Pediatric Review Flashcards
Includes CDC vaccination information and a study resource that the peds residents at SAMMC use to prep for their boards.
At what age should kids show a preference for the human face?
At what age should kids follow a dangling ring past midline?
2 mos
At what age should kids retain a rattle briefly?
2 mos
At what age should kids have a facial response to a bell?
2 mos
At what age should kids follow an object through a 180-degree arc?
2 mos
At what age should kids lift their head and shoulders off the bed in prone position?
2 mos
At what age should kids smile socially; coo; make reciprocal vocalizations?
2 mos
At what age should kids show a spontaneous social smile?
4 mos
At what age should kids vocalize or smile when pulled to a sitting position?
4 mos
At what age should kids anticipate food on sight?
4 mos
At what age should kids sit propped for 10-15 minutes?
4 mos
This is usually meant to assess tone in kids (according to the peds docs I’m rotating with), and this requires someone else propping them up (as in they won’t just fall over). Please let me know if this is unclear!
At what age should kids have steady head control while sitting?
4 mos
At what age should kids hold their heads up?
4 mos
At what age should kids bear weight on their forearms when prone?
4 mos
At what age should kids push with feet in standing position?
4 mos
At what age should kids reach for objects?
4 mos
At what age should kids laugh out loud/squeal?
4 mos
At what age should kids initiate social interaction?
4 mos
At what age should kids transfer objects from one hand to the other?
6 mos
At what age should kids roll over in both directions?
6 mos (Something Derek Zoolander mastered much later than others.)
At what age should kids sit with support (tripod-ing)?
6 mos
At what age should kids turn directly to sound and voice?
6 mos
At what age should kids babble consonant sounds?
6 mos
At what age should kids imitate speech sounds?
6 mos
At what age should kids feed themselves w/ fingers?
9 mos
At what age should kids play gesture games (pat a cake) in imitation?
9 mos
At what age should kids bang two objects together?
9 mos
At what age should kids hold two objects at one time?
9 mos
At what age should kids grasp pellet-like objects w/ immature pincer?
9 mos
At what age should kids sit without support?
9 mos
At what age should kids say “mama” and “dada” as non-specific sounds [eg repetitive consonants]?
9 mos
At what age should kids understand their own names?
9 mos
At what age should kids recognize common objects [eg bottle] or people [eg daddy]?
9 mos
At what age should kids pull to a stand and cruise?
12 mos
At what age should kids take a few independent steps?
12 mos
At what age should kids neatly pincer grasp a raisin/pellet?
12 mos
At what age should kids say “mama” or “dada” with specific meaning?
12 mos
At what age should kids say at least one specific word in addition to “mama” and “dada”?
12 mos
At what age should kids play ball w/ examiner?
15 mos
At what age should kids give and take a toy?
15 mos
At what age should kids drink from a cup?
15 mos
At what age should kids make a line w/ a crayon?
15 mos
At what age should kids make a two-cube tower?
15 mos
At what age should kids walk independently?
15 mos
At what age should kids stoop to the floor/recover to standing position?
15 mos
At what age should kids say 3-6 specific words?
15 mos
At what age should kids follow simple commands?
15 mos
At what age should kids use jargon?
15 mos
At what age should kids indicate some desires or needs by pointing?
15 mos
At what age should kids offer an empty dish?
18 mos
At what age should kids partially feeds self w/ spills?
18 mos
At what age should kids have regulated daytime toilet training?
18 mos