Pediatrics - New born assessment Flashcards
What is an acceptable amount of weight loss in the first week of life? When should they be back to their birth weight by?
- Decreased up to 10% in first week
- Should return to birth weight by day 10 to 14.
What do you suspect in a mother with a lack of milk production following a delivery in which she required a 4 unit transfusion of blood?
- Sheehan syndrome
What is the average head circumference?
35cm or 20 inches
What is the expected rate of head circumference growth in the first year? The following 3-6 months?
- 2cm per month for 1 year
- 1cm per month afterward for 3 - 6 months
Causes of asymmetrical small for gestational age (late onset, head sparing)
- Nutrition
- Drugs
- Smoking
Causes of symmetrical SGA?
- Congenital Abn.
- Idiopathic syndromes
Child with absent red reflex and strabismus what are you concerned for?
- Retinoblastoma
What are features of an innocent murmur?
- mid-systolic
- grade 1-3 (soft)
- localized
- poor conduction
- musical or vibratory in character
- variable with position and respiration
- no other signs of heart disease
- Typically heard in high output states: such as fever or illness
- Age over 2 and no symptoms
what are the 4 S’s of innocent murmurs
S: aSymptomatic
S: Soft
S: left Sternal Edge
S: Systolic only
A systolic murmur with a wide fixed split S2 is caused by which defect?
Atrial septal defect
Describe a typical murmur heard with a PDA?
Machinery sound at 2nd L intercostal space
A holosystolic murmur heard at the left sternal border is caused by which defect?
Ventral septal defect
When is a diastolic murmur normal?
- Mitral stenosis or aortic regurgitation most common
Why does congenital hip dysplasia occur?
- Poorly developed acetabulum
- May also have deformity of the head of the femur
What is a postive Barlow or Ortolani?
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