Pediatric Gastroenterology Flashcards
Second only to respiratory illnesses, this is the most common reason children see us
GI complanints
Stomach pain can arise from
strep throat
food allergy
Visual inspection
Distention, discoloration, veins, jaundice, scars, ostomies
Bowel sounds
Normal, hypo or hyperactive, absent, high pitched
Organomegaly, retained feces, masses
Rectal exam
Masses, fissures, abscesses, fistulas, rectal tone, content
Abdominal Pain in Children
Frequent presentation
Often benign or associated with another illness
Can be difficult to assess severity (FACES scale)
For frequent or persistent pain, ask the parent “ Can you tell when the child is in pain, or only if they tell you?”
When pain is severe, (>6/10) a child will not be very functional.
When there are psychological overtones, pain may be experienced as much more severe than appears. Typical for chronic pain
Abrupt onset of abd pain can indicate a
bowel obstruction, rupture
Gradual onset of abd pain is likely
inflammatory – appendicitis, inflammatory bowel
Common Diagnoses in Children with Acute Abdominal Pain
Viral illness Acute gastroenteritis Food intolerance Pneumonia Gastritis (food related or post-infectious) Constipation UTI
Chronic Abdominal Pain in Children
Will affect over 10% of all children at some point
Peak incidence between age 7-12 years
Extensive differential diagnosis
Most children have a benign process
warning signs of underlying illness
Vomiting Abnormal lab tests Fever Bilious emesis Growth failure/weight loss Pain wakens child from sleep Blood in stool or emesis Location other than periumbilical
When to assess as opposed to offering reassurance
Anxious child
Anxious parent
Missed school
Comprehensive history of chronic abd pain
Family history of GI disorders (think about role modeling)
Family history of anxiety
Careful dietary history- especially too much of one thing, not enough variety
Lifestyle history – sleep, meals, school, stressors
Lab assessment of chronic pelvic pain
Amylase, lipase
ALT, AST, GGT, bilirubin