Peds GU Flashcards
Who are peds UTI more common in
UN-circumcised men
RF: constipation, vesicoureteral reflux, urinary tract obstruction, neurogenic bladder, poor perineal hygiene, structure abn, cath, sexual activity
MC UTI organisms are
*E. Coli!
Enterococcus (catheter)
Klebsiella, Proteus, other gram - bacteria
Sx of UTI are
Newborn: Fever*, poor feeding, irritable, jaundice, vomiting, sepsis, hypothermia +/- foul smelling/cloudy urine
Pre-school: abd/flank pain, frequency, dysuria, urgency (CVA ttp unusual this young unless it’s pyelo)
School age: *frequency, *dysuria, *urgency (pyelo has flank pain and fever)
How do you diagnose UTI
Clean catch UA: pyuria >5 WBC, Nitrite (unless young kids, neg. nitrite)
Gold: Urine culture***
Infants/not potty trained: Cath
What is a proper specimen for culture
Midstream clean catch
Separate labia
Retract foreskin
How do you Tx a UTI
<3 mo, septic, dehydrated: Admit for IV Abx
Older: Empiric Amoxicillin, Bactrim, or Keflex x 7-10 days
What is vesicoureteral reflux
Reflux of urine from bladder into ureter/upper urinary tract
30% of kids w/ febrile UTI
MC in white and females, <2 y/o
Explain Primary vs Secondary VUR
Primary: congenitally short ureter (MC)
Secondary: blockage from urogenic bladder or anatomic dysfunction
What are Sx of VUR
prenatal: hydronephrosis on US
postnatal: febrile UTI
How do you diagnose VUR
prenatal: US showing hydronephrosis. if unilateral, repeat US when 1 week old. if bilateral, repeat US and VCUG
postnatal: renal and bladder US if w/ UTI. VCUG** if febrile UTI
What are the grades of VCUG reflux
Grade I: reflux into ureter, no dilation
II: reflux to kidneys
III: reflux to kidneys with ureter dilation
IV: reflux w/ dilation of ureter, mild renal calyces blunting
V: reflux w/ dilation of ureter and blunting of reflux calyces
How do you treat VUR
I&II: spontaneous resolution by 5 y/o. +/- prophylactic Abx
III-V: Bactrim or Macrobid prophylaxis (d/c when VUR resolves) regardless of age
Last: surgical correction if grade V reflux w/ scarring, or IV-V persistence in >2-3 y/o, or if meds fail at any age
What are posterior urethral valves
obstructing membranous folds in lumen of posterior urethra, obstruct normal urine flow
MC in males
How do you diagnose PUV
Prenatal US: bilateral hydronephrosis (distended and thick bladder) +/- oligohydramnios
Postnatal: VCUG shows dilated and elongated posterior urethra during voiding phase
How do postnatal PUV present
oligohydramnios= high risk lung hypoplasia
FTT, distended abdomen, poor urinary system
Older boys: strain to urinate, UTI, day and night enuresis
How do you treat PUV
prenatal: experimental surgery in utero (shunt placement)
postnatal: correct electrolyte abn, foley catheter, transurethral catheter ablation of valve
PUV follow up includes
+/- clean intermittent cath-ing if w/ bladder dysfunction
Monitor for renal failure
Monitor for UTI
What are definitions from ICCS
daytime frequency: 8+ voids during waking hours
Incontinence: uncontrolled leakage
Urgency: sudden unexpected need to void
Nocturia: waking at night to void
Hesitancy: hard to initiate void
Straining: need abdominal pressure to initiate void
Dysuria: burning or discomfort during peeing
What is Enuresis
Repeat urination into clothing in 5+ y/o (Diurnal or Nocturnal) 2x week for min. 3 months
Primary: kids that have never been dry through the night
Secondary: resume wetting s/p 6 mo of nighttime dryness
RF for nocturnal enuresis are
Sleep apnea
Psychological (MC in secondary)
How do you diagnose nocturnal enuresis
H&P to r/o underlying cause
UA (specific gravity and cultures) esp in girls
How do you treat nocturnal enuresis
Pt Ed (don't be judgmental as parent) limit liquids before sleep wake child at night bedwetting alarm* for 3 months minimum Last: Desmopressin acetate (short term), Imipramine (high risk ADE)
What is daytime urinary incontinence
wetting accident once q2 weeks, prevalence decreases with age
RF: female, Hx of nocturnal enuresis, UTI, Encoparesis
Daytime urinary incontinence is associated with
Overactive bladder
Voiding postponement and under-active bladder
Dysfunctional voiding