Pediatrics Flashcards
Rooting Reflex
E- b4 born
I - 3mo
stroke cheek/lip. head turn to stimulation
searches for food
Suck Swallow Reflex
E- b4 born
I - 5mo
Finger into mouth. Baby sucks. Eat food
Traction Reflex
E - b4 birth
I - 5mo
Pull forearms to sitting. head, hand, arm flexion. Head lag expected until approx. 4mo.
Moro Reflex
E - b4 birth I - 4-6mo startle/drop head back 1. arm extension/abduction 2. arm flexion/adduction protective alarm system
Plantar reflex
E - b4 birth
I - 9mo
Pressure on ball/sole of foot
Toes curl in flexion. Prepares feet to position in standing
Retained = grav. insecurity, tactile sensitivity, prob w/foot positioning.
Galant Reflex
E - b4 birth
I - 2mo
Prone Suspension. Stroke side of spine. Lateral trunk flexion
trunk stabilization, balance & hip ROM for crawl/walk
Palmar Grasp
E - b4 birth I - 6mo Finger in palm, finger flexion. Increased tactile input to palm. Retained = poor FM, poor grasp release
E - b4 birth
I - 4-6 mo
rotate head to side - hold 5s. Fencing pose.
Retained = head dictates arm mvts. difficulty crossing midline, poor hand eye coordination, poor reading comprehension, poor handwriting
E - B4 birth I - 6mo Lay prone - total body flexion Lay supine - total body extension Retained = prone - diff lift/extend head Supine - diff sitting up d/t extensor dominating. Either one = decreased posture, tone, coordination.
E - 4-6 mo
I - 8-12mo
flex head - arms flex, legs extend
extend head - arms extend, legs flex
important for crawling.
retained= interfered with sitting up. Leg extension resists movement.
Landing a plane
E - 3mo
I - 12-24mo
Hold prone in air. Total body extension.
Righting Reactions
Initiate Rolling
Critical for head control, crawling, standing
Neck Righting
E - 4-6mo
I - 5yrs
Supine turn head to side. body LOG ROLLS to follow
important for transition from supine to side-lying
Body Righting
E - 4-6mo
I - 5yrs
Bend 1 leg to chest = segmental rolling -more mature
Optical Head Righting
E - Birth
I - persists
tilt to side/forward/back. maintains head upright
uses visual cues
Labyrinthine Head Righting
E - birth
I - persists
Cover eyes, tilt in space. maintains head upright using vestibular system.
Downward parachute reaction
E - 4mo
I - persists
hold vertically, quickly lower feet toward surface. Legs extend/straighten
protective against fall
Forward Parachute reaction
E - 6mo
I - persists
Prone suspension, tip forward. arms extend/abduct
Sideward Parachute Reaction
E - 7mo
I - persists
Sitting, tip to side
unilateral arm extension/abduction
Backward Parachute
E - 9mo
I - persists
sitting, tip back
bilateral arms extend back or spinal rotation and unilateral arm extension.
Equilibrium reactions
all - balance on tilt board Spine curves toward lifted side, arms/legs extend/abduct Prone tilt - E - 5mo Supine tilt - E - 7-8mo Quad tilt - E - 9-12mo Standing tilt - E - 12-21mo
1st line of defense against falling =
2nd line of defense =
1st = equilibrium reactions 2nd = protective reactions
Pellet Grasp Progression
Visual Attention - 3mo Raking grasp - 6mo Inferior Scissors Grasp - 7mo Scissors Grasp - 8mo Inferior Pincer - 9mo Pincer Grasp - 10mo Fine Pincer - 12mo
0-12yrs = what type of play
0-3mo motor development
The New World observing/tracking eye contact smile/coo head side to side head righting bear weight on forearms uncoordinated swiping
4-6mo motor development
The Stronger World
Increased trunk strength/stability/head control
Lifting head - NO LAG
FOMO - fear of missing out
6mo motor development
The Sitting World roll, shift weight, sit w arms propped/wide BOS bring feet to mouth sequential rolling - getting mobile weight shifts, free's up arm for play Greater core strength/trunk stability
7 - 10 -12 motor development
The Mobile World
7 Crawl on belly
10 Creeping and Cruising
12 Walking
Pediatric Developmental Assessments
Denver Dev Screen 1mo - 6yrs
1st Steps Screening 2y/9mo - Pre-K
Miller Assessment for Pre-K 2y/9mo - 5y/8mo
HELP 0-3 w dev delay, 3yrs - 6yrs w or w/out dev delay
Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory 6mo - 7.5yrs
Ped motor and VM assessments
Miller (M-Fun) 2y/6mo - 7y/11mo BOT-2 4yr - 21y BEERY VMI 2yr - 100yr DTVP - 2 4yr - 10yr PVMIA - 3.5 - 5.5yr MVPT - 3 4yr - 7yr TVPS 4yr - 18yr TVMS 3yr - 13yr
Ped Sensory Assessments
Sensory Profile SP 0-36mo, 11-65yrs
Sensory and Praxis Test SIPT 4yr - 8yr/11mo
Sensory Processing measure SPM 5yr - 12yr
Release object
0-1mo no release 1-4mo involuntary 5-6mo 2 stage transfer 6-7mo 1 stage transfer 7-9mo voluntary
Fine Motor Manipulation
Finger to palm 12-15mo
palm to finger 2-2.5yrs
shift 3-5yrs
simple rotation (90) 2-2.5yrs
complex rotation (360) 6-7yrs
in hand manipulation/stabilization 6-7yrs
palmar supinate grasp 1-1.5yrs
digital pronate grasp 2-3yrs
static tripod posture 3.5-4yrs
dynamic tripod posture 4.5-6yrs
Scissor Skills
2-3 yrs Interest, holds/snips, opens/closes 3-4 yrs forward motion, lateral direction, straight line, simple geometric shapes (triangle, square) 3.5-4.5 yrs cuts circles 4-6 yrs simple figures 6-7 yrs complex figures
Erik Erikson Stages
8 Ego -trust vs mistrust 0-18 -autonomy vs shame/doubt 2-4 -initiative vs guilt pre-k -industry vs inferiority elementary -self ID vs role diffusion teen -intimacy vs solidarity vs isolation young adult -generativity vs self absorption middle adult - integrity vs despair older adult
L. Kohlberg
Moral Development 3
Preconventional to 8 yrs punishment/obedience
conventional to 9/10 yrs social conformity, law/order
postconventional varies social contracts
Maslow - hierarchy of human needs
basic to complex physiological safety love/belonging self-esteem self-actualization
Cognition Sensorimotor 0-2 Preoperational 2-7 Concrete 7-11 formal 11-teen
Play categories
Exploratory 0-2
Symbolic 2-4
Creative 4-7
Games 7-12
Cognitive Milestones
-OBJECT USE- shake 3-6mo pull/tear 6-9mo containers 8-9mo open doors/roll ball 9-12mo objects w schemes 12+mo baby/stroller/push - links schemes 12-15mo multiple scheme combinations 24-36mo scheme into complex scripts 36-24mo
Problem Solving 6-9mo
object permanence
Independent movement gets toy
visual anticipation
Prob Solving 9-12mo
use of tools
goal directed
purpose actions = responses
Prob Solving 12-15mo
recruits help
turns objects to inspect them
trial and error
Prob Solving 18-21mo
ID shapes
on/off switches
predict effects/presume causes
Problem Solving 21-24mo
Matches shapes
Prob Solving 24-27mo
Discriminates size
Prob Solving 24-30mo
horizontal/vertical block building
Prob Solving 27-30mo
mental plan
relate experiences
Prob Solving 36-48mo
9 cube tower
build using memory
Prob Solving 48-60mo
build up complex structures
spatial awareness, cause and effect
Symbolic Play
12-16mo make believe with self (sleep)
12-18mo make believe on objects/others (dolls) Use of familiar schemes
18-24mo substitute block as a train. doll washes “itself”
B4 33wks gestation non oral
after 33wks gestation jaw/tongue movements
40 weeks gestation rooting/gag/cough reflexes -4mo
4-5mo munching
6mo tongue strong up and down
7-8mo masticaate soft food, diagonal jaw
9mo tongue lateralization, sip cup
12mo firm jaw, rotary chewing
24mo chew most tough foods
Recommend videofluoroscopy
if high risk of aspiration
Havighurst Developmental Skills - Infancy/childhood
walk solid food talk toileting sexual differences/modesty physiologic stability social and physical reality family bonds know wrong/right
Havighurst Developmental Skills - Middle childhood
physical development - skills for games healthy self-concept make friends read, write, calculate morality, values formulate opinions
Havighurst Dev Skills - Adolescence
greater relationships with males and females
gender/social role
adjust to changing body
decreased emotional reliance on parents/adults
prep for marriage/family/career
value system
socially responsible behaviors
Havighurst Dev Skills - Early Adulthood
choose partner - adjust to them start family raise kids manage home pursue occupation civic responsibility find social group
Havighurst Dev Skills - Middle Adulthood
guide adolescents civic/social responsibility career leisure accept physiological changes accept aging parents
Havighurst Dev Skills - Later Adulthood
cope with changes in strength/health
retire, adjust to decreased income
death of a spouse
change in social roles
Lela Llorens
Individuals to be viewed horizontally and longitudinally
-at a specific period of time and over the course of time.
Life Span
Max Age Potential 110-120yrs
Life Expectancy
Around 78.8 in US
Leading causes of death > 65y/o
CHD Cancer CVD COPD Pneumonia/Flu
Diseases/Chronic Illness’ > 65y/o
low blood sodium