indicated
What is the management of hydrocephalus?
neurosurg consult
no one touches shunt unless on neuro team
What is the management of intoxications?
urine tox screen, APAP, ASA and ETOH
EKG in cardio- active drugs
Syncope is transient loss of consciousness and postural tone due to __________________ or _____________.
The three types are
cerebral ischemia, anoxia
- vasovagal, neurocardiogenic (orthostatic, athleticism, breath holding, situational - stress, blood drawing)
- cardiac (obstructive, arrythmia, prolonged QtC)
- nonsyncope mimicker (migraine with confusion or stupor, seizure, hypoglycemia, hysteria, hyperventilation, vertigo)
What is the diagnostic workup for someone with syncope?
hemoglobin should always be checked, EKG, tilt test to check for orthostasis, EEG, neuro consult
Repeated seizures without an acute symptomatic cause or provocation are defined as ____________________. Seizures in children related to fever > ________________________
febrile seizures