Pediculus Humanus Capitis (Head Lice) Flashcards
What does Obligate human parasite mean
cannot survive on other animals or furniture
Direct contact is source of transmission.
(a) Lice feed or suck blood ___ hours (blood meal)
(b) They live for about __ month(s), female can lay 7-10 eggs per day.
(c) Eggs (or nits) are firm casts cemented to the hair shaft; hatch every 8-10 days.
a) 3-6
b) 1
Type of lice
typically sexually transmitted.
Pediculosis Pubis
body louse
Pediculosis Corporis
head louse
Pediculosis Capitis
Treatment for lice
(1) Permethrin rinse 1% (Nix); Permethrin 5% (Elimite); Lindane % (Kwell)
- (a) Sexual contacts/family members should also be treated.
- (b) As a last resort, shaving hair can be curative.
(2) Removing nits is essential (Nit combs)
- (a) If you kill the lice but leave the nits, they come back in 8-10 days.
- (b) Hair saturated with a solution of 50% vinegar and 50% water, applied and removed in 15 minutes may help to “unglue” nits.
(3) Clothes and bedclothes should be washed and dried at high temperature (laundering and steam pressing, or dry cleaning) if possible.
Differential Diagnosis lice
(1) Seborrheic Dermatitis
(2) Impetigo
(3) Insect Bites - bed bugs
Labs/Studies/Imaging lice
(1) Woods Lamp
(2) Adequate lighting & magnifying glass