Pediatric Anesthesia Flashcards
Why do neonates and infants have a lower FRC? What else contributes to their faster desaturation?
Fewer and smaller alveoli (therefore decreased lung compliance); cartilaginous rib cage (very compliant chest wall) – this combination promotes chest wall collapse during inspiration and low residual lung volumes during expiration. Therefore, lower FRC - more predisposed to atelectasis and hypoxemia. This is exaggerated by higher rate of oxygen consumption.
How is the neonatal and infant airway different than older children and adults?
- larger head and tongue
- narrower nasal passage
- anterior and cephalad larynx (glottis is at C4 instead of C6 like in adults)
- longer epiglottis
- shorter trachea and neck
What is the narrowest point of the airway in children <5?
Cricoid cartilage (in adults, the glottis is the narrowest)
Describe what is different about CO in neonates and infants (think HRxSV)
SV is relatively fixed bc of non-compliant and immature left ventricle. Therefore, CO is very HR dependent
Why are neonates more susceptible to heat loss?
Thin skin, low fat content, greater surface area relative to weight
What are the most important mechanisms of heat production in neonates
Metabolism of brown fat (limited in premature infants or sick neonates with low fat stores. Volatiles agents inhibit thermogenesis in brown adipocytes); shifting of hepatic oxidative phosphorylation to a more thermogenic pathway
At what age does kidney function approach normal values?
6 months
Why are neonates predisposed to hypoglycemia? what are other risk factors in neonates for hypoglycemia?
Reduced glycogen stores.
Risk factors: premature, small for gestational age, diabetic mothers, receiving hyperalimentation
What is the pediatric dose for atropine?
0.01-0.02mg/kg IV
0.02mg/kg IM
Minimum dose 0.1 mg
What is the pediatric dose for diphenhydramine?
1mg/kg IM/IV/PO
What is the pediatric dose for epinephrine bolus? endotracheal?
10mcg/kg bolus
100mcg/kg ETT
What is the pediatric dose for fentanyl - pain and anesthetic induction?
Pain: 1-2mcg/kg
Anesthetic adjunct: 1-5mcg/kg
What is the pediatric dose for ketamine induction? (IV and IM)
1-2mg/kg IV
6-10mg/kg IM
What is the pediatric dose for ketoralac?
What is the premedication dose for midazolam? What is the max dose?
0.3-0.5mg/kg po
Max = 20mg po
What is the pediatric dose for morphine for pain relief?
What is the pediatric dose of ondansetron?
0.1mg/kg IV
What are the pediatric doses for rocuronium and succinylcholine?
Roc: 0.6-1.2mg/kg
Sux: children: 1-1.5mg/kg; infants: 2-3mg/kg
Sux IM: 4-6mg/kg)
*Should always premedicate with atropine if giving sux (0.1mg min; 0.02mg/kg if IM)
What is the pediatric dose for cefazolin?
25mg/kg IV
How does volume of distribution change with age?
Because total body water content decreases with age, so does volume of distribution. It is greatest in neonates.
Why is induction speed with volatile anesthetic faster in infants and younger children?
Greater alveolar ventilation and reduced FRC
How do MAC values compare for neonates, infants, small children and adults?
Highest MAC in infants, then then neonates, then small children, then adults
Why do infants and young children require higher propofol doses?
greater volume of distribution. They also have a shorter elimination half-life and higher plasma clearance for propofol
How does opioid potency compare in neonates vs older children/adults
More potent in neonates. Morphine in particular should be used with caution (particularly repeated doses) because reduced hepatic conjugation and renal clearance
What are the worries with given succinylcholine to a child versus an adult?
- may have profound bradycardia and sinus node arrest following 1st dose (if no atropine pretreatment)
- more susceptible to cardiac arrythmias, hyperkalemia, rhabdo, myoglobinemia, masseter spasm and MH
Where should the sat probe be placed on a neonate?
right hand or earlobe (pre-ductal)
Describe fetal circulation, starting with blood entering from the placenta
Oxygenated blood from the placenta enters the IVC via the umbilical vein and mixes with deoxygenated blood from lower limbs. IVC to the R Atrium via ductus venosis. From R Atrium preferentially crosses the foramen ovale to L Atrium. L atrium to L ventricle and the oxygenated blood then perfuses brain and upper extremities. Blood returns via SVC and preferentially enters RV. RV to pulmonary artery, then given high pulmonary pressure 95% of blood is shunted across ductus arteriosis down the aorta and to lower body and the placenta. The blood that comes from placenta that does not pass through ductus venosis mixes with blood from portal vein and perfuses liver before entering heart
What is the relative amount of SV of each ventricle in fetal circulation?
RV 2/3rds LV 1/3rd
At what fetal age is there sufficient pulmonary surfactant?
34 weeks gestation