Pediatrics Exam Flashcards
- Why do Nurses tell Moms to talk to their Babies
How often do Healthy Infants gain weight
a. Every baby is born with a little hole in their ( This is a murmur)
b. It will close in the first 10-15 hours of life
c. It will permanently close in 3 weeks
- What is Patent Ductus Arterioisus (PDA)
a. When the “Hole” doesn’t close
b. This happens in the TOP of the heart
- The 4 Cardiac Defects are
a. Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD)
b. Atrial Septal Defect (ASD)
c. Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)
d. Tetrology of Fallot (TOF)
- Select all that apply Question for Tet Spells (“To their Knees”)
a. Calm Child
b. Supplemental Oxygen
c. Morphine and Propanolol (A Beta-blocker)
- Clubbing is usually a late sign of what?
Tetrology of Fallot
- What must you have to get Rheumatic Fever
a. You must have a positive Strep virus to get Rheumatic Fever
When is a good time to get good Heart and Lung assessment for an 8 month old?
a. When they are sleeping
What can you not give with Reye Syndrome
- Why do you not give antibiotics for Croup?
a. Because Croup is viral and not bacterial and antibiotics should only be prescribed for bacterial issues
S/S are Diuretic Rash, Vesicles…..
Varicella – Chicken Pox
- Position Babies should sleep in
a. Laying on Back – (Supine)
- Always Remember ABC’s when answering any question
a. Airway
b. Breathing
c. Circulation
- What Pain Scales are used for Infants and Toddlers
FLACC is the answer for Infants and Toddlers
- 9 mo. old w/ Acute Otitis Media
Infection –(Pulling at the Ears)
- Epiglotitis has almost been completely eradicated by what?
the HIB Vaccine
- In a case of Epiglotitis you would stage Oxygen and intubation tools
stage Oxygen in the room and intubation tools nearby