Pedia Flashcards
The cardiac silhouette of patients with Tetralogy of Fallot is best described as:
a. boot shaped
b. egg on the side
c. markedly enlarged
d. mild cardiomegaly
The most common cause of neonatal seizures is
a. meningitis
b. hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy
c. congenital CNS anomalies
d. metabolic causes
Immunization with polio vacine may be started as early as
a. newborn period
b. 6 weeks of age
c. 8 weeks of age
d. 3 months
Measles immune globulin may prevent or modify infection if given within
a. 3 days after exposure
b. 6 days after exposure
c. 10 days after exposure
d. 2 weeks after exposure
The mature levels of surfactant is seen by
a. 20 weeks
b. 28 weeks
c. 32 weeks
d. 35 weeks
A scaphoid abdomen at birth usually suggests a
a. diaphragmatic hernia
b. omphalocoele
c. gastrochisis
d. omphalitis
A 5 year old child suddenly developed edema. It was more prominent in the morning. No meds and consult done. However, she complained of headache and noted dark colored urine. On day of consult, she also noted decrease frequency of urination: What is the probable illness of this patient?
a. IgA nephropathy
b. Alport Syndrome
c. Acute glomerulonephritis
A 16 year old female developed nephritis. Her C3 is noted to be low. She is also complaining of joint pains and photosensitivity. The probable diagnosis of this patient is:
a. Acute glomerulonephritis
b. Henoch Schoelein Purpura
c. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
d. Membranoproliferative GN
The most common pathogen associated with HEMOLYTIC UREMIC SYNDROME is
a. shigella
b. salmonella
c. E. Coli
d. Rotavirus
The SMR stage of a female adolescent who presents with coarse abundant curly pubic hair and an areola and papilla with a secondary mound is a
a. SMR 1
b. SMR 2
c. SMR 3
d. SMR 4
Delayed eruption is considered when there is no teeth at approximately
a. 6 months
b. 9 months
c. 10 months
d. 13 months
Delayed eruption is considered when there is no teeth at approximately
a. 6 months
b. 9 months
c. 10 months
d. 13 months
The principal vector of DENGUE FEVER is
a. Plasmodium Falciparum
b. Aedes Aegypti
c. Perumycus Perinomata
d. Culex pipens
A 5 year old male was noted to have fever of 5 days duration which is rapidly increasing to 39 to 40 C. It is accompanied by frontal headache and was noted to have back pain. After 2 days of defervecence of the fever rashes appear at the lower and upper extremities that is glove and stockings in distribution. The most plausible diagnosis is
a. Measles
b. Typhoid fever
c. Yellow fever
d. Dengue fever
The WHO criteria for dengue hemorrhagic fever are the following
a. fever, minor or major hemorrhagic manifestation and thrombocytopenia
b. fever, elevated ESR and thrombocytopenia
c. fever, (+) dengue blot and thrombocytopenia
d. fever, biphasic fever and thrombocytopenia
A 6 year old child developed high grade fever and cough. Chest x-ray was done and revealed pneumatocoeles. What is the most ocmmon pathogenic organism responsible for pneumatocoeles?
a. influenza
b. streptoccocal
c. prenumoccocal
d. staphyloccocal
An important indicator of pneumonia among infans is
a. fever
b. increased respiratory rate
c. cyanosis
d. cough
The drug of choice for atypical pneumonia is
a. Ampicillin
b. Chloramphenicol
c. Erythromycin
d. Ceftriaxone
One of the following is a pathogenic finding in the newborn
a. milia
b. Mongolian spots
c. Erythema toxicum
d. Jaundice during the first 24 hours
A 6 year old child developed high grade fever and cough. Chest x-ray was done and revealed pneumatocoeles. What is the most ocmmon pathogenic organism responsible for pneumatocoeles?
a. influenza
b. streptoccocal
c. prenumoccocal
d. staphyloccocal
An important indicator of pneumonia among infants is
a. fever
b. increased respiratory rate
c. cyanosis
d. cough
The drug of choice for atypical pneumonia is
a. Ampicillin
b. Chloramphenicol
c. Erythromycin
d. Ceftriaxone
The absolute contraindication to giving immunization is
a. immunodeficiency state of the patient
b. high grade fever at time of administration
c. malignancy in a child
d. previous anaphylactic reaction
The absolute contraindication to giving immunization is
a. immunodeficiency state of the patient
b. high grade fever at time of administration
c. malignancy in a child
d. previous anaphylactic reaction
Acute bronchiolitis, a common disease of infants has a peak incidence at
a. 2 months of age
b. 4 months of age
c. 6 months of age
d. 10 months of age
The WHO recommends that breast feeding can be the infant’s sole source of food up to about
a. 2 months of age
b. 6 months of age
c. 12 months of age
d. 2 years old
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) is associated with
a. rubella
b. rubeola
c. varicella
d. roseola infantum
A fully immunized child is one who has completed the following before 12 months of age
a. BCG; 3 doses each of hepatitis B, DPT and OPV
b. BCG; 3 DPT; 3 OPV; measles vaccine
c. 3 hepatitis B; 3 DPT; 3 OPV; measles vaccine
d. 3 hepatitis B; BCG; 3 DPT; 3 OPV, measles vaccine
A 12 year old male with repeated episodes of streptoccocal pharyngitis comes ot the clinic with another episode of sore throat. Oral amoxicillin was started. One hour later, he had tingling sensation around his mouth, difficulty swallowing and developed hoarse voice. At the ER, he had urticatia, PR = 130/min, RR=32/min, BP=70/30 and T=37.2C. The most appropriate therapy is
a. epinephrine
b. prednisone
c. diphenhydramibe
d. lactated RInger’s solution
A 12 year old male with repeated episodes of streptoccocal pharyngitis comes ot the clinic with another episode of sore throat. Oral amoxicillin was started. One hour later, he had tingling sensation around his mouth, difficulty swallowing and developed hoarse voice. At the ER, he had urticatia, PR = 130/min, RR=32/min, BP=70/30 and T=37.2C. The most appropriate therapy is
a. epinephrine
b. prednisone
c. diphenhydramibe
d. lactated RInger’s solution
Which vaccine should be given intradermally?
a. measles
b. BCG
c. hepatitis B
d. MMR
A fully immunized child is one who has completed the following before 12 months of age
a. BCG; 3 doses each of hepatitis B, DPT and OPV
b. BCG; 3 DPT; 3 OPV; measles vaccine
c. 3 hepatitis B; 3 DPT; 3 OPV; measles vaccine
d. 3 hepatitis B; BCG; 3 DPT; 3 OPV, measles vaccine
A 12 year old male with repeated episodes of streptoccocal pharyngitis comes ot the clinic with another episode of sore throat. Oral amoxicillin was started. One hour later, he had tingling sensation around his mouth, difficulty swallowing and developed hoarse voice. At the ER, he had urticatia, PR = 130/min, RR=32/min, BP=70/30 and T=37.2C. The most appropriate therapy is
a. epinephrine
b. prednisone
c. diphenhydramibe
d. lactated RInger’s solution
A 12 year old presents with sneezing, clear rhinorrhea and nasal itching. Physical examination reveals boggy, pale nasal edema with a clear discharge. The most likely diagnosis is
a. foreign body
b. vasomotor rhinitis
c. neitrophilic rhinitis
d. allergic rhinitis
The most common manifestation of rheumatic fever in children is
a. erythema marginatum
b. subcutaneous nodules
c. carditis
d. arthritis
An 18 month old is noted to assume a squatting position frequently during playtime at the daycare center. The mother also notices occasional episodes of perioral cyanosis during some of these squatting periods. The day of admission, the child becomes restless, hyperpneic and deeply cyanotic. Within 10 minutes, the child becomes unresponsive. The most likely condition is
a. cardiomyopathy
b. anomalous coronary artery
c. tetralogy of Fallot
d. breath-holding spell
A 14 year old male presents with Grade 4/6 regurgitant systolic murmur at the apex with history of swollen and painful joints. The murmur is most likely condition is
a. mitral stenosis
b. mitral regurgitation
c. aortic regurgitation
d. mitral valve prolapse
A prominent clinical presentation of duodenal atresia is
a. bilious vomiting without abdominal distension
b. non-bilious vomiting
c. polyhydramnios
d. colicky abdominal pain
A prominent clinical presentation of duodenal atresia is
a. bilious vomiting without abdominal distension
b. non-bilious vomiting
c. polyhydramnios
d. colicky abdominal pain
A 2 year old male presents with a history of chronic constipation. Upon review of history, you were told that he had delayed passage of black stools. He had unremarkable PE findings. The parents were giving him laxatives for the past 2 weeks. Your most likely initial impression is
a. functional constipation
b. constipation due to laxative abuse
c. intestinal pseudo-obstruction
d. Hirschprung disease
A prominent clinical presentation of duodenal atresia is
a. bilious vomiting without abdominal distension
b. non-bilious vomiting
c. polyhydramnios
d. colicky abdominal pain
The radiologic finding of "double track sign" typically seen in a. Intussusception b. pyloric stenosis c duodenal atresia d. midgut volvulus
Classic hemophilia is best treated by giving
a. whole blood
b. Factor VII
c. packed rbc
d. Factor X
A 5 year old female has multiple bruises on her lower extremities and oral mucosal bleeding for 3 days duration. Two weeks before these signs she before these signs she had a mild respiratory tract infection. Physical examination reveals multiple ecchymoses and petechiae; no lymphadenopathy nor splenomegaly was noted. The most likely diagnosis is
a. Leukemia
b. neuroblastoma
c. aplastic anemia
d. idiopathic thrombocytoenic purpura
Which of the following suggests a bacterial etiology in a child with tonsillopharyngitis
a. pale tonsils with mild pharyngeal congestion
b. beefy tonsils with petechiae
c. mild pharyngeal exudates
d. enlarged tonsils with moderate congestion
A 1 year old infant had cough 2 weeks PTC which started as mild and becoming paroxysmal. This was accompanied by low-grade fever but was relieved by antipyretics. She had a poor history of immunizations. PPE showed explosive outburst of cough accompanied by reddish face. The child looks well when not coughing Lungs were clear. There were few petechiae in the neck. T=37C. The most likely diagnosis is
a. viral pneumonia
b. epiglottitis
c. pertussis
d. laryngotracheobronchitis
The period of communicability of mumps in a child is
a. for 5 days starting with the first day of visible parotid swelling
b. from 3 days of onset of swelling to the day of visible swelling
c. from several days before the onset of swelling until the swelling subsided
d, only while fever persists
A 12 year old girl had a mild sore throat, low grade fever and a diffuse maculopapular rash. During the next 24 hours, she developed redness of her eyes. PE showed mild tenderness and marked swelling of her posterior cervical and occipital lymph nodes. Four days after the onset of illness, the rash vanished. The most likely diagnosis is
a. Rubella
b. Rubeola
c. Erythema infectiosum
d. acute infectious lymphocytosis
Which is the most common cause of osteomyelitis in children
a. Staphylococcus aureus
b. Group A streptococcus
c. Group B streptococcus
d. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
A full term newborn with APGAR score of 8 & 9 is having episodes of cyanosis and apnea which are worse when attempting to feed, but seems better when crying. At this point, it is important to establish
a. patent ductus arteriosus
b. choanal atresia
c. ventricular septal defect
d. respiratory distress syndrome
The inital treatment for neonates with sepsis consists of
a. erythromycin + cloxacillin
b. ampicillin + sulfa
c. ampicillin + aminoglycoside
d. cloxacillin + aminoglycoside
A 10 day old infant who was born by NSD by a “hilot” was brought in because of difficulty of sucking and excessive crying noted 2 days PTC. PPE: wt= 3,000 gms; T=37.5C, with hoarse cry and spasms. Lungs were clear. The most appropriate treatment would be
a. feeding by NGT
b. penicillin by IV
c. muscle relaxant IM
d. sedative IM
A 3 year old child awakens at night with high-grade fever, a sever sore throat and a barking cough. PE shows a child who is drooling and with respiratory stridor. Lungs are clear. The child may have:
a. bronchitis
b. tonisillopharyngitis
c. acute epiglottis
d. bronchiollitis
A 10 month old infant has fever, cough, dyspnea and leucocytosis. Chest x-ray shows patchy distribution of consolidation. Treatment of choice without bacterial culture is
a. Ampicillin
b. Erythromycin
c. Oxacillin
d. Amikacin
Tracheo-esophageal fistula is usually suspected in one of the following conditions
a. excessive oral secretions
b. maternal hypertension
c. presence of stridor
d. vomiting
A syndrome that starts as diarrhea and progresses to fever, oliguria, acute renal failure, thrombocytopenia and microangiopathic anemia in children is due to:
a. systemic lupus erythematosus
b. hemolytic-uremic syndrome
c. Good-Pasteur disease
d. Henoch-Scholein nephritis
A 2 year old female was hospitalized because of afternoon fever and anorexia for 3 weeks and seizures few hours prior to consultation. No previous medications; no history of seizures in the past. PE findings: T=39.5 C, suporous, (+) nuchal rigidity, right eye-deviated medially, spastic extremities. CSF was cloudy with WBC 104/cc and lymphocytes of 90%, sugar=0.8mmol/L. Your treatment would include:
a. aqueous penicillin
b. ampicillin and chloramphenicol
c. INH/Rifampicin/Streptomycin/corticosteroids
d. antiviral drugs
Sparse and thin hair with dyspigmentation as a sigh of undernutrition is commonly observed in
a. marasmus
b. kwashiorkor
c. intrinsic factor deficiency
d. vitamin A deficiency
Milk feedings must be supplemented with iron preparations to prevent iron deficiency anemia starting
a. 6-8 weeks of age
b. 6 months of age
c. 9 months of age
d. 12 months of age
The present age recommendation to start solid food doe supplementation for infants is at
a. 3 months of age
b. 6 months of age
c. 9 months of age
d. upon eruption of 2nd incisors
Normally, a newborn infant’s weight may decrease by 10% below the birthweight in the first week of life as a result of:
a. excretion of excess extravascular fluid
b. high environmental temperature
c. hypoglycemia
d. intake of high-fat breast milk
The 1-minute APGAR score may indicate which of the following?
a. the need for immediate resuscitation
b. the probability of successful resuscitation
c. predict neonatal death
d. predict neurologic outcome
In general, jaundice is considered pathologic and therefore, a search to determine its cause should be made if:
a. it appears on the 36-48 hour of life
b. serum bilirubin is rising at a rate faster than 1 mg/dl/24 hr
c. jaundice persists after 5-7 days of life
d. direct-reacting bilirubin is greater than 2 mg/fL at anytime
An infant is observed to follow objects at 18 degrees, laughs out loud and grasp objects and bring them to mough. He must be:
a. 2 weeks old
b. 1 month old
c. 2 months old
d. 4 months old
This is a major milestone at about 9 months old age, which is the understanding that objects continue to exist even when not seen
a. reproachment
b. object constancy
c. object permanence
d. magical thinking
The first visible sign of puberty in girls
a. thelarche
b. pubarche
c. menarche
d. peak height velocity
This vaccine is contraindicated in household contacts of immunocompromised persons:
a. OPV
b. Measles
c. Varicella
d. BCG
Baby Girl Cruz was delivered spontaneously at term to a 28 year old G3P2 mother. Following delivery, she was noted to be limp, had irregular respiration, CR 80/min, extremities and body cyanotic with no response to suctioning of oronasal passages. What is the APGAR score of Baby Girl Cruz?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 6
The second dose of MMR should be routinely given at the age of
a. 1 1/2 years old
b. 2-3 years old
c. 4-6 years old
d. 7-10 years old
If the first dose of hepatitis B vaccine was given at birth, the last dose should not be given before the age of
a. 6 months
b. 9 months
c. 12 months
d. 15 months
For infants born to mother whose HBsAg status is unknown the first dose of hepatitis B should be given at what age?
a. within 12 hours at birth
b. 4 weeks old
c. 6 weeks old
d. 8 weeks old
A 4 year old child is expected to have an approximate weight of
a. 12 kg
b. 14 kg
c. 16 kg
d. 20 kg