Pediatrics COPY Flashcards
What are the dosages of erythromycin ointment and vitamin K to be given at birth?
.5% erythromycin ophthalmic ointment
1 mg of vitamin K IM
Penicillins are bacteri-____
Which clotting factors are vitamin K dependent?
II, VII, IX, and X
2, 7, 9, and 10 (Think 1972)
Protein C inhibits factor
V, so Protein C deficiency increases the risk of DVT!
Without protein C, factor V will cause clots without inhibition.
What are the vitamin K dependent anticoagulants?
Proteins C and S
If mom is HBsAg positive, administer ___ along with the hep B vaccine to baby
hepatitis IVIG
What needs to be done before newborn can be discharged?
Hep B vaccine or IVIG Vitamin K Erythromycin ophthalmic ointment hearing test Neonatal screening tests for PKU, galactosemia, congenital hypothyroidism, etc.
How to treat erythema toxicum of newborn?
How to treat Sturge-Weber syndrome?
Give anticonvulsants and evaluate for glaucoma
If hemangiomas are large or interfere with organ function, treat with
steroids or pulsed laser
Preauricular tags/pits can be associated with
GU abnormalities and hearing loss
CHARGE syndrome =
Coloboma of the eye Heart defects Atresia Retardation GU abnormnalities Ear abnml
Aniridia is a/w
Wilms tumor, so screen w/ abdominal ultrasound Q3 months until age 8
Mass in the midline of the neck that moves with swallowing or tongue protrusion =
thyroglossal duct cyst; remove surgically
Omphalaceles develop due to failure of
GI sac retraction at 10-12 weeks gestation.
Screen for trisomy 13, 18, and 21
If epispadias is present, evaluate for
bladder exstrophy
Lab abnormalities in infants of diabetic mothers: