Pediatric Flashcards
3 months developmental sequence
- prone on elbows, weight bearing on forearms
- elbows in line w/ shoulders, head elevated to 90
- head in midline in supine, hands on chest
- increased back extension w/ scap adduction in supported sitting
4 month developmental sequence
- sits w/ support
- no head lag in pull to sit
- laughs out loud
5 month developmental sequence
- rolls from prone to supine
- head control in supported sitting
6 month developmental sequence
- rolls supine to prone
- independent sitting
- pulls to stand w/ hands held, bounces
At what month do babies recognize tone of voice?
7 months
7 months developmental sequence
- can maintain quadruped
- recognizes tone of voice
- belly crawls
8-9 months developmental sequence
- pulls to stand through kneeling at furniture
- may stand independently for 1-2 sec
- can transfer objects from 1 hand to another
10-15 months developmental sequence
- begins to walk unassisted
- begins self feeding
- searches for hidden toys
20 months developmental sequence
- ascends stairs step to pattern
- jumps off bottom step
2 years developmental sequence
- reciprocal stair climbing
Newborn has decreased ROM into _______, due to physiological ________.
Increased ______ at ankle and _______ of wrists
decreased extension due to physiological flexion
increased DF and flexion of wrists
protective extension
Results in the child extending his or her head, extending the arms and fingers outward as to protect the child from falling
body-righting reaction acting on the head (BOH)
head righting w/ respects w/ gravity to maintain orientation of head in space
- begins 4-6 months and persists through life
body-righting reaction acting on the body (BOB)
rotation of head or thorax results in rolling over
- begins at 6-8 months and persists
tilting reactions
- When do prone, supine, sitting, quadruped begin?
slow shifting of BoS or slow displacement of body in space
- prone begins at 5 months
- supine begins at 7 months
- sitting at 8 months
- quadruped at 12 months