Pediatric 2 Flashcards









Measles is a highly contagious viral illness caused by measles virus which is a single-stranded, lipid-enveloped RNA virus in the family Paramyxoviridae and genus Morbillivirus.


The portal of entry of measles virus is through the respiratory tract or conjunctivae following contact with large droplets or small-droplet aerosols in which the virus is suspended. Patients are infectious from 3days before to up to 4-6 days after the onset of rash. Approximately 90% of exposed susceptible individuals experience measles. Face-to-face contact is not necessary, because viable virus may be suspended in air for as long as 1hr after the patient with the source case leaves a room. Secondary cases from spread of aerosolized virus have been reported in airplanes, physicians’offices, and hospitals.


Measles infection consists of 4 phases: incubation period, prodromal illness, exanthematous phase, and recovery. During incubation, measles virus migrates to regional lymph nodes. A primary viremia ensues that disseminates the virus to the reticuloendothelial system. A secondary viremia spreads virus to body surfaces. The prodromal illness begins after the secondary viremia and is associated with epithelial necrosis and giant cell formation in body tissues. Virus shedding begins in the prodromal phase. With onset of the rash, antibody production begins, and viral replication and symptoms begin to subside.

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Lab tests


Clinical Manifestations:

Measles is a serious infection characterized by high fever, an enanthem, cough, coryza, conjunctivitis, and a prominent exanthem. After an incubation period of 812 days, the prodromal phase begins with a mild fever followed by the onset of conjunctivitis with photophobia, coryza, a prominent cough, and increasing fever. Koplik spots represent the enanthem and are the pathognomonic sign of measles, appearing 1-4 days prior to the onset of the rash. They first appear as discrete red lesions with bluish white spots in the center on the inner aspects of the cheeks at the level of the premolars. They may spread to involve the lips, hard palate, and gingiva. They also may occur in conjunctival folds and in the vaginal mucosa. Koplik spots have been reported in 50–70% of measles cases but probably occur in the great majority.

Symptoms increase in intensity for 2-4 days until the 1st day of the rash. The rash begins on the forehead (around the hairline),behind the ears, and on the upper neck as a red maculopapular eruption. It then spreads downward to the torso and extremities, reaching the palms and soles in up to 50% of cases. The exanthema frequently becomes confluent on the face and upper trunk. With the onset of the rash, symptoms begin to subside. The rash fades over about 7 days in the same progression as it evolved, often leaving a fine desquamation of skin in its wake. Of the major symptoms of measles, the cough lasts the longest, often up to 10 days. In more severe cases, generalized lymphadenopathy may be present, with cervical and occipital lymph nodes especially prominent.

Modified Measles Infection:

In individuals with passively acquired antibody, such as infants and recipients of blood products, a subclinical form of measles may occur. The rash may be indistinct, brief, or, rarely, entirely absent. Likewise, some individuals who have received a vaccine, when exposed to measles, may have a rash but few other symptoms. Persons with modified measles are not considered highly contagious.

Laboratory Findings:

  1. The diagnosis of measles is almost always based on clinical and epidemiologic findings.
  2. In the acute phase reduction in the total white blood cell count, with lymphocytes decreased more than neutrophils. However, absolute neutropenia has been known to occur.
  3. In measles not complicated by bacterial infection, the ESR and CRP levels are usually normal.


In the absence of a recognized measles outbreak, confirmation of the clinical diagnosis is often recommended.

  1. IgM antibody in serum: IgM antibody appears 1-2 days after the onset of the rash and remains detectable for about 1 mo.
  2. Viral isolation from blood, urine, or respiratory secretions can be accomplished by culture.
  3. Molecular detection by polymerase chain reaction is available.

Differential Diagnoses:

Typical measles is unlikely to be confused with other illnesses, especially if Koplik spots are observed.

*Measles in the later stages or modified or atypical infections may be confused with a number of other exanthematous immune mediated illnesses and infections, including rubella, adenovirus infection, enterovirus infection, and Epstein-Barr virus infection. *Exanthem subitum (in infants) and erythema infectiosum (in older children) may also be confused with measles.

*Mycoplasma pneumoniae and group A Streptococcus may also produce rashes similar to that of measles.

*Kawasaki syndrome can cause many of the same findings as measles but lacks discrete intraoral lesions (Koplik spots) and a severe prodromal cough and typically leads to elevations of neutrophils and acute-phase reactants. In addition, the characteristic thrombocytosis of Kawasaki syndrome is absent in measles.

*Drug eruptions may occasionally be mistaken for measles.

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Morbidity and mortality from measles are greatest in:

= younger than 5 yr of age(especially <1 yr of age) and older than 20 yr of age. = crowding =severe malnutrition =low serum retinol =immunocompromised persons The complications of measles include:

  1. Pneumonia: is the most common cause of death in measles(manifests as giant cell pneumonia caused directly by the viral infection or as superimposed bacterial infection”Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and Staphylococcus aureus”.
  2. Bronchiolitis obliterans.
  3. Croup, tracheitis, and bronchiolitis.
  4. Acute otitis media.
  5. Sinusitis and mastoiditis.
  6. Retropharyngeal abscess.
  7. Diarrhea and vomiting, with dehydration as a consequence.
  8. Febrile sizures occur in < 3%.
  9. Appendicitis or abdominal pain my occur from obstruction of the appendiceal lumen by lymphoid hyperplasia.
  10. Encephalitis (a postinfectious, immunologically mediated process and is not the result of a direct effect by the virus. Clinical onset begins during the exanthema and manifests as seizures(56%), lethargy(46%), coma(28%), and irritability(26%). Findings in CSF include lymphocytic pleocytosis in 85% of cases and elevated protein concentrations. Approximately 15% of patients with measles encephalitis die. Another 20–40% of patients suffer long-term sequelae, including cognitive impairment, motor disabilities, and deafness. Measles encephalitis in immunocompromised patients results from direct damage to the brain by the virus. Subacute measles encephalitis manifests 1-10 mo after measles in immunocompromised patients, particularly those with AIDS, lymphoreticular malignancies, and immunosuppression. Signs and symptoms include seizures, myoclonus, stupor, and coma.

11.Hemorrhagic measles(black measles)”manifested as a hemorrhagic skin eruption and often fatal”

12.Thrombocytopenia, myocarditis, cellulitis, and toxic shock syndrome are other rare complications.

13.Measles during pregnancy is associated with high rates of maternal morbidity, fetal wastage, and stillbirths, with congenital malformations in 3% of liveborn infants.

14.Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) is a chronic complication of measles with a delayed onset and an outcome that is nearly always fatal. After 7-10 yr the virus apparently regains virulence and attacks the cells in the central nervous system. Measles at an early age favors the development of SSPE. Subtle changes in behaviour or school performance appear, including irritability, reduced attention span, and temper outbursts.

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Postexposure Prophylaxis:


Management of measles is supportive because there is no specific antiviral therapy. # Maintenance of hydration, oxygenation, and comfort are goals of therapy. # Antipyretics for comfort and fever control are useful.


infants younger than 6 mo of age. In children with signs and symptoms of vitamin A deficiency, a 3 rd age appropriate dose is recommended 2-4 wk after the 2 nd dose.

Postexposure Prophylaxis:

Susceptible individuals exposed to measles may be protected from infection by either vaccine administration or with Ig. The vaccine is effective in prevention or modification of measles if given within 72hr of exposure. Ig may be given up to 6 days after exposure to prevent or modify infection.

Ig is indicated for susceptible household contacts of measles patients, especially infants younger than 6mo of age, pregnant women, and immunocompromised persons.

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Definition & Etiology



Mumps is an acute self-limited infection. It is characterized by fever, bilateral or unilateral parotid swelling and tenderness, and the frequent occurrence of meningoencephalitis and orchitis.


Mumps virus is in the family Paramyxoviridae and the genus Rubulavirus. It is a single-stranded pleomorphic RNA virus. Humans are the only natural host.

Mumps is spread from person to person by respiratory droplets. Virus appears in the saliva from up to 7days before to as long as 7days after onset of parotid swelling. The period of maximum infectiousness is 1-2days before to 5days after onset of parotid swelling.

Clinical Manifestations:

The incubation period for mumps ranges from 12 to 25days but is usually 16-18 days. Mumps virus infection may result in clinical presentation ranging from asymptomatic or nonspecific symptoms to the typical illness associated with parotitis with or without complications involving several body systems.

The typical patient presents with a prodrome lasting 1-2days consisting of fever, headache, vomiting, and achiness. Parotitis follows and may be unilateral initially but becomes bilateral in approximately 70% of cases. The parotid gland is tender, and parotitis may be preceded or accompanied by ear pain on the ipsilateral side. Ingestion of sour or acidic foods or liquids may enhance pain in the parotid area. As swelling progresses, the angle of the jaw is obscured and the ear lobe may be lifted upward and outward. The opening of the Stensen duct may be red and edematous. The parotid swelling peaks in approximately 3days and then gradually subsides over 7days. Fever and the other systemic symptoms resolve in 3-5days.

Submandibular salivary glands may also be involved or may be enlarged without parotid swelling. Symptoms in immunized individuals are the same but tend to be less severe, and parotitis may be absent.

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Differential Diagnoses:

-Parainfluenza1 and parainfluenza 3 viruses,

-Influenza A virus,


-Epstein-Barr virus,


-Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus,


-Purulent parotitis (caused by Staphylococcus aureus, unilateral, extremely tender, associated with an elevated white blood cell count and may involve purulent drainage from the Stensen duct),

-Submandibular or anterior cervical adenitis,

-Obstruction of the Stensen duct, -Collagen vascular diseases (Sjögren syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus)

-Tumor, and Drugs.


The most common complications of mumps are meningitis, with or without encephalitis, and gonadal (orchitis, oophoritis) involvement.

Uncommon complications include conjunctivitis, optic neuritis, pneumonia, nephritis, pancreatitis, mastitis, and thrombocytopenia.

Complications can occur in the absence of parotitis especially in immunized individuals.

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No specific antiviral therapy is available for mumps. Management should be aimed at reducing the pain associated with meningitis or orchitis and maintaining adequate hydration. Antipyretics may be given for fever.


The outcome of mumps is nearly always excellent, even when the disease is complicated by encephalitis, although fatal cases from CNS involvement or myocarditis have been reported.


Immunization with the live mumps vaccine is the primary mode of prevention. It is given as part of the MMR 2-dose vaccine schedule, at 12-15mo of age for the 1 st dose and 4-6yr of age for the 2 nd dose. If not given at 4-6yr, the 2 nd dose should be given before children enter puberty.

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Definition & Etiology



Rubella (German measles or 3-day measles) is a mild, often exanthematous disease of infants and children that is typically more severe and associated with more complications in adults. Its major clinical significance is transplacental infection and fetal damage as part of the congenital rubella syndrome(CRS).


Rubella virus is a single-stranded RNA virus with a lipid envelope and 3 structural proteins. The virus is sensitive to heat, ultraviolet light, and extremes of pH but is relatively stable at cold temperatures. Humans are the only known host.


Following infection, the virus replicates in the respiratory epithelium and then spreads to regional lymph nodes. Viremia ensues and is most intense from 10 to 17 days after infection. Viral shedding from the nasopharynx begins approximately 10 days after infection and may be detected up to 2 wk following onset of the rash. The period of highest communicability is from 5 days before to 6 days after the appearance of the rash.

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Laboratory findings


Clinical Manifestations:

Postnatal infection with rubella is a mild disease not easily discernible from other viral infections, especially in children. Following an incubation period of 14-21 days, a prodrome consisting of low-grade fever, sore throat, red eyes with or without eye pain, headache, malaise, anorexia, and lymphadenopathy begins.

Suboccipital, postauricular, and anterior cervical lymph nodes are most prominent. In children, the 1 st manifestation of rubella is usually the rash, which is variable and not distinctive. It begins on the face and neck as small, irregular pink macules that coalesce, and it spreads centrifugally to involve the torso and extremities, where it tends to occur as discrete macules.

About the time of onset of the rash, examination of the oropharynx may reveal tiny, rose-colored lesions (Forchheimer spots) or petechial hemorrhages on the soft palate.

The rash fades from the face as it extends to the rest of the body so that the whole body may not be involved at any one time.

The duration of the rash is generally 3days, and it usually resolves without desquamation.

Subclinical infections are common, and 25–40% of children may not have a rash. Teenagers and adults tend to be more symptomatic and have systemic manifestations, with up to 70% of females demonstrating arthralgias and arthritis.

Laboratory findings:

Leukopenia, neutropenia, and thrombocytopenia have been described during postnatal rubella.


The most common diagnostic test is rubella immunoglobulin(Ig) M enzyme immunosorbent assay, which is typically present about 4 days after the appearance of the rash.

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Ttt & supportive care


Differential Diagnoses:

  1. Measles(in severe cases it may resemble measles but absence of Koplick spots, absence of severe prodrome, and the shorter course allow differentiation).
  2. Adenovirus.
  3. Parvovirus B19 (erythema infectiosum).
  4. Epstein-Barr virus.
  5. Enterovirus.
  6. Roseola infantum.
  7. Mycoplasma pneumoniae.

Complications: are infrequent and generally not life threatening. + Postinfectious thrombocytopenia: manifests about 2wk following the onset of the rash as petechiae, epistaxis, gastrointestinal bleeding, and hematuria. It is usually self-limited.

+ Arthritis: especially in adult women, begins within1wk of onset of the exanthema and classically involves the small joints of the hands. It is self-limited and resolves within weeks without sequelae.

+ Encephalitis is the most serious complication of postnatal rubella. It occurs in 2forms: a postinfectious syndrome following acute rubella and a rare progressive panencephalitis manifesting as a neurodegenerative disorder years following rubella. + GuillainBarré syndrome, peripheral neuritis, myocarditis.


There is no specific treatment available.

Supportive Care:

Postnatal rubella is generally a mild illness that requires no care beyond antipyretics and analgesics. Intravenous immunoglobulin or corticosteroids can be considered for severe, nonremitting thrombocytopenia.


Postnatal infection with rubella has an excellent prognosis. Reinfection with wild virus occurs postnatally in both individuals who were previously infected with wildvirus rubella and vaccinated individuals. Reinfection with serious adverse outcomes to adults or children is rare and of unknown significance.

Prevention: Patients with postnatal infection should be isolated from susceptible individuals for 7days after onset of the rash. Standard plus droplet precautions are recommended for hospitalized patients.


Rubella vaccine is usually administered in combination with measles and mumps (MMR) or also with varicella(MMRV) in a 2-dose regimen at 12-15mo and 4-6 yr of age. It theoretically may be effective as postexposure prophylaxis if administered within 3days of exposure.

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Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6A and HHV-6B)
and human herpesvirus 7 (HHV7) cause
infection in infancy and early childhood.
HHV-6B is responsible for the majority of
cases of roseola infantum (exanthema
subitum or sixth disease) and is associated
with other diseases, including encephalitis,
especially in immunocompromised hosts.
A small percentage of children with roseola
have primary infection with HHV-7.

The peak age of primary
HHV-6B infection is 6-9 mo of life

Clinical Manifestation:
Roseola infantum is an acute, self-limited disease of infancy and early
childhood. It is characterized by the abrupt onset of high fever, which
may be accompanied by fussiness. The fever usually resolves acutely
after 72 hr (“crisis”) but may gradually fade over a day (“lysis”)
coincident with the appearance of a faint pink or rose-colored,
nonpruritic, 2-3 mm morbilliform rash on the trunk. The rash usually
lasts 1-3 days but is often described as evanescent and may be visible
only for hours, spreading from the trunk to the face and extremities.
Because the rash is variable in appearance, location, and duration, it is
not distinctive.
Associated signs are few but can include mild injection of the
pharynx, palpebral conjunctivae, or tympanic membranes and
enlarged suboccipital nodes. In Asian countries, ulcers at the
uvulopalatoglossal junction (Nagayama spots) are commonly
reported in infants with roseola.
High fever (mean: 39.7°C [103.5°F]) is the most consistent
finding associated with primary HHV-6B infection.
Additional symptoms and signs include irritability, inflamed
tympanic membranes, rhinorrhea and congestion,
gastrointestinal complaints, and encephalopathy. The mean
duration of illness caused by primary HHV-6B infection is
6days, with 15% of children having fever for 6 or more
days. Much less is known about the clinical manifestations
of HHV-7 infection. Primary infection with HHV-7 has
been identified in a small number of children with roseola in
whom the illness is indistinguishable from that caused by

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Lab findings


1.A history of 3 days of high fever in an otherwise nontoxic 10 mo old
infant with a blanching maculopapular rash on the trunk suggests a
diagnosis of roseola.
2.Viral culture is the gold standard method to document active viral
replication(expensive, time-consuming, and available only in research
3. Detection of viral DNA by PCR on acellular fluids such as plasma
or reverse transcriptase PCR on peripheral blood mononuclear cell

Laboratory Findings:
*Low mean WBC count.
*Thrombocytopenia, elevated serum transaminase values, and atypical
*CSF: normal or only minimal CSF pleocytosis with mildly elevated

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1.Convulsions (the most common, 1/3 of patients)
2.Partial seizures, prolonged seizures, postictal
paralysis, and repeated seizures.
3.Encephalitis, acute disseminated demyelination,
autoimmune encephalitis, cerebellitis.
4.Hepatitis, and myocarditis
Reactivation esp. in imunocompromised.
 Supportive care is usually all that is needed for
infants with roseola.( hydration and may use
antipyretics if the child is especially uncomfortable
with the fever).
 Specific antiviral therapy is not recommended for
routine cases of primary HHV-6B or HHV-7 infection.
 Unusual or severe manifestations of primary or
presumed reactivated HHV-6B infection such as
encephalitis, especially in immunocompromised
patients, may benefit from treatment (Ganciclovir,
foscarnet, and cidofovir).
Roseola is generally a self-limited illness
associated with complete recovery.
Although seizures are a common complication of
primary infection with HHV-6B and HHV-7, the risk
of recurrent seizures does not appear to be higher
than that associated with other causes of simple
febrile seizures.
Primary infections with HHV-6 and HHV-7 are
widespread throughout the human population with no
current means of interrupting transmission.

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Scarlet fever


Scarlet fever is an upper respiratory tract infection
associated with a characteristic rash, which is caused by an
infection with pyrogenic exotoxin (erythrogenic toxin)–
producing in individuals who do not have antitoxin
antibodies. GAS can produce up to 12 different pyrogenic
exotoxins, and repeat attacks of scarlet fever are possible.
It is most common in children 5-15 yr old. The incubation
period ranges from 1-7 days, with an average of 3 days. The
onset is acute and is characterized by fever, vomiting,
headache, toxicity, pharyngitis, LAP, and chills. Abdominal
pain may be present; when this is associated with vomiting
before the appearance of the rash, an abdominal surgical
condition may be suggested.
The rash appears within 24-48 hr after onset of
symptoms, although it may appear with the
first signs of illness. It often begins around the
neck and spreads over the trunk and
The rash is a diffuse, finely papular,
erythematous eruption producing bright red
discoloration of the skin, which blanches on
pressure. It is often accentuated in the creases
of the elbows, axillae, and groin. The skin has
a goose-pimple appearance and feels rough.
The cheeks are often erythematous with pallor
around the mouth( circumoral pallor).
Generally, temperature increases abruptly, may peak at 39.6-40°C
(103-104°F) on the 2nd day, and gradually returns to normal
within 5-7 days in untreated patients; it is usually normal within
12-24 hr after initiation of penicillin therapy. The tonsils are
hyperemic and edematous and may be covered with a gray-white
exudate. The pharynx is inflamed and covered by a membrane in
severe cases. The tongue may be edematous and reddened.
After 3-4 days, the rash begins to fade and is followed by
desquamation, initially on the face, progressing downward, and
often resembling a mild sunburn. Occasionally, sheet-like
desquamation may occur around the free margins of the
fingernails, the palms, and the soles.
The tongue is usually coated and the papillae are swollen. After
desquamation, the reddened papillae are prominent, giving the
tongue a strawberry appearance.

The presentation of scarlet fever can be diagnosed
clinically, further testing can be used to confirm the
1.Culture of throat swab on sheep blood agar plate.
2.Rapid antigen detection test.
GAS is exquisitely sensitive to penicillin and
cephalosporins, and resistant strains have never been
encountered. Penicillin or amoxicillin is therefore the
drug of choice (except in patients who are allergic to
penicillins) for pharyngeal infections as well as for
suppurative complications.
[Oral penicillin V for 10 days, or a single i.m
benzathine penicillin G, or amoxicillin for 10 days,
or cephalosporin for 10 days is the treatment].
For penicillin-allergic petients: oral clindamycin for 10
days, erythromycin or clarithromycin for 10 days, or
azithromycin for 5 days.
Cervical lymphadenitis, peritonsillar abscess,
retropharyngeal abscess, otitis media, mastoiditis, and
sinusitis still occur in children in whom the primary illness
has gone unnoticed or in whom treatment of the
pharyngitis has been inadequate. GAS pneumonia can also
Acute rheumatic fever and acute poststreptococcal
glomerulonephritis are both nonsuppurative sequelae of
infections with GAS that occur after an asymptomatic
latent period.

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Epstein-Barr virus(EPV) [Infectious Mononucleosis]


It is characterized by systemic somatic complaints
consisting primarily of fatigue, malaise, fever, sore
throat, and generalized lymphadenopathy. Originally
described as glandular fever, it derives its name
from the mononuclear lymphocytosis with atypical-
appearing lymphocytes that accompany the illness.

Benign EBV-associated proliferations include:
oral hairy leukoplakia, primarily in adults with
lymphoid interstitial pneumonitis, primarily in
children with AIDS.
Malignant EBVassociated proliferations include:
 nasopharyngeal carcinoma,
 Burkitt lymphoma,
 Hodgkin disease,
 lymphoproliferative disorders,
 leiomyosarcoma in immunodeficient states,
including AIDS.

Clinical Manifestations:
The incubation period of IMN in adolescents is 30-50
days. In children, it may be shorter. The majority of
cases of primary EBV infection in infants and young
children are clinically silent. Patients may complain of
malaise, fatigue, acute or prolonged (>1 wk) fever,
headache, sore throat, nausea, abdominal pain, and
myalgia. This prodromal period may last 1-2 wk.
The complaints of sore throat and fever gradually
increase until patients seek medical care. Splenic
enlargement may be rapid enough to cause left
upper quadrant abdominal discomfort and
tenderness, which may be the presenting complaint
The classic physical examination findings are
generalized lymphadenopathy (90% of cases),
splenomegaly (50% of cases), and hepatomegaly (10%
of cases). LAP occurs most commonly in the anterior
and posterior cervical nodes and the submandibular
nodes and less commonly in the axillary and inguinal
lymph nodes. Epitrochlear lymphadenopathy is
particularly suggestive of IMN. Symptomatic hepatitis or
jaundice is uncommon, but elevated liver enzymes are
very common.
Splenomegaly to 2-3 cm below the costal margin is
typical (15-65% of cases) and is seen in most cases by
ultrasonography; massive enlargement is uncommon.
The sore throat is often accompanied by moderate to
severe pharyngitis with marked tonsillar enlargement,
occasionally with exudates. Palatal petechiae at the
junction of the hard and soft palate are frequently
seen. The pharyngitis resembles that caused by
streptococcal infection. Other clinical findings may
include rashes and edema of the eyelids.
Rashes are usually maculopapular and have been
reported in 3-15% of patients. Patients with IMN
treated with ampicillin or amoxicillin may experience
“ampicillin rash,” which may occur with other β-
lactam antibiotics.

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Infants coinfected with HIV acquire EBV infection


Infants coinfected with HIV acquire EBV infection at
an earlier age, have higher EBV plasma loads that
are slower to resolve, and more frequently develop
pneumonia and hepatosplenomegaly and require
hospitalization compared to HIV-negative infants.

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LAB findings


The diagnosis of IMN implies primary EBV infection. A
presumptive diagnosis may be made by the presence
of typical clinical symptoms with atypical
lymphocytosis in the peripheral blood. The diagnosis
is usually confirmed by serologic testing, either for
heterophile antibody or specific EBV antibodies.
Culture of EBV is tedious and requires 4-6 wk.
Differential Diagnosis:
 Infectious mononucleosis-like illnesses may be
caused by primary infection with cytomegalovirus, T.
gondii, adenovirus, hepatitis virus, HIV, or possibly
rubella virus.
 Streptococcal pharyngitis may cause sore throat
and cervical lymphadenopathy indistinguishable
from that of infectious mononucleosis but is not
associated with hepatosplenomegaly.
 Leukemia(esp. if extremely high or low white blood
cell counts, moderate thrombocytopenia, and even
hemolytic anemia).
Laboratory Tests:
In >90% of cases there is leukocytosis of 10,000-20,000 cells/µL, of
which at least two thirds are lymphocytes; atypical lymphocytes
usually account for 20-40% of the total number (mature T lymphocytes
that are larger overall, with larger, eccentrically placed indented and
folded nuclei with a lower nuclear-to-cytoplasm ratio).
Atypical lymphocytosis may be seen with many infections usually
causing lymphocytosis other than EBV including: acquired
cytomegalovirus infection (in contrast to congenital cytomegalovirus
infection), toxoplasmosis, viral hepatitis, rubella, roseola, mumps,
tuberculosis, typhoid, Mycoplasma infection, and malaria, as well as
some drug reactions.
Mild thrombocytopenia to 50,000-200,000 platelets/µL occurs in more
than 50% of patients, but only rarely is associated with purpura.
Mild elevation of hepatic transaminases occurs in approximately 50%
of uncomplicated cases, but is usually asymptomatic without jaundice.

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Specific Epstein-Barr Virus Antibodies:


Heterophile antibodies agglutinate cells from species
different from those in the source serum. The transient
heterophile antibodies seen in infectious mononucleosis,
also known as Paul-Bunnell antibodies, are IgM antibodies
detected by the Paul-Bunnell Davidsohn test for sheep red
cell agglutination. The heterophile antibodies of infectious
mononucleosis agglutinate sheep or, for greater sensitivity,
horse red cells.
Heterophile antibody tests are positive in 75% of cases in
the 1st wk and 90-95% of cases in the 2nd wk. The most
widely used method is the qualitative rapid slide test using
horse erythrocytes.
If the heterophile test result is negative and an EBV infection
is suspected, EBV-specific antibody testing is indicated.
Specific Epstein-Barr Virus Antibodies:
EBV-specific antibody testing is useful to confirm
acute EBV infection, especially in heterophile-
negative cases, or to confirm past infection and
determine susceptibility to future infection. The
EBNA, EA, and VCA antigen systems are most
useful for diagnostic purposes.
The detection of IgM antibody to VCA is the most
valuable and specific serologic test for the
diagnosis of acute EBV infection and is generally
sufficient to confirm the diagnosis.

 There is no specific treatment for infectious
 The mainstays of management are rest, encouraging
adequate fluid and nutrition intake, and symptomatic
treatment with acetaminophen or nonsteroidal
antiinflammatory agents to manage fever, throat
discomfort, and malaise.
 Bed rest is necessary only when the patient has
debilitating fatigue.
Advise against participation in contact sports and
strenuous athletic activities during the 1st 2-3 wk of illness
or while splenomegaly is present because blunt
abdominal trauma may predispose patients to splenic
 Corticosteroids: short course(<2wk)
prednisolone 1 mg/kg/day or equivalent for
7 days and tapered over another 7 days,
indicated in:
o airway obstruction,
o thrombocytopenia with hemorrhaging,
o autoimmune hemolytic anemia,
o seizures, and meningitis.
Antiviral therapy is not recommended
1. Subcapsular splenic haemorrhage or splenic rupture.
2. 2. Airway obstruction.
3. Neurological manifestations ( headache, seizures,
ataxia, meningitis, facial nerve palsy, transverse
myelitis, and encephalitis).
4. Alice-inWonderland syndrome
(metamorphopsia)(perceptual distortions of sizes,
shapes, and spatial relationships).
5. Guillain-Barre or Reye syndrome.
6. Hemolytic anemia, aplastic anemia, mild
thrombocytopenia, or severe neutropenia.
7. Myocarditis, interstitial pneumonia, pancreatitis,
parotitis, and orchitis.
The prognosis for complete recovery is
excellent. The major symptoms typically last 2-
4 wk followed by gradual recovery within 2 mo
of onset of symptoms.
Cervical lymphadenopathy and fatigue may
resolve more slowly. Prolonged and
debilitating fatigue, malaise, and some
disability that may wax and wane for several
weeks to 6 mo are common complaints even
in otherwise unremarkable cases.

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Definition of congenital heart disease

Classification of congenital heart disease


Definition of congenital heart disease
Congenital heart disease(CHD) is defined as the structural ,functional or positional abnormality of the heart, in isolation or in combination, present from birth, but may manifest any time after birth or may not manifest at all

Classification of congenital heart disease

Acynotic CHD-1
A- LV or RV volume overload as: VSD, PDA and ASD
b- LV or RV pressure overload as: AS, COA and PS
Cynotic CHD-2
A- With decrease of pulmonary blood flow as: TOF, DORV+PS and single ventricle +PS
B- With increase of pulmonary blood flow as: DTGA, TAPVD and truncus arteriosus

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Ventricular Septal Defects:
Ventricular septal defects (VSDs) are the most common form of congenital heart disease(30%) if bicuspid aortic valve is excluded, slightly more common in females approximately 56% female, 44% male

Type of VSD 1-perimembranous VSD =70% 2-Outlet (infundibular or conal or supracristal) defects account for 5% to 7% of all VSDs in the Western world and about 30% in Far Eastern countries 3-Inlet (or AV canal) defects account for 5% to 8% 4-Trabecular (or muscular) defects account for 5% to 20% of all VSDs

Clinical Manifestations

Small VSD:
In infants with small VSDs, a murmur usually is detected at 1 to 6 weeks of age when the infant returns for the initial checkup after discharge from the newborn nursery.
With small defects, the clinical course is benign throughout infancy and childhood.
There are normal patterns of feeding, growth, and development.
The only risk is that of endocarditis, which is rare before the age of 2 years.
By palpation, the precordial activity is normal. A thrill may be palpable along the lower left sternal border and is associated with a grade IV to VI holosystolic murmur

Moderate and Large size VSD:
may develop symptoms as early as 2 weeks of age. The initial symptoms consist of tachypnea with increased respiratory effort, excessive sweating owing to increased sympathetic tone, and fatigue when feeding. The infant progressively tiers with feeding; this symptom begins during the first month and increases in severity as pulmonary vascular resistance decreases. Symptoms occur earlier in the premature than in the full-term infant, it is not unusual for symptoms to be preceded by respiratory infection. In the absence of infection, the cardiovascular basis for the respiratory symptoms probably is pulmonary edema of mild to moderate degree with elevated pulmonary venous pressure and decreased lung compliance

In children with large shunts for 4 to 6 months, the left anterior thorax bulges outward the pulmonary component of the second sound is usually loud.
Cyanosis during the early weeks of life is often transient and frequently presents only with superimposed stress or illness. Persistent cyanosis from birth indicates a more complicated lesion than isolated VSD. However, the occurrence of cyanosis after infancy suggests reversal of the shunt to right to left because of progressive pulmonary vascular disease or the development of significant infundibular pulmonary stenosis(pulmonary stenosis)
Palpation reveals a prominent right ventricular lift that is usually maximal in the xiphoid region. There may be a very short or no systolic murmur from the VSD

1) ECG
A. With a small VSD, the ECG is normal.
B- moderate and large size VSD with LVH and RVH and sign of PHT 2) CXR
A-Small VSD may be Normal CXR
B- Cardiomegaly of varying degrees is present and involves the LA, left ventricle (LV), and sometimes RV. Pulmonary vascular markings increase. The degree of cardiomegaly and the increase in pulmonary vascular markings directly relate to the magnitude of the left-to-right shunt
3) Echocardiography
4) Magnatic resonance imaging 5) Cardiac catheterization

Medical Therapy
Children with small VSDs are asymptomatic and have excellent long-term prognosis. Neither medical therapy nor surgery is indicated. If children with moderate or large VSDs develop symptomatic congestive heart, a trial of medical therapy is indicated. Furosemide is used in a dosage of 1 to 3 mg/kg/day divided into two or three doses. Chronic furosemide can result in hypocalcaemia, hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis and renal damage. Addition of spironolactone can be helpful to minimize potassium loss. Potassium supplementation is difficult to achieve in most infants because of the unpalatable taste of the supplements.

Additional to initial therapy includes increasing the caloric density of the feedings by using milk with 24-30 Kcl/once Systemic afterload reduction with enalapril (initial dosage of 0.1 mg/kg/24 hours divided into twice daily, gradually increasing to 0.5 mg/kg/24 hours divided into twice daily dose. A traditional approach has been to administer digoxin to infants with congestive heart failure associated with moderate or large VSD and increased pulmonary blood flow. Several studies have shown that the contractile function of the left ventricle is normal or increased, casting doubt on the usefulness of digoxin. Digoxin may be indicated if diuresis and afterload reduction do not provide adequate symptom relief and surgery is not advisable. The usual dose of digoxin is 10 μg/kg/day that can be given once daily or in divided doses twice a day

Clinical Course and Prognosis
1-Patients with small defects have an excellent prognosis, albeit with a small risk of endocarditis, aortic valve insufficiency, and late cardiac arrhythmia
2-A large number of these defects close spontaneously; this number approaches 75% to 80%, with most closing in the first year of life
3- with moderate-sized defects may develop large left-to-right shunts in infancy, and their main risk is heart failure between 1 and 6 months of age.
4-Moderate and large defects, occasionally develop significant infundibular pulmonary stenosis
5-Patients with large defects are the most difficult to manage because of the dangers of mortality in the first year of life owing to heart failure and associated pulmonary infections as well as the problem of development of elevated pulmonary vascular resistance

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General examination of skin in new born


Plethora is seen in polycythemia, cold and hot weather

The skin of the N.B.B. is covered by a greasy material secreted by epithelial cells called vernix caseosa (more in the preterm)which protects the skin from the effect of amniotic fluid.

Occasionally, one half of the body may appear red and the other half is pale (Harlequin color change) which is usually transient and of unknown significance.

Cyanosis :Central cyanosis is pathological ,while peripheral or acrocyanosis is benign( more in the preterm babies).

Milia: Small sebaceous cysts, pinpoint in size, whitish spots seen on the nose, cheeks and forehead, it disappears in a few weeks spontaneously. It is a normal finding.

Erythema toxicum neonatorum : red blotchy, macular patches with a white
center seen all over the body, sparing the soles and palms.
It affects 50% of full term infants, less common in preterm infants. Pustules may be seen in the center containing eosinophils.
They usually appear on the first few days and disappear spontaneously.

Mongolian spots: blue, gray, flat, macular lesions seen normally over the sacrum, sometimes on the upper back, legs, hands and rarely on the face. They may be solitary, numerous or patchy. They are seen in colored children much more than whites. They usually fade during the first few years of life. They may be misdiagnosed as bruises
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The problems of prematurity are due to poor adaptation to extra uterine life due to immaturity of body organs:
Respiratory problems:
1. R.D.S.(Respiratory Distress Syndrome).
2. Chronic lung disease: B.P.D. (bronchopulmonary dysplasia).
3. Apnea.
Neurologic problems:
1. Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy(H.I.E.).
2. Intraventricular hemorrhage(I.V.H.).
3. Convulsions.

Cardiovascular complications:
1. Hypotension.
2. P.D.A.(patent ductus arteriosus).
1. Anemia.
2. Hyperbilirubinemia.
3. Organ hemorrhage.
4. D.I.C.
Nutritional problems (especially in those born before 32 weeks of gestation). G.I. problems (N.E.C. : necrotizing enterocolitis).
Hypoglycemia, Hypocalcemia.
Renal problems :low G.F.R.
Temperature regulation e.g. hypothermia. Ophthalmologic e.g. R.O.P.(retinopathy of prematurity).

1. Delivery: should be in a hospital well equipped with resuscitation tools and highly experienced staff.
2. Neonatal management:
a. Thermal regulation either by overhead radiant warmer or an incubator. The accepted skin temperature is 36-36.5c.
b. Oxygen therapy and assisted ventilation.
c. Fluid and electrolytes therapy.
d. Nutrition: enteral, N.G. tube or parenteral.
e. Management of hyperbilirubinemia and infections.

1. Poor growth and development.
2. R.O.P.
3. B.P.D.
4. Increased rate of post neonatal illnesses.
5. Increased frequency of congenital anomalies.
The timing of immunizations of premature babies is based on the infant’s chronologic age, not on the gestational age.
It may be advisable to delay administration of hepatitis B vaccine until the infant weighs 2000 g. or more.
The full doses of all immunizations should be given.

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1.Moro response:
The baby is put supine, his head is lifted
a little off table and then dropped suddenly supported by the examiner’s hand. There is abduction and extension of arms with opening of hands followed by adduction.
It should disappear by the age of 3-4 months.

Causes of asymmetrical Moro reflex:
-Fractured humerus or clavicle. -Shoulder dislocation.
-Erbs palsy. -Klumpke’s palsy.

2.Rooting reflex:
When the corner of the mouth is touched, the lower lip is
lowered and the head or tongue moves toward the stimulus.
3.Sucking reflex:
The baby should actively suck his finger or the examiners clean finger.
Causes of absent rooting and sucking reflexes:
-Septicemia. -Perinatal asphyxia. -Birth trauma. -Cold injury.
Rooting and sucking reflexes normally persist for 4 months while awake, and for 7 months while asleep.

4.Doll’s eye response:
There is a delay of eye movement if the head is turned to one side. It disappears by 2-3 weeks.
5.Stepping reflex:
The contact of the sole of the foot on the table causes stepping. It disappears by 5-6 weeks.

6.Grasp Reflex (Palmar & Plantar):
The insertion of an object or finger in the palm or sole of the baby causes reflex flexion of the fingers.
Palmar grasp disappears by 2 months, while .plantar grasp disappears by 10 months

7.Asymmetrical tonic neck reflex:
The turning of the head to one side causes extension of the arm and leg on the same side and flexion on the other side. It disappears by 2-3 months, and it persists in cerebral palsy.
Absence, persistence, or asymmetry of neonatal reflexes may indicate serious neurological or systemic problems.

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  • An acute intestinal necrosis resulting from ischemia and /or reperfusion injury, commonly seen in premature and V.L.B.W. infants, and is less common in breast fed infants.
  • 1.Prematurity.
  • 2.Perinatal Asphyxia.
  • 3.Polycythemia.
  • 4.Umbilical catheterization.
  • 5.Empirical antibiotic use (>5days).CLINICAL PRESENTATION:
    ▪ - Bilious vomiting.
    ▪ -Bloody diarrhea (25%).
    ▪ -Tense, distended, tender abdomen with
    edema and inflammation of abdominal wall (Peau d orange appearance).
    ▪ - Ascites is a late sign.
    ▪ -The baby might pass into septic shock.DIAGNOSIS of N.E.C.
    1. Abdominal ultrasound and X-ray :

    a.Intramural gas (pneumatosis intestinalis). b.Gas in the portal tree.
    c.Gas under the diaphragm (which follows intestinal perforation).
    2. C.B.C. :Thrombocytopenia with low or increased WBC count.
    3. Blood culture.
    4. Hyperkalemia, Hyponatremia.

1.Stop oral feeding.
2.N/G tube drainage.
3.Correct electrolytes, acidosis and hypothermia.
5.Remove umbilical catheters. 6.Assisted ventilation.
7.Treat hypotension by intravenous fluid, plasma, blood, dopamine.

COMPLICATIONS of N.E.C.: 1.Perforation. 2.Acquired short bowel syndrome (following surgery).  3.D.I.C. 4.Sepsis and shock. 5.Abscess formation. 6.Mortality is about 20%




Neonates are more liable to get infections because




A clinical syndrome of systemic illness accompanied by bacteremia occurring in the first month of life, especially among premature & V.L.B.W. infants.
- It usually presents as septicemia, pneumonia, meningitis, arthritis, osteomyelitis, cellulitis & U.T.I.
It is the commonest cause of neonatal mortality.

-Intra-amniotic infection (CHORIOAMNIONITIS) by ascending route is the commonest source for neonatal sepsis (>90% of cases).
-The primary sites of infection in the neonate include: skin, nasopharynx, oropharynx conjunctiva, & umbilicus.
-Some infections (<10% of cases) are transmitted by vertical or trans-placental route

Neonates are more liable to get infections because :
1. Immaturity of the immune system.
􏰁2. They have low levels of complements. 􏰁3. Impaired function of neutrophils,
monocytes, & macrophages.
􏰁4. K-cells (killer cells) have diminished cytotoxic effect.
􏰁5. IgM & IgA do not cross the placenta.

􏰁 - Usually occurs in the first week of life, characterized by multisystem, fulminant illness with prominent respiratory symptoms, commonly caused by group B Streptococci (G.B.S.), Listeria monocytogenes, & viruses e.g. CMV.
􏰁 - 90% of cases presents in the first 24 hr. as respiratory distress which may proceed to
respiratory failure.
􏰁 - Pneumonia is commonest disease.

􏰁 - It usually presents after the first week of life.
􏰁 - Commonly presents as meningitis. 􏰁 - G.B.S. is the commonest organism,
but Listeria monocytogenes accounts for up to 20% of cases.

􏰁 - Usually occurs in the N.I.C.U. & in ill infants.
􏰁 - It depends on N.I.C.U. environment, invasive monitoring and techniques.
􏰁 - Common organisms are staphylococcus epidermidis, Gram –ve bacteria
(e.g. E.coli, Pseudomonas, Klebsiella,
Proteus) & fungi.




􏰁 1. Prematurity.
􏰁 2. Prolonged rupture of membranes(> 24 hr.).
3. Maternal fever (>38c).
􏰁 4. Maternal U.T.I. or genital infection (which
can predispose to chorioamnionitis).
􏰁 5. Meconium stained or foul smelling amniotic fluid.
􏰁 6. Multiple gestation




􏰁 1. Reluctance to feed.
􏰁 2. Respiratory distress, grunting & apnea.
􏰁 3. Lethargy, decreased or absent movements & neonatal reflexes.
􏰁 4. Hypo or hyperthermia (only 50% of infected neonates have high temp.).
􏰁 5. Vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal distension.

  1. Skin rash, petechiae, purpura, skin mottling (cutis marmorata),
    ecthyma gangrenosum (deep ulcers with ecchymotic margins, commonly seen in klebsiella infection), impetigo, cellulitis, omphalitis.

􏰁 7. Hypoglycemia.
􏰁 8. Sclerema , Edema.
9. Hepatosplenomegaly, jaundice.
10. Convulsions, bulging anterior fontanel. (Sclerema means hardening of skin & subcutaneous tissue)



  1. R.D.S.
    􏰁2. Perinatal asphyxia.
    􏰁3. Intracranial hemorrhage.
    􏰁4. Severe congenital heart disease.
    􏰁5. Inborn errors of metabolism.
    So a high index of suspicion is the corner stone for diagnosis of sepsis, because clinical symptoms are



1.Complete Blood Picture:
a) Low platelet count (<100.000/ presence of large platelets has poor prognosis. b) Total WBC count is increased or decreased. Neutropenia (<1500) is common. The immature to total neutrophil ratio (I:T) is increased > 0.2 in sepsis (normally it is up to 0.16).
2. CRP (C-reactive protein) is elevated in inflammatory conditions including sepsis.
3. Blood Culture ( for aerobic & anaerobic cultures) is +ve in < 30% of cases.
4. CSF Culture (because meningitis occurs in 1/3rd. of cases).

􏰁 CSF analysis is indicated in: infants with +ve blood culture, clinical & lab. data suggestive of bacteremia, and if no response or deterioration while on antimicrobial treatment.
5.Elevated serum Procalcitonin (which is released by parenchymal cells in response to bacterial toxins).
􏰁 6.Urine culture.
7. P.C.R.
8. Imaging studies ( CXR, ultrasound, CT, MRI).
9.Elevated IgM level (in congenital infections).





Early treatment is very important.
No delay is made waiting for lab. results, BUT REMEMBER THAT:
Prolonged empirical Rx (≥5 days) with broad-spectrum antibiotics in preterm neonates is associated with higher risks of
N.E.C. & death.
So antimicrobial therapy should be discontinued at 48 hours if clinical probability of sepsis is low & CRP remains persistently normal (<10mg/L).

􏰁 1. Antibiotic therapy:
􏰁 Is the corner stone in treatment of neonatal
sepsis. It should be given by intravenous route.
􏰁 Duration of Rx:
Clinical sepsis (based on clinical suspicion):
􏰁 7-10days.
Pneumonia: 10-14 days. Meningitis: 2-3 weeks. Osteomyelitis: 4-6 weeks.

􏰁 - A combination of ampicillin & an aminoglycoside (e.g. gentamicin) or ampicillin & 3rd. generation cephalosporin (e.g.cefotaxim) is generally used against Gm+ve, Gm-ve & Listeria.
􏰁 - Ceftriaxone is contraindicated in neonates because it is highly protein bound and may displace bilirubin, leading to a risk of kernicterus.
- Metronidazole for anaerobic infections (for 7-10days).

􏰁 2. Supportive care (incubator, O2, i.v. fluid & electrolytes, TPN, vitamin K, blood
and blood products).
3. I.V. Immunoglobulin: which promotes host defences in the preterm by multiple mechanisms. 4. Granulocyte transfusion.
Intrapartum antibiotics can reduce the rate of early vertical transmission of G.B.S., but it does not reduce the rates of late onset sepsis or the rates of infection with non-GBS pathogens (e.g. E.coli).

1. Septic shock. 2. Septic emboli. 3.Abscess.
4. D.I.C.
5. Mortality (about 50%).






Definition: According to American Diabetes Association (ADA), DM is defined
as a group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from
defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both.

Diagnosis of DM:
the followings are DM diagnostic cut point criteria which were recommended by
1. A1C ≥6.5%, or
2. FPG ≥126 mg/dl (fasting is defined as no caloric intake for at least 8 h), or
3. 2-h plasma glucose during OGTT ≥200 mg/dl, or
4. Classical symptoms of hyperglycemic crisis (diabetic ketoacidosis, DKA), a
RPG ≥200mg/dl
In the absence of unequivocal symptoms (polyuria and polydipsia), criteria 1-
3 should be confirmed by repeat testing.




Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 (DMT1) is the most common endocrine-metabolic
disorder of childhood and adolescence, and the third most common chronic
disorder in childhood (after asthma and epilepsy). DMT1 is associated with a
mean reduction in life span of 23 years.
DMT1 accounts for more than 90% of child DM.
Age: peaks of presentation occur in 2 age groups; at 5-7 year of age (correspond to
the time of increased exposure to infectious agents coincident with the beginning
of school) and at the time of puberty (correspond to the pubertal growth spurt
induced by gonadal steroids and the increased pubertal growth hormone secretion
which antagonizes insulin). Socioeconomic status: no apparent correlation. Sex:
male and females appear to be equally affected. Season: newly recognized cases
appear to occur with greater frequency in autumn and winter with fewer cases
presenting during summer months. This seasonal variation has decreased over the
past 10 years. Geographical area: generally the further from the equator, the
higher the incidence. Migration from one country to another confers the diabetic
risk of the new country within a generation.
A genetically susceptible host develops autoimmunity against the host’s own β
cells. What triggers this autoimmune response remains unclear at this time. this
autoimmune process results in progressive destruction of β cells until a critical
mass (80-90%) of β cells is lost and insulin deficiency develops. This process may
take months to years in adolescents and older patients, and weeks in very young
patients. Thus, the natural history of T1DM involves some or all of the following
1. Initiation of autoimmunity
2. Preclinical autoimmunity with progressive loss of β-cell function
3. Onset of clinical disease (result of insulin deficiency)
4. Transient remission (honeymoon period: At the time of diagnosis, some viable β
cells are still present and these may produce enough insulin to lead to a partial
remission of the disease (honeymoon period) but over time, almost all β cells are
destroyed and the patient becomes totally dependent on exogenous insulin for
5. Established disease
6. Development of complications (result of hyperglycemia)
Genetics: The following events support the genetic influence:
• Prevalence of DMT1 in the general population in the USA is only 0.4%,
while in siblings is approaching 6%.
• The risk increased when a parent has diabetes: risk is 3-4% if the mother
has DM and 5-6% if the father has DM.
• The concordance rate in monozygotic twins is 30-65, in dizygotic twins is
It should be kept in mind that although there is a large genetic component in
T1DM, 85% of newly diagnosed type 1 diabetic patients do not have a family
member with T1DM. Thus, we cannot rely on family history to identify patients
who may be at risk for the future development of T1DM as most cases will
develop in individuals with no such family history.
HLA Class II genes on chromosome 6 are the most strongly associated with risk of
T1DM, Some of the known associations include the HLA DR3/4-DQ2/8 genotype
(if 1 sibling has T1DM and shares the same high-risk DR3/4-DQ2/8 haplotype
with another sibling, then the risk of autoimmunity in the other sibling is 50%, and
this risk 80% when share both HLA haplotypes). Homozygous absence of aspartic
acid at position 57 of the HLA DQ b chain confers 100-fold relative risk for
developing DMT1.
Environmental Factors: significant role of environmental factors in the causation
of T1DM is provided by:
• 50% or so of monozygotic twins are discordant for T1DM.
• Variation seen in urban and rural areas populated by the same ethnic
• Change in incidence that occurs with migration.
• Increase in incidence that has been seen in almost all populations in the
last few decades, and
• Seasonality.
Environmental factors are:
*Viral infection: Invoked mechanisms involved:
• Direct infection of β cells by viruses resulting in lysis and release of self-
• Direct viral infection of antigen-presenting cells causing increased
expression of cytokines, and
• “Molecular mimicry,” that viral antigens exhibit homology to self-epitopes.
The clearest evidence of a role for viral infection in human T1DM is seen in
congenital rubella syndrome with development of T1DM in up to 40% of infected
children. The time lag between infection and development of diabetes may be as
high as 20 yr. the role of enterovirus and mumps remains unknown at this time.
*The hygiene hypothesis: T1DM is a disease of industrialized countries. The
hygiene hypothesis states that lack of exposure to childhood infections may
increase an individual’s chances of developing autoimmune diseases, including
T1DM as fewer infections implies that the immune system is less-well trained for
its main task, namely host defense.
*Diet: Breastfeeding may lower the risk of T1DM, either directly or by delaying
exposure to cow’s milk protein. Early introduction of cow’s milk protein and early
exposure to gluten are implicated in the development of autoimmunity. Other
dietary factors include omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, ascorbic acid, zinc, and
vitamin E; but the evidence is not yet conclusive.
*Psychologic Stress: Several studies show an increased prevalence of stressful
psychologic situations among children who subsequently developed T1DM.
Whether these stresses only aggravate preexisting autoimmunity or whether they
can actually trigger autoimmunity remains unknown.
Autoimmunity: Markers of autoimmunity are much more prevalent than clinical
T1DM, indicating that initiation of autoimmunity is a necessary but not a
sufficient condition for T1DM. Antibodies (ab) are a marker for the presence of
autoimmunity, but the actual damage to the β cells is primarily T-cell mediated,
and they may detected months to years before clinical diabetes becomes evident.
These antibodies include insulin autoantibody (IAA), islet cell ab (ICA), glutamic
acid decarboxylase ab (GAD), and the more recently described ab; zinc transporter
(ZnT8). IAAs are usually the first to appear in young children, followed by GAD
and later by ICA and ZnT8.
The risk of developing clinical disease increases dramatically with:
• An increasing in the number of ab.
• Higher antibody titers.
• Younger age at which autoimmunity develops.
With moderate insulinopenia, glucose utilization by muscle and fat decreases and
postprandial hyperglycemia appears. At lower insulin levels, the liver produces
excessive glucose via glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis, and fasting
hyperglycemia begins. Hyperglycemia produces an osmotic diuresis (glycosuria)
when the renal threshold is exceeded (180 mg/dl). The resulting loss of calories
and electrolytes, as well as the worsening dehydration, produces a physiologic
stress with hypersecretion of stress hormones (epinephrine, cortisol, growth
hormone, and glucagon). The combination of insulin deficiency and elevated
plasma values of the counterregulatory hormones is responsible for accelerated
lipolysis, impaired lipid synthesis and shunts the free fatty acids into ketone body
formation. The rate of formation of these ketone bodies, principally β-
hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate, exceeds the capacity for peripheral utilization
and renal excretion. Accumulation of these ketoacids results in metabolic acidosis
(diabetic ketoacidosis [DKA]) and compensatory rapid deep breathing in an
attempt to excrete excess CO2 (Kussmaul respiration). Acetone, formed by
nonenzymatic conversion of acetoacetate, is responsible for the characteristic
fruity odor of the breath. Ketones are excreted in the urine in association with
cations and thus further increase losses of water and electrolyte. With progressive
dehydration, acidosis, hyperosmolality, and diminished cerebral oxygen
utilization, consciousness becomes impaired, and the patient ultimately becomes
*The classic presentation of diabetes in children is a history of polyuria,
polydipsia, polyphagia, and weight loss. The duration of these symptoms varies
but is often less than 1 month.
*An insidious onset with lethargy, weakness, and weight loss is also quite
common. Calories are lost in the urine (glycosuria), triggering a compensatory
hyperphagia. If this hyperphagia does not keep pace with the glycosuria, loss of
body fat ensues, with clinical weight loss and diminished subcutaneous fat stores.
*Pyogenic skin infections and candidal vaginitis in girls or candidal balanitis in
uncircumcised boys are occasionally present at the time of diagnosis of diabetes.
They are rarely the sole clinical manifestations of diabetes in children, and a
careful history will invariably reveal the coexistence of polyuria, polydipsia, and
perhaps weight loss.
*Ketoacidosis is responsible for the initial presentation of many (about 20% to
40%) diabetic children and often in children younger than 5 years of age because
the diagnosis may not be suspected and a history of polyuria and polydipsia may
be difficult to elicit. For diagnosis, it requires clinical and laboratory findings.




Clinically it presented as vomiting, polyuria, dehydration (as in any hyperosmotic
state, the degree of dehydration may be clinically underestimated because
intravascular volume is conserved at the expense of intracellular volume),
Kussmaul respiration (may be confused with bronchiolitis or asthma and be
treated with steroids or adrenergic agents that worsen diabetes), an odor of acetone
on the breath, abdominal pain or rigidity (may mimic appendicitis or pancreatitis),
cerebral obtundation and (ultimately) coma ensue and are related to the degree of
hyperosmolarity. Laboratory findings for diagnosis include glucosuria, ketonuria,
hyperglycemia (glucose ≥ 200 mg/dl), ketonemia, and metabolic acidosis (CO2 ≤
15 mEq/L; HCO3 ≤ 15 mEq/L, pH ≤ 7.30). Other findings are leukocytosis, a
nonspecific serum amylase levels may be elevated (serum lipase level is usually
not elevated), and prolonged corrected QT interval.
In any child, the progression of symptoms may be accelerated by the stress of an
intercurrent illness or trauma, when counterregulatory (stress) hormones
overwhelm the limited insulin secretory capacity.
The management of DMT1 is divided into three phases, depending on the initial
• Ketoacidosis .
• Postacidotic transition (corresponds to presentations with polyuria,
polydipsia, and weight loss but without biochemical decompensation to
• Continuing phase of guidance of the child and his or her family (insulin,
nutritional intake, exercise, monitoring)
While the Management of DKA and post-acidotic transition period should be
carried out at hospital, initial presentation with hyperglycemia without acidosis,
especially if blood sugar in the range of 200-300mg/dl, can be managed in
outpatient environment if adequate and trained staff is available to administer
education. Hospitalization does not have to continue until blood sugar control is
optimal as patient will be more active at home. Before discharge from initial
hospitalization, patient should know the followings:
• Measure blood sugar by glucometer .
• Measure insulin from bottle or pen .
• Administer the injection .
• Intramuscular glucagon injection for hypoglycemia .
• Choosing a reasonable diet.
• Recognizing the symptoms and signs of hypoglycemia or impending DKA.
Management is best accomplished by a multidisciplinary team consisting of child,
family, physicians, nurse educators, dietitians, and mental health professionals,
and the child should be seen by this team every 3 months.
There is no one appropriate insulin regimen or meal plan, the principle is that the
diabetic care should fit wherever possible into the surrounding home, family’s food
preferences and habits, school environments, and the primary child tasks of
education, socialization, growth, and maturity.
The goals of treatment of child with DMT1 are to:
• Achieve as close to metabolic normalcy .
• Avoid acute complications (DKA and hypoglycemia).
• Minimize the risk of long term microvascular and macrovascular
• Permit normal growth and development with minimal effects on lifestyle.


Ttt of DKA:


Management of DKA:
The followings should be done in parallel:
• Determine patients who should be treated in intensive care unit:
▪ pH ≤ 7.00
▪ Age < 2 years
▪ Unconscious
▪ Blood glucose ≥ 1000 mg/dL
• Assess for precipitating factors and treat it (if possible): Delayed diagnosis,
infection, noncompliance, trauma.
• Start DKA protocol.
• Monitor for development of cerebral edema (the major cause of morbidity
and mortality in children and adolescents with T1DM). The majority have
sub clinical cerebral brain swelling, but only 1-2.5 % have clinical
manifestation of cerebral edema. imaging is frequently unhelpful,
Consequently, each patient must be clinically closely monitored. Clinically
cerebral edema developed several hours after the therapy of DKA, and when
clinical and biochemical test indicate improvement. The followings herald
evolving edema: headache, change in consciousness level/response, unequal
dilated pupils, delirium, incontinence, vomiting, bradycardia. If cerebral
edema is clinically apparent: reduce IV rate, give mannitol 1 g/kg iv
infusion (repeat in 2 to 4 hours if indicated).
DKA protocol
• Fluid therapy:
Regarding amount, for all patients we consider the degree of dehydration as 8.5, so
deficit will be 85 cc/kg. maintenance is calculated as 100 cc/kg for first 10 kg, 50
cc for second 10 kg, and 25 cc for every kg above 20. This maintenance and
deficit should be given through 24 hr, but initially (during the first hr) patients
should receive bolus fluid as 10-20 cc/kg which can be repeated as needed. So iv
rate will be as follow:
(Deficit + maintenance) - bolus/23hr
Regarding type of fluid, bolus is 0.9 saline or RL, while the subsequent fluid is
0.45% saline, and when blood sugar < 250 add 5% dextrose ( 5% glucose in
0.45% saline).
• Insulin:
Soluble insulin 0.05-0.1 U/kg/hr infusion started in the first hour and continue till
acidosis is resolved. But recent guidelines discourage its use in the first hour as its
use is associated with an increased risk of cerebral edema.
• Potassium therapy:
Should be used after the patient has received the initial bolus fluid and when he
passed urine. The dose is 40 meq/L (10 cc/ pint), and if serum k < 3 meq/L, the
dose will be 80 meq/L (20 cc/ pint).
• NaHCO3 therapy:
Bicarbonate buffers, regenerated by the distal renal tubule and by metabolism of
ketone bodies, steadily repair the acidosis once ketoacid production is controlled
by exogenous insulin. So, bicarbonate therapy is rarely necessary and may even
increase the risk of hypokalemia and cerebral edema. It indicated only when pH ≤
7.1, as severe acidosis causes depression of respiratory and cardiovascular
functions and may also be a factor in insulin resistance. At pH of 7 to 7.1, we
recommend that 40 mEq of HCO32/m2 (at pH of less than 7, 80 mEq of
HCO32/m2) should be infused over a period of 2 hours. Acid-base status should
then be reevaluated before further alkali therapy. Bicarbonate should not be given
by bolus infusion because it may precipitate cardiac arrhythmias.
During treatment of DKA, no oral intake is allowed, and we should monitor fluid
input and output, vital signs, neurologic status, blood sugar and electrolytes.
There should be a steady increase in pH, serum bicarbonate and sodium (Na
increase by approximately 1.6 mmol/L for each 100 mg/dl decline in the glucose)
and decrease in BS (not more than 100mg/dl/hr) as therapy progresses to decrease
the risk of cerebral edema. Kussmaul respirations should abate and abdominal pain
resolve. Persistent acidosis may indicate:
• Inadequate insulin or fluid therapy.
• Infection, or rarely
• Lactic acidosis.
When DKA has resolved (total CO2 >15 mEq/L; pH >7.30; sodium stable
between 135 and 145 mEq/L; no emesis), the child can be easily transitioned to
oral intake and subcutaneous insulin ( the doses and regimens are as in
management of hyperglycemia without acidosis). The first dose of short acting
subcutaneous insulin is given with a meal, and the insulin drip is discontinued
approximately 30 min later.
More than 15 yrs ago, they used sliding scale for calculation of post DKA insulin
dose (it still be used in some hospitals in our country, although it is an old
regimen). It uses soluble insulin that had been given s.c. every 6 hours for 48 hrs
in doses according to blood sugar




Atrial septal defect
5-10% of all CHD
More in females (3 times males)
Secundum ASD: 50-70% Primum ASD: 30%
Sinus venosus ASD: 10% of it associated with partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage.
Coronary sinus ASD


ASD secundum


ASD secundum:
Ostium secundum defect is the most common type of ASD, accounting for 50% - 70%
of all ASDs, allowing left-to-right shunting of blood from the left atrium (LA) to the right atrium (RA) and cause Rt. side volume overload. Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) occurs in 20% of patients with either ostium secundum or sinus venosus defects. ASD secundum associated with Holt -Oram -syndrome (limb abnormality, prolong PR interval and ASD secundum) which autosomal dominant disease




Clinical manifestation:
Infants and children with ASDs are usually asymptomatic.
Physical Examination:
1-A relatively slender body build is typical. (The body weight of many is less than the 10th percentile.)
2-A widely split and fixed S2 and a grade 2 to 3/6 systolic ejection murmur are characteristic findings of ASD in older infants and children.
3-loud first hear sound tricuspid component

Right axis deviation + right bundle branch block (RBBB) with an rsR’ pattern in V1 are typical finding
Cardiomegly with enlargement of the RA and right ventricle (RV) may be present

Natural History:
1-Spontaneous closure occurs more than 80% of the time in patients with defects between 3 and 8 mm before (1(1⁄2 )years )of age. An ASD with a diameter greater than 8 mm rarely closes spontaneously.
2-Most children with an ASD remain active and asymptomatic. Rarely, congestive heart failure (CHF) can develop in infancy.
3- If a large defect is untreated, CHF and pulmonary hypertension develop in adults who are in their 20s and 30s.
4-With or without surgery, atrial arrhythmias (flutter or fibrillation) may occur in adults 5-Infective endocarditis does not occur in patients with isolated ASDs.
6- Cerebrovascular accident, resulting from paradoxical embolization through an ASD, is a rare complication




1-Exercise restriction is unnecessary.
2-Prophylaxis for infective endocarditis is not indicated unless the patient has associated MVP or other associated defects. Prophylaxis is indicated in patients with primum ASD.
3-In infants with CHF, medical management is recommended because of its high success rate and the possibility of spontaneous closure of the defect.
Nonsurgical andc surgical Closure.
1-using a catheter-delivered closure device has become a preferred method
2-Surgical Closure is usually delayed until 2 to 4 years of age because the possibility of spontaneous closure exists and because children tolerate the defect well.


Partial Endocardial Cushion Defect (vs.) Complete Endocardial Cushion Defect


Partial Endocardial Cushion Defect
1-ASD primum with or without MR
2-Patients with ostium primum ASD are usually asymptomatic during childhood.
3-A history of symptoms such as dyspnea, easy fatigability, recurrent respiratory infections, and growth retardation may be present early in life if associated with major MR or common atrium.
Physical Examination
Cardiac findings are the same as those of secundum ASD , with the exception of a regurgitate systolic murmur of MR (owing to a cleft mitral valve), which may be present at the apex
The x-ray findings are the same as those of a secundum ASD, except for enlargement of the LA and LV when MR is significant

Complete Endocardial Cushion Defect
1-Failure to thrive, repeated respiratory infections, and signs of CHF are common.
2-Infants with ECD are usually undernourished and have tachycardia and tachypnea (signs of CHF). This defect is common in infants with Down syndrome.
3- Patients with complete ECD, heart failure occurs 1 to 2 months after birth and recurrent pneumonia is common.
4-Without surgical intervention, most patients die by the age of 2 to 3 years




PDA occurs in 5% to 10% of all congenital heart defects, excluding premature infants. It is more common in females than in males (male/female ratio of 1:3). PDA is a common problem in premature infants. Patients are usually asymptomatic when the ductus is small, large-shunt PDA may cause a lower respiratory tract infection and CHF. Bounding peripheral pulses with wide pulse pressure (with elevated systolic pressure and lower diastolic pressure) are characteristic findings. With a small shunt, these findings do not occur.
A systolic thrill may be present at the upper left sternal border. The P2 is usually normal, but its intensity may be accentuated if pulmonary hypertension is present. A grade 1 to 4/6 continuous (“machinery”) murmur is best audible at the left infra-clavicular area or upper left sternal border. If pulmonary vascular obstructive disease develops, a right-to-left ductal shunt results in cyanosis only in the lower half of the body (i.e., differential cyanosis).

Indomethacin is more effective in premature neonate.
Standard anticongestive measures with digoxin and diuretics are indicated when CHF develops.
No exercise restriction is needed in the absence of pulmonary hypertension.
Prophylaxis for subacute bacterial endocarditis (SBE) is indicated when indications arise.
Catheter closure of the ductus Surgical Closure




Pulmonary Stenosis
8% to 12% of all congenital heart defects. Physical Examination:
1-Most patients are a cyanotic and well developed.
2-Newborns with critical PS are cyanotic and tachypnea.
3-Systolic thrill may be present at the upper left sternal border
4-There is ejection-type systolic murmur (grade 2 to 5/6) is best audible at the upper left sternal border
5-The louder and longer the murmur, the more severe the stenosis. Natural History
1-The severity of stenosis is usually not progressive in mild PS CHF may develop in patients with severe stenosis.
2-Infective endocarditis occasionally occurs.
3-Sudden death is possible in patients with severe stenosis during heavy physical activities.
4-Without appropriate management, most neonates with critical PS die

1-Newborns with critical PS and cyanosis require emergency treatment to reduce mortality. These babies may temporarily improve with prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) infusion, which reopens the ductus arteriosus, and other supportive measures. Balloon valvuloplasty is the procedure of choice in critically ill neonates
2-Balloon valvuloplasty, which is performed at the time of cardiac catheterization for moderate and severe PS




Aortic Stenosis
Represents up to 10% of all CHDs Clinical manifestation
Neonates with critical or severe stenosis of the aortic valve may develop signs of hypoperfusion or respiratory distress related to pulmonary edema within days to weeks after birth.
Most children with mild to moderate AS are asymptomatic. Occasionally, exercise intolerance may be present.
Exertional chest pain, easy fatigability, or syncope may occur in a child with a severe degree of obstruction.

Physical examination
1. Infants and children with AS are acyanotic and are normally developed. Except for neonates with critical AS, blood pressure is normal in most patients, but a narrow pulse pressure is present in severe AS. A systolic thrill may be palpable at the upper right sternal border, in the suprasternal notch, or over the carotid arteries. An ejection click may be heard
For critically ill newborns with CHF, the patients are stabilized before surgery or balloon valvuloplasty by the use of rapidly acting inotropic agents (usually dopamine) and diuretics to treat CHF and intravenous infusion of PGE1 to reopen the ductus. Mechanical ventilation may be useful. Neonates and young infants with CHF from critical AS require balloon valvuloplasty (or surgery) on an urgent basis.
Percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty is now regarded as the first step in the management of symptomatic neonates in many centers. It is also the first interventional method for children older than 1 year.


Coarctation of aorta


Coarctation of aorta
Occurs in 8% to 10% of all cases of congenital heart defect. It is more common in males than in females (male/female ratio of 2:1). Among patients with Turner’s syndrome, 30% have COA, as many as 85% of patients with COA have a bicuspid aortic valve
Infants with COA are pale and experience varying degrees of respiratory distress. Oliguria or anuria, general circulatory shock, and severe acidemia are common. Peripheral pulses may be weak and thready as a result of CHF. A blood pressure differential may become apparent only after improvement of cardiac function with administration of rapidly acting inotropic agents; a loud S3 gallop is usually present.
A nonspecific ejection systolic murmur is audible over the precordium. The heart murmur may become louder after treatment, a normal or rightward QRS axis and RVH or right bundle branch block (RBBB) are present in most infants with COA, rather than LVH; LVH is seen in older children

• Medical
1-In symptomatic neonates, PGE1 infusion should be started to reopen the ductus arteriosus and establish flow to the descending aorta and the kidneys during the first weeks of life.
2-Intensive anticongestive measures with short-acting inotropic agents (e.g., dopamine, dobutamine), diuretics, and oxygen should be started.
3-Balloon angioplasty can be a useful procedure for sick infants in whom standard surgical management carries a high risk.


Development assessment

1st 4 Wk

4-8 week

6-8months ,end of 7month


12 months

15 months


Neonatal Period (1st 4 Wk(

Gross motor

: Lies in flexed attitude; turns head from side-to-side head sags on ventral suspension. Generally flexed and a little stiff.

Visual, and fine motor

: May fixate face or light in line of vision; “doll’s-eye&” delay movement of eyes on turning of the body.


: is fully mature, startle.

Reflex: Moro response active; stepping and placing reflexes; grasp reflex active.


Visual preference for human face.

4-8 week

Grosse motor

: Legs more extended; head lags on pull to sitting

position, holds chin up in prone position; head lifted momentarily to

plane of body on ventral suspension.

Visual, fine motor: side 180 degree.

Watches person; follows moving object side to


: listens to voice and coos, beginning to smile


Gross motor:

head lag partially compensated when pulled to sitting position. Ventral suspension head is held up for prolonged period, can hold shoulders off table when in prone position.

Vision and fine motor:

open the hands spontaneously and grasp reflex is gone. Vision: follows side away and vertically. Hearing and speech: more responsive to noise and may turn to

sound, coos and laughs social skills: smiles appropriately.

: end of 7month

Gross motor

=sits momentarily, back straight. Good head control, rolls over in both directions (front to back, back to front).

When standing, supports weight on legs and might bounce.

Fine motor and vision: transfers objects, alert, eyes move in all directions, fixates on small objects-20 cm.

Hearing and speech: turn to sounds 0.5m, babbling chains of

consonants -Ka, dah.

Social skills: shows like and dislikes, mouthing, tries to hold bottle,

response to tickling.


Poor head control  Brisk reflexes and clonus Not alert  Not Turing to sounds  Persistent primitive reflexes.


Gross motors: pull to stand, sits alone and can turn to look (pivoting), crawling, does not like being moved from sitting to lying supine. walks holding furniture (“cruising”).

Fine motor and vision: pincer grasp, can see small objects at 3m

=imitate sounds, Makes a lot of different  sounds like “mamamama” and “bababababa”, test hearing at 1 m (distraction test) *.

Hearing and speech

Social skills

=hold, bites, chews biscuit, can wave bye, beginning of suspicion of strangers, Plays peek-a-boo.

 Not sitting  Asymmetry of tone


 Poor response to sounds

 12 months

Gross motors:

May stand alone, walk with one hand held.

Fine motor:

release an object on command (give it to me)

Hearing and speech:

Social skills:

15 months

1-2 meaningful words, respond to name. come when called, casting object, mouthing stop.

Gross motor: walk alone, crawled upstairs and unable to get down. Vision and fine motor: Make tower of 3 cubes, makes a line.

Hearing and speech:

jargon, flow simple command

Social skills

: may names of some familiar object (ball). Indicates some desires or needs by pointing, hug parent.


Development assessment
18 months

24 months

3 years
4 years

Developmental decision

Locomotion variants


18 months

Gross motors :walks upstairs with assistance and creep down, run stiffly, sit on small chair.

Fine motor

: feeds from spoon without falling, point to distant objects, stack 2 blocks, makes tower of 4 cubes; imitates scribbling; imitates vertical stroke, turn pages in a book

Hearing and speech: at least 10 words, vocalize freely, responds quickly to simple commands, name picture, identify one or more parts of body.

mimic the actions of others (domestic mimicry), ▪ stopped putting toys into mouth, kiss parent, complain when wet, seek help in trouble, may have temper tantrums.

Social skills


Not standing Not walking Poor attention span

24 months

: walks upstairs with assistance and creep down, run stiffly, sit on small chair.

▪ Gross motors: runs well, climb on furniture, goes up and down stairs two feet/step, kicks a ball without falling.

Fine motor: builds tower of 7blocks, imitate horizontal line,

Hearing and speech: 2–3-word sentences, put 3 words together

(subject, verb, object).

Social skills : plays beside other children, help to undress, hold spoon well. Puts on socks and shoes.

3 years

Gross motors:

Can walk upstairs, one foot per step, able to jump, stands on one foot momentarily, may able to ride tricycle

Fine motor

: Builds tower of10 blocks, draw a circle, imitates cross. Hearing and speech: may know one to two colors, knows 4 body  parts, count to 10, know age, sex, and first name,

Social skills: plays simple games in parallel with others children, Separates easily from parents, wash hand, objects to major changes in routine, toilet trained by day.


Hop on one foot up to 5 seconds, can walk  downstairs in adult fashion, climb well.

Gross motors:

Fine motor: draw square and Cross, draw man with 2-4 part of body beside the head, use scissors.

Hearing and speech: know 3-4 colors, talks a lot, asks questiontell stories, can say first and last name.

Social skills

: toilet training well established, play with several children with interaction.

Note: The rate of development may vary between children, the sequence of development does not differ significantly


Gross motors

: may be able to skip, walk heel to toe.

 Fine motor: copies triangle, draws person with body.

Hearing and speech :5 colors, repeat sentence of 10 syllables, say

address Social skills:

shows more independence, dress and undress.

Developmental decision

Normal Probably normal-see again Doubtful-see soon Abnormal-refer for diagnosis and treatment

Locomotion variants:

some infant never crawls, they stand and walk

Some do normal crawl with flexed knees

Some do bear walk knees extended)

Some commando crawl-on elbows rather than hands


Epileptic seizure


epileptic syndrome

Classification of epileptic seizures: ILAE Commission 2017.



Epilepsy in children
Epileptic seizure → clinical manifestation of abnormal &
excessive discharge of a set of neurons in the brain
Epilepsy is a chronic neurological condition characterized by
recurrent, unprovoked seizures (no fever, no acute cerebral
insult), occurrence of at least 2 unprovoked seizures 24 hours
Most Seizures are provoked by infection, fever, head trauma,
hypoxia, toxin, fatigue, hyperventilation alkalosis and drugs like
( INH, penicillin, theophylline …etc).
The incidence of epilepsy is 3% and more than 50% of cases
begin in childhood
An epileptic syndrome is a disorder that manifests 1 or more
specific seizure types and has a specific age of onset and a
specific prognosis.

Classification of epileptic seizures: ILAE Commission 2017.
Focal-Onset Seizures
Motor Onset
Epileptic spasms
Non–Motor Onset
Behavior arrest
Awareness Descriptor
Impaired awareness
Generalization Descriptor
Focal to bilateral tonic-clonic (previously called secondary generalized seizure )
Generalized-Onset Seizures
Epileptic spasms
Non–Motor (Absence)
Eyelid myoclonia
Unknown-Onset Seizures
Epileptic spasms
Behavior arrest
Unclassified Seizures
(Discharge arises from both hemisphere)
Absence seizures
Myoclonic seizure
Tonic clonic
Atonic seizures
(Arise from one or part of one hemisphere)
Frontal seizures
Temporal lobe seizures
Occipital seizures
Parietal lobe seizures


PARTIAL SEIZURE - FOCAL SEIZURE:Focal Seizures with Preserved Awareness

Frontal seizure

Temporal lobe seizure

Benign epilepsy with occipital spikes


Focal Seizures with Preserved Awareness These can take the form of
sensory seizures (auras, called focal aware seizures) or brief motor
seizures, the specific nature of which gives clues as to the location of the
seizure focus.
Focal Seizures with Impaired Awareness These seizures usually last 1-2
min and are often preceded by an aura, Auras can take the form of a
number of sensations, including visual (e.g., flashing lights or seeing
colors or complex visual hallucinations), somatosensory (tingling),
olfactory, auditory, vestibular, depending on the precise localization of
the origin of the seizures.
Begin in a relatively small group of dysfunctional neurones in one of
the cerebral hemispheres.
• May lead to clonic movements → travel proximally→
(Jacksonian) March from face to arm to leg.
The most common aura experienced by children consists of epigastric
discomfort or pain and a feeling of fear.
Frontal seizure
Nocturnal autosomal dominant frontal lobe epilepsy has been linked to
acetylcholine-receptor and to KCNT1 gene mutations. It manifests with
nocturnal seizures with dystonic posturing, agitation, screaming, and
kicking that respond promptly to carbamazepine.
Temporal lobe seizure
Benigen epilepsy syndrome with focal seizures: benign childhood
epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes: (BECTS)
• The most common epileptic syndrome
• This typically starts during childhood (ages 3-10 yr) with
remission in adolescence.
• The child typically wakes up at night owing to a focal (simple
partial) seizure causing buccal and throat tingling and tonic or
clonic contractions of 1 side of the face, with drooling and

inability to speak but with preserved consciousness and
• Dyscognitive focal (complex partial) and secondary generalized
seizures can also occur.
• EEG shows typical broad-based centrotemporal spikes that are
markedly increased in frequency during drowsiness and sleep.
MRI is normal.
• Patients respond very well to antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) such as
• In some patients who only have rare and mild seizures treatment
might not be needed.
Benign epilepsy with occipital spikes
• Can occur in early childhood and manifests with complex partial
seizures with ictal vomiting, or they appear in later childhood
(Gastaut type) with complex partial seizures, visual auras, and
migraine headaches.
• Both are typically resolve in a few years. Manifestations may
include visual hallucinations and postictal headache (epilepsy–
migraine sequence).


Generalized seizures:Typical absence seizures: - petit mal

Atypical absence seizures:

Generalized motor seizures: Grand mal

Benign myoclonic epilepsy of infancy

Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (Janz syndrome)


Generalized seizures:
Typical absence seizures: - petit mal
• It usually starts at 5-8 yr. of age and are often, overlooked by
parents for many months even though they can occur up to
hundreds of times per day.
• They do not have an aura, usually last for only a few seconds, and
are accompanied by eye lid flutter or upward rolling of the eyes,
(absence seizures can have simple automatisms like lip-smacking
or picking at clothing and the head can minimally fall forward).
• Absence seizures do not have a postictal period and are
characterized by immediate resumption of what the patient was
doing before the seizure.
• Hyperventilation for 3-5 min can precipitate the seizures and the
accompanying 3 Hz spike–and–slow-wave discharges.

• Early onset absence seizures (before the age of 4 yr) should trigger
evaluation for glucose transporter defect that is often associated
with low CSF glucose levels and an abnormal sequencing test of
the transporter gene.
Atypical absence seizures:
Have associated myoclonic components and tone changes of the head
(head drop) and body and are also usually more difficult to treat. They
are precipitated by drowsiness and are usually accompanied by 1-2 Hz
spike–and–slow-wave discharges.
Generalized motor seizures: Grand mal
• The most common generalized motor seizures are generalized
tonic–clonic seizures that can be either primarily generalized
(bilateral) or secondarily generalized from a unilateral focus.
If there is no partial component, then the seizure usually starts
with loss of consciousness and, at times, with a sudden cry,
upward rolling of the eyes, and a generalized tonic contraction
with falling, apnea, and cyanosis.
• In some, a clonic or myoclonic component precedes the tonic
• The tonic phase is followed by a clonic phase that, as the seizure
progresses, shows slowing of the rhythmic contractions until the
seizure stops usually 1-2 min later.
Tonic phase
The tonic phase begins with flexion of the trunk and elevation and
abduction of the elbows. Subsequent extension of the back and neck is
followed by extension of arms and legs.
Piercing cry may be present due to passage of air through closed
vocal cords.
Autonomic signs are common during this phase and include increase
in pulse rate and blood pressure, profuse sweating
This stage lasts for 10-20 seconds.
Clonic phase
tremor occurs at a rate of 8 tremors per second, which may slow
down to about 4 tremors per second.
The clonic phase lasts for 30 sec. to 1minute.

• Incontinence and a postictal period often follow. The latter
usually lasts for 30 min to several hours with semicoma and
postictal sleepiness, weakness, ataxia, hyper- or hyporeflexia,
and headaches.
• There is a risk of aspiration and injury. First aid measures
include positioning the patient on his or her side, clearing the
mouth if it is open, loosening tight clothes or jewelry, and
gently extending the head and, if possible, insertion of an
airway by a trained professional.
• The mouth should not be forced open with a foreign object (this
could dislodge teeth, causing aspiration) or with a finger in the
mouth (this could result in serious injury to the examiner’s
Benign myoclonic epilepsy of infancy consists of the onset of
myoclonic and other seizures during the 1st yr of life, with
generalized 3 Hz spike–and–slow-wave discharges.
Often, it is initially difficult to distinguish this type from more-severe
syndromes, but follow-up clarifies the diagnosis.
Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (Janz syndrome) is the most common
generalized epilepsy in young adults, accounting for 5% of all epilepsies.
It has been linked to mutations in many genes.
Typically, it starts in early adolescence with 1 or more of the following
manifestations: myoclonic jerks in the morning, often causing the patient
to drop things; generalized tonic–clonic or clonic–tonic–clonic seizures
upon awakening; and juvenile absences.
The EEG usually shows generalized 4-5 Hz polyspike–and–slow wave
discharges. It may respond to Na valproate which is required lifelong.




West syndrome: Starts between the ages of 2 and 12 mo and consists
of a triad of Infantile epileptic spasms that usually occur in clusters
(particularly in drowsiness or upon arousal), **developmental regression,
and a typical EEG picture called **
Hypsarrhythmia is a high-voltage, slow, chaotic background with
multifocal spikes.

Patients with cryptogenic (idiopathic) West syndrome have normal
development before onset, while patients with symptomatic West
syndrome have preceding developmental delay owing to perinatal
encephalopathies, malformations, underlying metabolic disorders, or
other etiologies. In boys, West syndrome can also be caused by ARX gene
mutations (often associated with ambiguous genitalia and cortical
migration abnormalities). West syndrome, especially in cryptogenic
cases, is a medical emergency because diagnosis delayed for 3 wk or
longer can affect long-term prognosis.
 ACTH gel
 Vigabatrin: Its principal side effect is its retinal toxicity.
 Valproate, nitrazepam, and clonazepam, pyridoxine, ketogenic
diet, and (IVIG).
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome typically starts between the ages of 2
and 10 yr and consists of a triad of: developmental delay, multiple
seizure types that as a rule include atypical absences, myoclonic,
astatic, and tonic seizures and the third component is the EEG findings 1-
2 Hz spike–and–slow waves, polyspike bursts in sleep, and a slow
background in wakefulness.
Patients commonly have seizure types that are difficult to control, and
most are left with long-term cognitive impairment and intractable
seizures despite multiple therapies.
Landau-Kleffner syndrome is a rare condition of unknown cause
characterized by loss of language skills attributed to auditory agnosia
in a previously normal child. At least 70% have associated clinical
seizures, but some do not. The seizures when they occur are of several
CT and MRI studies typically yield normal results.
The approach and therapy:
Valproic acid is often the anticonvulsant that is used first to treat the
clinical seizures and may help the aphasia.
Some children respond to clobazam, to the combination of valproic acid
and clobazam, or to levetiracetam.
For therapy of the aphasia, nocturnal diazepam therapy (0.2-0.5 mg/kg
PO at bedtime for several months) is often used as first- or second-line
therapy, as are oral steroids.

Long-term therapy is often needed irrespective of what the patient
responds to.
If the seizures and aphasia persist after diazepam and steroids trials, then
a course of intravenous immunoglobulins should be considered.


Diagnosis of seizures

Treatment of epilepsy

Risk factors for seizure relapse


Diagnosis of seizures
History: - full description of the seizure and the post ictal state including
the timing, duration, precipitating factors, aura,
1) personality changes or intellectual deterioration which may suggest
a degenerative disease of CNS where as vomiting and FTT might
indicate a metabolic disorder or a structural lesion.
2) Physical examination: - to search for organic cause, B.P, wt,
length and H.C should be recorded and plotted on a growth chart.
Look for any unusual facial features or associated hepato –
splenomegaly which may indicate a metabolic or storage disease.
Search for cutaneous lesion (neurocutaneous syndromes), eye
examination for (retinal phakoma, papillodema, retinal hemorrhage,
chorio retinitis), hyper ventilation for (3-4) min produce absence
3) Investigation: - in the first a febrile seizure we must do
a) ( FBS, Ca ++, mg++ and electrolyte ) estimations.
b) EEG ( normal EEG seen in 40% of patients ), so we may do
activation procedures. (Hyperventilation, eye closure, photic
stimulation and sleep deprivation), which will ↑the positive
results. Seizures discharges are more likely to be recorded in
infants and children than in the adolescent or adult.
c) CT and MRI: indicated if there is suspicion of *intra – cranial
lesion, *prolonged partial seizure, *focal neurological deficit,
*no response to anticonvulsant and *evidence of ↑ I.C. P.
d) CSF examination: - if there is suspicion of infection, sub-
archnoid hemorrhage or demyelination diseases.
e) Specific metabolic tests.
Treatment of epilepsy

  • Be sure that the patient has seizure disorder and not a condition that
    mimic epilepsy.
  • After a first seizure, and the patient has normal neurodevelopmental
    status, EEG, and MRI, then treatment is usually not started.
  • If the patient has abnormal EEG, MRI, development, and/or neurologic
    exam and/or a positive family history of epilepsy, then the risk is higher
    and often treatment is started.
    The choice of anti- epileptic drug depends on: (type of seizure and
    epilepsy syndrome, potential for paradoxical seizure aggravation, adverse
    effects, cost and availability, ease of initiation, drug interactions, the
    presence of comorbid conditions, the coexisting seizures, mechanism of
    drug actions, ease of use, ability to monitor the medication and adjust the
    dose, patient’s and family’s preferences and the teratogenic profiles).
    Initiating and monitoring therapy: In nonemergency situations or when
    loading is not necessary, the maintenance dose of the chosen AED is
    started. For example, the starting dose of carbamazepine is usually 5-
    10 mg/kg/day. Increments of 5 mg/kg/day can be added every 3 days until
    a therapeutic level is achieved and a therapeutic response is established or
    until unacceptable adverse effects occur.
    Titration: If a therapeutic level needs to be achieved faster, a loading dose
    may be used. For valproate it is 25 mg/kg, for phenytoin it is 20 mg/kg,
    and for phenobarbital it is 10-20 mg/kg.
    Only one drug should be used initially and the dose increased until
    complete control is achieved or until side effects had appeared. Then
    another drug be added and the initial one subsequently tapered.
    Monitoring: Before starting treatment, baseline laboratory studies
    including CBC, liver enzymes, and possibly kidney function tests and
    urinalysis are often obtained and repeated periodically. Allergic hepatitis
    and agranulocytosis are more likely to occur in the first 3-6 months of
    therapy, so these laboratory studies are checked once or twice during the
    first month, then every 3 to 4 months thereafter.
    Additional treatment: Steroid, Intravenous gamma globulin (IVIG).
    Ketogenic diet and Surgery.
    Discontinuation of Therapy: is usually indicated when children are free of
    seizures for at least 2 yr. Most children who have not had a seizure for
    ≥2 yr and who have a normal EEG when withdrawal is initiated had
    remained free of seizures after discontinuing medication, and most relapses
    occur within the first 6 mo.
    Risk factors for seizure relapse:
    • Abnormal EEG before medication is discontinued.
    • Symptomatic epilepsy.
    • Absences seizure.
    • Those who treated with valproate.
    • Older age of epilepsy onset.
    • Longer duration of epilepsy.
    • Presence of multiple seizure types.
    • Need to use more than one AEDs.
    Therapy should be discontinued over a period of 3-6 months because
    abrupt discontinuation can result in withdrawal seizures or status
    Withdrawal seizures are especially common with phenobarbital and
    Seizures that occur more than 2 - 3 months after AEDs are completely
    discontinued indicate relapse, and resumption of treatment is usually

Typhoid fever ( Enteric fever )


*Varies from a mild illness with low-grade fever, malaise, and
slight, dry cough to a severe clinical picture with abdominal
discomfort and multiple complications.
*Severity & outcome depend on duration of illness, choice of
antimicrobial tx., age, previous exposure or vaccination hx.,
virulence of bacterial strain, quantity of inoculum ingested,
and several host factors affecting immune status.
* more severe below age 5 y. Diarrhea, toxicity, and
complications such as DIC are also more common in infancy,
whereas relative bradycardia , CNS symptoms , and GI
bleeding are common in adults
*High-grade fever(95%) with a wide variety of associated
features, such as generalized myalgia, abdominal pain(21%),
hepatomegaly (37%), splenomegaly(17%), coated tongue, and
anorexia. In children, diarrhea may occur in the earlier stages
of the illness and may be followed by constipation.
*The classic stepladder rise of fever is relatively rare. In
approximately 25% of cases, a macular or maculopapular rash
(rose spots) may be visible around the 7th-10th day of the
illness, and lesions may appear in crops of 10-15 on the lower
chest and abdomen and last 2-3 days.
If no complications occur , it gradually resolves within 2 – 4


Typhoid fever ( Enteric fever )


1.Intestinal perforation may be preceded by a marked increase in
abdominal pain (usually in the right lower quadrant),
tenderness, vomiting, and features of peritonitis.
2.Toxic myocarditis, which may manifest as arrhythmias,
sinoatrial block, or cardiogenic shock.
3.Altered liver function, but significant hepatitis, jaundice, and
cholecystitis are relatively rare.
4.CNS(uncommon among children); delirium, psychosis,
increased intracranial pressure, acute cerebellar ataxia,
chorea, deafness, and Guillain-Barré syndrome.
5. Fatal bone marrow necrosis, DIC, hemolytic–uremic
syndrome, pyelonephritis, nephrotic syndrome,
meningitis, endocarditis, parotitis, orchitis, and
suppurative lymphadenitis.
6. The propensity to become a carrier, increasing with
patient age and the antibiotic resistance of the prevalent
strains (rates of chronic carriage are generally lower in
children than adults).


Typhoid fever ( Enteric fever )



The mainstay of the diagnosis of typhoid fever is a positive
result of culture from the blood(+ve in 40-60% early in the
disease), stool and urine culture results become positive after
the 1st wk. The stool culture result is also occasionally
positive during the incubation period.
WBC counts are frequently low in relation to fever and
toxicity, but may reach 20000-25000cells/µL.
TCP may be a marker of severe dis.and may accompany DIC.
The classic Widal test measures antibodies against O and H
antigens of S. Typhi but lacks sensitivity and specificity in
endemic areas
 Acute gastroenteritis Leptospirosis
 Bronchitis Rickettsial dis.
 Bronchopneumonia Dengue fever
 Malaria Acute hepatitis
 Brucellosis
 Tularemia
+Adequate rest, hydration, and attention are important to
correct fluid and electrolyte imbalance are general principles
of typhoid fever management.
+Antipyretic therapy (acetaminophen 10-15 mg/kg every 4-
6 hr PO) should be provided as required.
+A soft, easily digestible diet should be continued unless the
patient has abdominal distention or. ileus.
Fully-sensitive– Chloramphenicol (50-
75mg/kg/day for 14-21 days), Amoxil(75-
100mg/kg/day for 14 days)
Multidrug-resistant– Fluoroquinolone
(15mg/kg/day for 5-7 days), or Cefixime(15-
20mg/kg/day for 7-14 days).
Quinolone-resistant– Azithromycin(8-
10mg/kg/day for 7 days) , or
Ceftriaxone(75mg/kg/day for 10-14 days).
Fully sensitive – Fluoroquinolone(15mg/kg/day for
10-14 days).
Multidrug-resistant –
Fluoroquinolone(15mg/kg/day for 10-14 days)
Quinolone-resistant –Ceftriaxone (60mg/kg/day
for 10-14 days), Cefotaxime (80mg/kg/day for 10-14
+Azithromycin may be an alternative antibiotic for
children with uncomplicated typhoid fever.
+Dexamethasone (3 mg/kg for the initial dose,
followed by 1 mg/kg every 6 hr for 48 hr) is
recommended for severely ill patients with shock,
obtundation, stupor, or coma.
— Central chlorination , domestic water purification ,
restrict street food consumption , and minimize human to
human spread by chronic carriers e.g. food handlers .
— An oral live – attenuated vaccine ( 67 – 82 % efficacy
for up to 5 y.) , and a single i.m. capsular
polysaccharide for age ≥ 2 y. with a booster every 2 y.(
70-80 % efficacy) are given for travelers to endemic




Clinical Manifestation:
 Symptoms can be acute or insidious in nature and are usually
 I.P 2-4wk after inoculation.
 Classic triad of fever, arthralgia/arthritis, and
 Fever of unknown origin, abdominal pain, headache, diarrhea,
rash, night sweats, weakness/fatigue, vomiting, cough, and
 In children is refusal to eat, lassitude, refusal to bear weight,
and failure to thrive.
 Besides hepatosplenomegaly, the physical findings on
examination are usually few, with the exception of arthritis.
 Monoarticular arthritis of the knees and hips in children and
of the sacroiliac joint in adolescents and adults can be found.
 CNS (only in 1%): headache, mental inattention, and
Neonatal and congenital infections with these organisms have
also been described (transmission transplacentally, from
breast milk, and through blood transfusions. The signs and
symptoms associated with brucellosis are vague and not
 Routine CBP is not helpful (thrombocytopenia, neutropenia,
anemia, or pancytopenia) may occur.
 A history of exposure to animals or ingestion of unpasteurized
dairy product may be more helpful.
 A definitive diagnosis: by recovering the organisms in the
blood, bone marrow, or other tissues.
 The serum agglutination test is the most widely used and
detects antibodies against B. abortus, B. melitensis, and B. suis.
No single titer is ever diagnostic, but most patients with acute
infections have titers of ≥1 : 160.
The enzyme immunoassay should only be used for suspected
serum agglutination tests or for the
cases with
evaluation of patients in the following situations: (1) complicated
cases; (2) suspected chronic brucellosis; (3) reinfection
Differential Diagnosis:
1.Tularemia 2.Cat scratch disease 3.Typhoid fever
4.Histoplasmosis 5.Blastomycosis 6.Coccidioidomycosis
7.TB 8.Rickettsiae 9. Yersinia
*For those ≥8yr—— Doxycycline PO for 6wks + Rifampin PO for
Alternative—–Doxycycline PO for 6wks + Streptomycin i.m
for 2-3wks or Gentamicin i.m/i.v for 1-2wks
*For those ≤8yr– Trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole(TMP-SMZ)
PO for 4-8wks + Rifampin PO for 6wks
*For Meningitis, Osteomyelitis,
—– Doxycycline PO for 4-6 m
endocarditis + Gentamicin i.v for 1-2 wks
± Rifampin PO for 4-6 months
: Doses
TMP : 10 mg/kg / day , SMZ : 50 mg/kg / day
Rifampin : 15 – 20 mg/kg / day , Doxycycline : 2 – 4 mg/kg /
Streptomycin : 15– 30 mg/kg / day .
Gentamicin : 3 – 5 mg/kg / day .
•Education of public.
•Eradication of microorganisms from animals.
•Pasteurization of milk and its products.
•No vaccine is currently available.




If there is poor glycemic control with an insulin requirement > 1.5 U/kg/day, consider non-adherence with therapy.

*Types: there are 3 types of insulin:

  1. Animal insulin (from animal pancreas): no longer available as it is immunogenic.
  2. Human insulin (rDNA insulin, structurally identical to human insulin): as lente and soluble insulin. It is less likely allergic than animal insulin. All human insulin form hexamers, which must dissociate into monomers subcutaneously before being absorbed into circulation. Delayed absorption and prolonged action of human insulin contribute to problems of hyper and hypoglycemia, necessitating feeding the insulin with snacks and limiting the overall degree of blood glucose control.
  3. Insulin analogs (a modification of human insulin): Modification of site of amino acids in insulin changed the pharmacokinetic properties of insulin, primarily affecting the absorption of drug from the subcutaneous tissue (rapid absorption for rapid analogs aspart and lispro and prolonged absorption for long acting analogs glargine and detemir).

*Regimens: It includes: • Conventional regimen; CR.

• Basal-bolus regimen; BBR:

▪ Multiple Daily Injection (MDI). ▪ Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion (CSII) by insulin pump.


Two-third of total daily dose in the morning before breakfast and one-third in the evening before dinner, two-third NPH and one-third regular or rapid acting analog. It produces the least physiologic profile with substantial risk of hypoglycemia before lunch and during the early night combined with breakthrough hyperglycemia before supper and breakfast so requiring timing of injections, specific mealtimes, specific meal amounts, and snacks (rigid regimen), but has the advantage of twice-daily injection.


It Provides more physiologic insulin effects with more flexibility (no fixed mealtime, no fixed meal amount, extra snack can be added, meal may even be missed), and less likelihood of DKA if many bolus doses are missed, but has the disadvantage of at least four injection per day, including at school and education is complex as the patient or family must count carbohydrate in each meal consumed. It consist of:

Basal insulin dose (30-50 % of total insulin dose) that provide fasting insulin needs which achieved by long acting analog once usually at bedtime (glargine) or twice (detemir) daily, and

Bolus insulin doses (50-70 % of total insulin dose) that covers food requirements and correct hyperglycemia and achieved by rapid acting analog (aspart and lispro) before meals and snacks (anything containing ≥ 10g carbohydrate).


It use rapid acting analogues for both, basal and bolus infusion. Dosages calculation is the same as MDI regimen. It provides Less number of injections (infusion set must be changed every 2-3 days), but the disadvantage is that DKA will develop within hours if there is a problem in the infusion set, as there is no long acting insulin. For determining the best insulin regimen for an individual the following factors should put in our minds:

• The availability of an adult parent/guardian to supervise insulin administration.

• The ability to count carbohydrates and monitor blood sugar (BS) levels, and

• The willingness to wear a pump or take four or more injections of insulin daily.

*Injection sites: they include arms (lateral aspect), abdomen, thighs (front/lateral part), and buttocks (upper outer quadrant). Subcutaneous injection in arm and abdomen in young children might result in intramuscular injection as they have less subcutaneous tissue in these sites (so should be avoided).


Blood glucose monitoring



*Blood glucose monitoring: the safety and success of any insulin regimen depend on frequent monitoring of blood glucose levels, which achieved by Home (self) monitoring and HbA1c.

Home monitoring: the targets are as close to metabolic normalcy and avoiding hyper or hypoglycemia. It is either by Glucose meter (accurate to within about 5%-10% of lab venous measurements) in which at least four tests per day (premeals and at bedtime), or Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) which is available now.

Targets blood sugar according to the age

HbA1c: It provides the gold standard by which to judge the adequacy of the

insulin regimen. It represents the fraction of hemoglobin to which glucose

has been non-enzymatically attached in the blood stream, and continue

irreversibly throughout the RBC life span of approximately 120 days. So,

HbA1c should be checked every 3 months. In children, based on International

Society of Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD) recommendations, our

general goal is to keep all patients under 7.5% regardless of the patients age.

*Monitoring for complications and associated autoimmune diseases









neuropathy, cataract, and thyroid and celiac disease (as patients

with T1DM are at increased risk for autoimmune diseases).

Other quite rarely noted complications now (as improvement in overall metabolic control) in diabetic children include:

• Mauriac syndrome: dwarfism associated with a glycogen-laden enlarged liver.

• Osteopenia, and

• Syndrome of limited joint mobility associated with tight, waxy skin; growth impairment; and maturational delay.






Appropriate energy intake is required to meet the needs for energy expenditure, growth, and pubertal development , and it not differ from that of non-diabetic children.

Heart-healthy diets are encouraged, which consist of 50% carbohydrate, 20% protein, and 30% fat (< 10% saturated fat). Approximately 70% of the carbohydrate content should be derived from complex carbohydrates such as starch and intake of sucrose and highly refined sugars should be limited. Dietary fats derived from animal sources (saturated) are reduced and replaced by polyunsaturated fats from vegetable sources. Substituting margarine for butter, vegetable oil for animal oils in cooking, and lean cuts of meat, poultry, and fish for fatty meats is advisable. The intake of cholesterol is also reduced by these measures and by limiting the number of egg yolks consumed. These simple measures reduce serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, a predisposing factor to atherosclerotic disease.

Diet with high fiber content (grain, legumes, fruits and vegetables) are useful in improving glucose control. As vegetables and fruits are a natural source of antioxidants, as with other children, at least five portions are recommended in diabetics to provide some protection against long-term cardiovascular disease.

Regarding sweeteners, there is no available data to support an association of moderate amount of saccharin ingestion with bladder cancer in children. Aspartame is used in variety of products and it contraindicated in phenylketonuria, and Fructose in both diabetic and healthy populations increase LDL-cholesterol and may stimulate energy intake and promote weight gain. So adding large amount of fructose to the diet is undesirable. These concern should not extend to naturally occurring fructose in fruits and vegetables as they provide only modest amount of fructose.

Cakes and even candies are permissible on special occasions as long as insulin dose is adjusted to accommodate this increased caloric intake to not foster rebellion and stealth in obtaining desired food.

Meal plans should fit the child and family’s food preference and provide satiety necessary for realistic adherence.

In a conventional regimen, constancy in timing and amount of carbohydrate meal is important to avoid hyper and hypoglycemia. Thus, the total daily caloric intake is divided to provide 20% at breakfast, 20% at lunch, 30% at dinner, leaving 10% for each of the midmorning, midafternoon, and evening snack (this strict divisions are not required in basal-bolus regimen). While in basal bolus regimen, near total flexibility in timing and amount of meals is possible provided that patients and families understand insulin dose calculation.


Physical fitness and regular exercise are encouraged in all children with DMT1 as it improves glucoregulation by increasing insulin receptor number and no form of exercise is forbidden. However, it requires specific attention (blood glucose monitoring to assess the effect of exercise and then to determine an effective regimen for the individual child). Complications of exercise are: • Hypoglycemia: It is a common complication and occurs during or after lowto-moderate-intensity exercise due to increased insulin absorption from its injection site. It may occur hours post-exercise reflecting depleted glycogen stores.

• Hyperglycemia: It occurs during or immediately after high-intensity exercise as a result of exercise-induced increase in the counterregulatory hormones, and so in patient with poor metabolic control vigorous exercise should not be performed as it may precipitate DKA.





The ADA defines biochemical Hypoglycemia in diabetic patients (with or without symptoms) as any BS <70 mg/dl. Hypoglycemia is the major limitation to tight control of glucose levels and it occurs as a result of mismatching between insulin, food, and exercise, which may be due:

  1. Taking too much insulin.
  2. Missing or delaying a meal.
  3. Vigorous exercise (may occur immediately or delayed by several hours).
  4. Alcoholism (especially in excess).

Decreased BS values and decrease insulin requirement well after the time expected to span the honeymoon period might indicate the development of the followings:

  1. Addison’s disease.
  2. Hypothyroidism.
  3. Celiac disease.
  4. Renal failure.

Hypoglycemia should be treated with oral glucose (5-10 g) as juice or a sugarcontaining beverage or candy, and the blood glucose checked 15-20 min later and the administration of glucagon when the child cannot take glucose orally.




DAWN AND SOMOGYI PHENOMINA There are several reasons that blood glucose levels increase in the early morning hours before breakfast. The most common dawn phenomenon which occurs as a result of combination of waning overnight insulin and early morning rise in counter-regulatory hormones and treated by increasing the evening dose of lente or long acting analog. Rarely, high morning glucose is caused by the Somogyi phenomenon, a theoretical rebound from late-night or early-morning hypoglycemia, thought to be from an exaggerated counterregulatory response and so treated by decreasing the evening dose. To distinguish between the two conditions ,we should measure the blood sugar at 3 am- 4 am and at 7 am-9 am. If blood sugar >80 mg/dl in the first sample and markedly high in the last one ,it means dawn phenomenon. If blood sugar <60mg/dl in the first sample followed by hyperglycemia at 7 am , this mean Somogyi phenomenon.