Pediatri Flashcards
– Olive shape mass in epigaster
– Lab: Hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis!!
Major Milestones
Når får nyfødte tilbake fødselsvekten?
Brystfødende: 6,5 dager
formula: 8,3 dager
Vekttap første par dager 5-10% Tilbake etter 7-10dager (3,5kg) Dobbel vekt (7kg) 4-5mnd Trippel vekt (10kg) 1 år Kvadruppel vekt: 2-3 år
10kg: 1 år
20kg: 5 år
30kg: 10 år
Utvikling lengdevekst
Fødsel: 50cm 1 år: 75cm 90cm: 3 år 100cm: 4 år økning på 5-7,5 cm/1. år til pubertet
Speech - milestones
1 year: 1-3 words
2 years: 2-3 word phrases
3 years: routine use of sentences
4 years: routine use of sentence sequences
5 years: complex sentences, pronouns, prepositions
Normal gråt og kolikk
- Most infants cry little during the first 2 weeks of life. Between 2 and 6 weeks average from 2- 3 hrs per day
- 12 weeks: 1 hr daily crying
- Colic: Crying more than 3 hrs per day for more than 3 days a week for more than 3 weeks (”Wessels rule of 3”)
- < 5% of infants with excessive crying have organic etiology
normal sleep
- Full term infants sleep 2/3 of the day
- 1 year: 15 hrs (2-3 hrs during the day) • 12 years: 9 hrs
- Newborns start their sleep cycle (6o min cycle) in active sleep whereas older children and adults (90 min cycle) begin sleep in NREM sleep.
Phenylketonuria PKU
Screened for at birth
Congenital hypothyroidism (CH)
Screened for at birth
Vaksinering i Norge
6 weeks, 3 months
Rota virus
3 , 5 and 11-12 months:
Diphteria, tetanus and pertussis (DTP), Haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib), Poliomyelitis (IPV)
Pneumococcus (PKV)
15 months and 12-13 years:
Morbilli, Parotitis and Rubella (MMR)
6-7 year:
Diphteria, tetanus and pertussis (DTP) Poliomyelitis (IPV)
13-14 year:
15-16 year:
Diphteria and tetanus) (DT) Poliomyelitis (IPV)
Girls are offered HPV vaccine at the age of 12
Hepatitt B-vaccine recommended to children of parents from countries where Hepatitis B is common or children who are at risk for hepatitis B. Given in infancy/newborn period . BCG to risk population at 6 weeks
Normal puberty
The normal age for onset of puberty is: 9 - 13.5 years for girls,
10 - 14.5 years for boys
The first signs are respectively beginning of breast budding
at an average age of 10-11 yrs.
and testicular enlargement (volume >4 ml), at an
average age of 11 yrs.
Somatic development. Warning signs
If the child is not able to:
Reach for objects at latest 5 months
Sit at latest 10 months
Walk at latest 18 months
- 1 year 1 word: learn 1 new word per week
* 2 years 2 words together: 1 new word per day • 3 years 3 words together
- 2 months: response smiling •3 months: good eye contact •5 months: reaches for objects •10 months: sits unsupported •12 months pincer grip
- 18 months: walks unsupported
- 18 months : says single words with meaning •20 months: speaks in phrases
Fever, key point:
(Bruun Wyller)
• The younger the child, the more concerned!
• Lack of effect of temperature lowering attempts might signal more serious condition
• Temperature values in itself is not very informative
- Does the baby seem attentive?
- How is the general condition?
- Why is the mother so worried?
Diffdiagnoser v feber
• A localized infection (common!) Upper airway infection, incl. otitis Lower airway infection Urinary tract infection Gastroenteritis Meningitis/encephalitis Osteomyelitis/arthritis Skin infections • A generalised infection (possibly dangerous!) Generalised viral infection Generalised bacterial infection, incl. septicaemia • Other (rare!) Autoimmune disease Malignancies Immune deficiency
Tolkning av syre/ base-prøve
Se Bruun Wyllers forelesning fra 22/8
Metabolsk acidose
Metabolsk alkalose
Respiratorisk =
Apgar Score
- Range from 0 to 10. Routinely scored after 1, 5 and 10 minutes.
- Provides information on asphyxia (general lack of oxygen) during delivery
- Might be regarded a measure of general condition in the newborn
Nutritional deficiencies – key notes
- Affected nutrients • Proteins (low albumin) • Lipids (low triglycerides) • Minerals (calcium, iron) • Water-soluble vitamins (folic acid) • Fat-soluble vitamins (Vitamin A) - Possible diagnosis • No access to nutrients • Anorexia nervosa • General malabsorption, eg. celiac disease • (Excessive energy and nutrient consumption, eg. heart failure) - Acid-base balance • Often slight metabolic acidosis due to increased break-down of ketone bodies
Tonsilitt og Centor kriteriene:
4/5 må oppfylles for diagnose i allmenpraksis. Sår hals (akutt start) Temp over 38,5 Store innflammerte tonsiller m puss Såre/ forstørrede lymfeknuter på hals Fravær av hoste
wilms tumor
Ewings sarcoma
Diagnoser viktige hos premature barn
(IVH) Intraventricular hemorrhage (BPD) Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (NEC) Necrotizing enterocolitis (ROP) Retinopathy of prematurity (RDS) Respiratory distress syndrome (PVL) Periventricular leukomalacia
Key notes prolonged jaundice
- Possible diagnoses • Normal physiology Gilbert syndrome Breast milk jaundice • Hemolysis Rhesus incompatibility Other incompatibilities • Liver disease Hepatitis Biliary atresia • Other Inborn errrors of metabolism Hypothyreosis Gut obstruction
Key Notes rash
- Possible diagnoses
• Petecchiae/bruises/purpura
Idiopathic/immune trombocytopenic purpura (ITP) Henoch-Schönlein purpura
• «Infectious rash»
Virus infections (measles, rubella, varicella, herpes simplex, erythema infectiosum, roseola
infantum, hand-, foot- and mouth disease, warts, molluscum)
Bacterial infections (scarlatina, borreliosis, impetigo)
Fungal/parasite infections/infestations (candida, scabies, tropical diseases )
• Skin inflammations
Kawasaki syndrome (mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome) Eczema
Toxic erythema
Limping key notes
- Possible diagnoses • Infections Osteomyelitis Arthritis (bacterial, viral/’reactive’) • Autoimmunity JRA Spondyloartheritis Reumatic fever • Malignancies Leukemia Primary bone tumor • Traumas Fractures Epiphysiolysis • Neuromuscular disorders • Congenital malformations/miscellaneous Congenital hip dislocation Calvé-Legg-Perthes disease - Supplemental investigations • Lab screening (haematology, infection/inflammation markers) • Imaging (x-ray, ultrasound, MRI)
SMA - spinal muskelatrofi
Tre typer:
III: Barn som kan gå og som ser vanlig ut, men kan ikke løpe, hoppe, hinke
Fecal Calprotectin
Jern i IBD
Gi aldri jern PO.
bare iv.
Exclusive Enteral nutrition
- Liquid diet
- 8 week course
- ”Liquid bandadge”
- Mucosal healing
- No side effects ( except compliance) • Does not work in UC
Celiac spesific angibodies
• IgA anti- transglutaminase ( tTG) • IgG anti deamidated gliadine
Cøliaki tester
Involuntary passage of stools in children over 4 years of age
Neonatal jaundice
• Jaundice is caused by accumulaJon of unconjugated bilirubin in the skin
– In most infants - normal physiology
– In some infants addiJonal factors may increase the degree of jaundice
Bilirubin toxicity
• Bilirubin encephalopathy - brain funcJon is
affected transitorily (probably): • Lethargy/anorexia • Neurophysiologic changes (ABR, VER)
• Kernicterus - brain damage
• Death in acute phase
– Typically in Rhesus isoimmunizaJon 100+ years ago – And sJll today in LMICs
• In survivors a CP-like condiJon with choreoathetosis, deafness, gaze palsy, ⇓I.Q.
”Physiologic” jaundice in neonates is due to the simultaneous occurrence of two phenomena:
– High bilirubin production (x2 relative to adults) due to breakdown of fetal erythrocytes
• fetal red cells have shorter survival time • hemoglobin higher in fetal life
– Hepatic excretory capacity for bilirubin is low • low ligandin in liver cells
• low activity of glucuronyl transferase
Empiric antibiotic treatment of most respiratory tract infections in Norway
• Drug of choice: Penicillin – Exceptions: • Pertussis: Erytromycin • Mycoplasma: Erytromycin • Allergy to penicillin: Erytromycin