Pediatrics and Strabismus Vol. 3 Flashcards
What is the primary use of the 40 base-out prism test?
To document the presence of a small, facultative scooma
What is the purpose of the afterimage test?
To determine wheter a patient has NRC or ARC
What is the most common causa of unilateral vision loss of childhood?
What is the most common causa of amblyopia?
What is the second most common cause of amblyopia, following strabismus?
What is the most common cause of deprivation amblyopia?
Congenital or early aquired cataract
What is the most important test for detecting the presence of manifest strabismus and differentiating between a phoria and tropia?
Cover-uncover test
What is the purpose of the alternate cover test?
To measure the total deviation of strabismus
In what type of patient is the Lancaster red-green test most usefuI?
Patients with incomitant stabismus and NRC
What type of patient is the Hess screen test most useful?
Patients with paretic or paralytic strabismus and NRC
What is the most common cause of pseudostrabismus?
Pseudoesotropia caused by coverage of the nasalsclera by wide, nasalbridge and epicanthalfolds of infancy
What is angle kappa?
Angle between the visual axis and the anatomical pupillary axis
What causes a positive angle kappa?
Fovea temporal to the pupillary axis
What type of deviation is simulated by a positive angle kappa?
What causes a negative angle kappa?
Fovea nasal to the pupillary axis
What type of deviation is simulated by a negative angle kappa?
What is an A pattem?
Esotropia greatest in upgaze or exotropia greatest in downgaze
What is a V pattern?
Esotropia greatesting in downgaze or exotropia greatest in upgaze
What is the normal near point of convergence?
8 to 10 cm or less
What is the normal field of binocular fixation?
40 to 50 degrees from the fixation point
What is the approximate amount of stereopsis measured by the Stereo Fly Test?
3500 seconds of arc
What medication used for cycloplegic refraction has been associated with causing hypnotic effect?
What medication can be used in the treatment of atropine overdose?
What is the most common type of deviation seen in patients with strabismus?
What is the normal refractive error in young children?
1- 2 D of hyperopia
What is the most common surgical procedure of repair of congenital esotropia?
Bilateral medial rectus recession
What is the most commonly used non-surgical treatment option of nonrefractive accomodativa esotropia?
What medication has been associated with causing pupillary cysts?
Echothiophata iodide
What type of medications should be used with caution in patients taking echothiphate iodide?
Depolarizing muscle relaxants (eg. succinylcholine)
What is the mechanism of action of echothiophate iodide?
Long-acting cholinesterase inhibitor
What is thought to be the cause of congenital sixth nerve palsy that resolves spontaneously?
Increased intracranial pressure during birth
What medication can be used to reduce the risk of pupillary cyst fonnation caused by echothiophate iodide?
What is the most effective treatment of cyclic esotropia?