Pediatric Trauma Flashcards
True or false
 Pediatric trauma occurs in a bimodal age distribution, with peak incidences in toddlers and adolescents
True or false
Family/caregiver presence during resuscitation is an important standard practice in pediatric care
When anticipating the arrival of a critically injured child, consider drawing up sedation and intuba- tion drugs beforehand using the “3:2:1 rule” which is
“3:2:1 rule”: fentanyl 3 micrograms/kg IV, ketamine 2 milligrams/kg IV, and rocuronium 1 milligram/kg
True or false
Cardiac output is mediated primarily by heart rate in children as opposed to stroke volume in adults
True or false
hypotension is a very late and ominous sign of cardiovascular compromise in children
The mean systolic blood pressure in children 1 to 10 years of age can be estimated using the following formula: 
90 + (2 × age) mm Hg
hypotension can be estimated as
systolic blood pressure less than 70 + (2 × age) mm Hg.
True or false
stress-induced hyperglycemia is common in the set- ting of polytrauma, hypoglycemia can occur in younger children and should be treated promptly
approach to the primary survey while addressing life-threatening injuries should be employed in all injured children
“(C)ABCDE” (catastrophic bleeding, airway with cervical spine motion restriction, breathing, circulation with hemorrhage control, disability, exposure)
True or false
In a spontaneously breathing child with a partially obstructed airway, use a jaw-thrust maneuver with bimanual in-line spinal motion restriction to open the airway, suction secretions and debris, and apply supplemental oxygen.
For infants and toddlers, placement of a__________ layer of padding below the entire torso may be required to maintain neutral alignment of the spine
1- to 2.5-in.
Indications for endotracheal intubation in the trauma patient include the following:
- Glasgow Coma Scale score <8 or lack of airway protective reflexes
- Respiratory failure due to inadequate oxygenation or ventilation (e.g., pulmonary contusions, large pneumohemothoraces, chest wall or diaphragm injuries)
- Impending airway comprise (e.g., facial burns, inhalation injury, expanding neck hematoma)
- Lack of neuromuscular respiratory drive (e.g., cervical spinal cord injuries)
- Significant hypovolemia with depressed sensorium
- Unstable patients in need of CT imaging, angioembolization, or operative intervention
- Transport of critically injured patients to another institution, espe- cially over long distances
_____________ is the induction agent of choice in hypotensive patients and may improve cerebral blood flow in children with raised intracranial pressure.
____________ reduces cerebral blood flow, intracranial pressures, and cerebral oxygen consumption, while maintaining arterial blood pressure, and may be considered in children with severe traumatic brain injury.
Consider premedication with__________ in infants <1 year of age because they are at risk for bradycardia in response to both laryngeal stimulation and hypoxia
atropine sulfate
the preferred temporizing technique for oxygenation
needle-jet insufflation via the cricothyroid membrane
lifesaving surgical cricothyrotomy has been suc- cessfully performed in older children in whom the cricothyroid mem- brane is easily palpable (usually by ____ years of age)
tension pneumothorax, immediately perform a needle thoracostomy by placing a 16- to 18-gauge IV catheter in the ________________
midclavicular line just above the third rib