Pediatric Dentistry Flashcards
Name the problem of prior to eruption
Gingival Cysts
What is the other name of Gingival Cysts?
Epstein’s pearls/Bohns Nodules
Name the problem of prior to eruption
Congenital Epulis
Name the problem of prior to eruption
Natal or Neonatal teeth
Name the problem of prior to eruption
Eruption Cysts
Natal or Neonatal teeth require no treatment unless?
- Causing ulceration
- Affecting mother during feeding
- Mobile - Choking hazard
Upper right second primary molar in FDI notation
When teeth start formation in intrauterine life (i.u.l)?
Week 5
How we can detect the formation of hard tissue in week 15?
ultrasound scans
What lead to Enamel defects during calcification?
Systemic disturbances
What cause defects in the primary dentition?
Difficult pregnancy for the mother or
complications at birth.
Possible theories behind tooth eruption
- Cellular proliferation at apex
- Localized change in blood/hydrostatic pressure
- Metabolic activity in PDL
- Resorption of overlying hard tissue
What erupt first upper or lower tooth?
Lower teeth erupt before upper (Except lateral incisors)
Eruption sequence
A (4-6) → B (7-16) → D (13-19) → C (16-22) → E (15-33) - (in months)
A,B,D,C,E→ 1,2,4,3,5
When the primary dentition completed?
2.5-3 years of age
How long it takes for the tooth in the same series to erupt?
within 3 months of their contra lateral tooth
Mention the key differences between Primary vs Permanent (Crowns)
- Primary incisor has a smaller crown and root
- Primary molars are wider mesiodistally
- Primary molar crowns are more bulbous
- Primary teeth are whiter in colour
Why primary teeth are whiter in colour?
because the enamel and dentine is thinner
What is in common between upper and lower 1st primary molar?
Prominent mesiobuccal tubercle
What tooth does the picture show and what the arrow indicate?
Tooth- Upper Right 2nd Primary Molar
Arrow- Transverse Ridge
Mention the key differences between Primary vs Permanent (Roots)
Primary roots are:
- Narrower compared to permanent teeth
- Primary molar roots are longer & slender
- Tend to flare apically to allow room for developing permanent crowns
Mention the key differences between Primary vs Permanent (Pulp)
Primary pulp:
- Chambers are large in proportion to surrounding crown
- Pulp horns extend high & closer to enamel → pulpal exposure is more likely
Why pulp exposure is more likely in primary teeth?
because pulp horns in primary teeth extend high & closer to enamel
Mention the key differences between Primary vs Permanent (root canal)
Primary root canals are:
- Ribbon shaped
- Multiple interconnecting and accessory canals
- Impossible to clean clinically
Mention the key differences between Primary vs Permanent (root canal)
- Primary coronal dentine → much thinner
- Primary enamel is relatively thin and consistent in depth
Mention the difference between Primary vs Permanent (root canal)
Anterior spacing present in primary dentition → This is desired as it helps to avoid crowding in permanent dentition
What is the benefit if anterior spacing that present in primary dentition?
This is desired as it helps to avoid crowding in permanent dentition
What is anthropoid (Primate) spacing?
- Space mesial to upper deciduous canine
- Space distal to lower deciduous canine
What is leeway space?
Extra mesio-distal space occupied
by the primary molars which are wider than the premolars which will replace them.
How much leeway space ?
1.5mm per side on the upper arch and 2.5mm per side in the lower arch, due to primary molar being wider than premolars that will replace them
The mixed dentition stage
Between 6 and 11 years
Eruption sequence of permanent teeth of the upper arch
1st permanent molars & then front to back EXCEPT canines.
6, 1, 2, 4, 5, {3}, 7, 8.
Eruption sequence of permanent teeth of the lower arch
1st permanent molars & then front to back.
6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8.
Crowding in the upper arch usually leads to?
Exclusion of the upper canine, so it will erupt at 11
Crowding in the lower arch usually leads to?
Lack of space for the second premolar. The upper premolar will erupt first {exception}
How do deciduous and permanent incisors look?
It is upright in deciduous teeth and proclined in the permanent which leads to an increase in A-P arch length
Explain the eruption path for permanent incisors
Permanent incisors develop palatal to primary incisors.
What is ‘Ugly Duckling stage’?
- Transient spacing of upper 1’s
- Due to close proximity of roots to erupting 2’s and 3’s
How many years it takes to complete apexogenesis of permanent tooth root?
3 years for permanent tooth and 1.5 for primary dentition