Pedi Airway and Esophagus Flashcards
What is the most common benign pediatric
laryngeal neoplasm?
Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP)
What are the two most common age groups affected
by recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP)?
● < 5 years = juvenile-onset recurrent respiratory papillo-
matosis (JORRP)
● > 40 years = adult onset recurrent respiratory papilloma-
tosis (AORRP)
What are the three most common risk factors for
development of JORRP?
Clinical triad
Firstborn (longer labor) Mother is < 20 years of age (more likely a lower socio-economic status and recent infection)
Vaginal birth in a mother with genital chondylomata
What is the strain of human papillomavirus (HPV)
most commonly responsible for JORRP, and what is
the most common anatomical area infected?
HPV 6 or 11. Larynx.
What is the most frequent route of infection in
Vertical transmission during vaginal birth or less commonly
transplacental infection. In older children, infection can
occur via accidental inoculation or sexual abuse.
How does the age of JORRP onset relate to disease
Children < 3 years of age require more frequent operations
(> four per year) and have disease involving more anatom-
ical subsites; 19% of children with a more aggressive course
will require > 40 surgical procedures in their lifetime.
What symptoms are associated with JORRP?
Hoarseness, dysphonia, cough, dysphagia, inspiratory stridor, and potentially respiratory distress from airway obstruction
The key to management of JORRP is surgical debulking procedures. Which techniques are com-
monly used?
Laser resection/ablation and microdebridement
What is the most common antiviral agent used to
assist in treatment of JORRP?
Injection of cidofovir into the base of the lesion after
resection. In addition, interferon-α, indol-3-carbinol, HspE7,
and the mumps vaccine may be considered.
Why is tracheostomy reserved only for severe cases
of JORRP with impending airway compromise?
There is a risk of spreading disease to the distal
tracheobronchial tree.
Why should a biopsy be taken during surgical
debulking of RRP?
Document benign disease, document human papillomavi-
rus (HPV) infection, attain polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
for HPV serotype (prognostic), rule out carcinoma.
What is the risk of malignant transformation in
< 1% but increased in patients with prolonged, extensive
disease and distal spread. HPV 11 is higher risk than is HPV
The Gardasil vaccine offers immunity against which
serotypes of HPV?
HPV 6, 11, 16, and 18
Which common pediatric pathology is considered
the most common cause of acute-onset (often at
night) inspiratory stridor, barky cough, hoarseness,
and upper airway obstruction that can lead to
respiratory compromise?
Laryngotracheobronchitis (croup)
What is the most common cause of
laryngotracheobronchitis (croup)?
Parainfluenza virus (up to 75%). The most common subtype is parainfluenza type 1.
Croup is caused by viral invasion of the laryngeal
mucosa that results in inflammation and edema.
Which region of the airway is predominantly
affected and narrowed?
How can the Westley croup scale be used to
differentiate mild, moderate, and severe croup?
Westley croup scale
● Level of consciousness: Normal (including sleep) = 0,
altered = 5
● Cyanosis: None = 0; with agitation = 4; at rest = 5
● Stridor: None = 0; when agitated = 1; at rest = 2
● Air entry: Normal = 0; decreased = 1; markedly de-
creased = 2
● Intercostal retractions: None = 0; mild = 1; moderate = 2;
severe = 3
● Mild croup: ≤ 2 (e.g., barky cough, hoarse cry, no stridor
at rest)
● Moderate croup: 3 to 7 (e.g., stridor at rest, mild
retractions, little to no agitation)
● Severe croup: ≥ 8, (e.g., significant stridor at rest, severe
retractions, anxious/agitated/lethargic)
Although clinical history and physical examination
are generally adequate for diagnosis of croup, what
imaging technique can be used when the diagnosis
is in question? What is the characteristic finding?
Anterior-posterior chest radiograph; “steeple sign” or sub-
glottic narrowing
Although symptoms of croup often resolve within
48 hours, children can progress to respiratory
failure. Management generally rests on medical
intervention; the need for intubation or
tracheostomy is rare. What medical management
has been shown to improve symptoms in children
with mild, moderate, and severe croup?
● All children with respiratory distress may benefit from
supplemental oxygen.
● Mild: Single dose of oral dexamethasone
● Moderate: Dexamethasone, nebulized epinephrine, and/
or nebulized budesonide
● Severe: Dexamethasone, nebulized epinephrine
If a child complains of isolated nocturnal stridor
but has an otherwise normal head and neck
examination with no evidence of infectious cause,
what is the likely diagnosis?
Acute spasmodic laryngitis (false croup)
What pediatric pathology is associated with
cellulitis, edema, and inflammation of the
epiglottis, aryepiglottic folds, and arytenoid tissue
and is limited in its inferior extent by the tightly
bound epithelium of the true vocal folds?
Acute epiglottitis
What is the cause of epiglottitis?
Most common cause: Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
despite immunization (lack or failure of immunization).
Other common causes include Streptococcus pneumoniae,
Staphylococcus aureus, and β-hemolytic streptococcus.
Noninfectious causes include thermal or chemical injuries,
trauma, angioedema, hemophagocytic lymphohistiocyto-
sis, and some acute leukemias.
Both epiglottitis and croup can manifest with fever,
cough, and noisy or effortful breathing. What
symptoms are more likely to be present only in
epiglottitis and may help in differentiating the two?
Drooling is reliably associated with epiglottitis (3 Ds of
epiglottitis are drooling, distress, and dysphagia). Less
reliable hallmarks include preference for sitting or sniffing
position, refusal to eat or drink, inability to swallow,
odynophagia, a higher grade temperature, and vomiting.
True or false: Without intervention, children with
epiglottitis are at higher risk for airway obstruction
and death than those with croup.
How is epiglottitis diagnosed in children?
● Mild distress (other diagnoses are more likely): Visualize
the epiglottis (using tongue depressor or flexible endos- copy). The child should be kept in a calm environment
where an airway can be secured immediately. Antero-
posterior/lateral radiograph: “Thumbprinting” of the
epiglottis or supraglottic edema
● Moderate to severe distress: Do not attempt to visualize the
airway or otherwise disturb the child. IV, blood draw, rectal
temperature, etc., should be performed. Remember, bag-
valve-mask ventilation is feasible in almost all cases of
acute epiglottitis. An experienced provider should evaluate
the airway after intubation. After securing the airway,
blood work and airway cultures should be obtained.
In a child diagnosed with epiglottitis, once the
airway is secured or deemed safe for observation
(in the intensive care unit, or ICU), what additional
medical management is indicated?
Empiric antibiotics (third-generation cephalosporin and an
antistaphylococcal agent active against methicillin-resistant
S. aureus [MRSA]) and possibly corticosteroids (although
What are common criteria for extubation in the
setting of acute epiglottitis?
Resolution of the inflammation, edema, and erythema of
the supraglottic structures on interval airway examination
(generally 2 to 3 days) and/or the presence of an air leak in
addition to clinical improvement
What might predispose a patient to membranous
laryngotracheobronchitis (bacterial tracheitis)?
Previous trauma, viral infection, or anything that alters the
local immunity, thus increasing the risk of a bacterial
Bacterial superinfection of the larynx and tracheo-
bronchial tree mucosa result in a diffuse inflamma-
tory reaction associated with thick secretions and possible sloughing of fibrinous, mucopurulent, epi-
thelial lining material into the airway. Why is this more problematic in the pediatric population?
The smallest diameter in the pediatric airway is at the cricoid cartilage. Any edema or narrowing of this can significantly compromise a child’s respiratory status. Ac-
cording to Poiseuille’s law, airway resistance is inversely proportional to the radius of the airway to the fourth power.
So in a 4-mm infant airway, if there is 1 mm of edema, the
diameter is reduced by 50%, the cross-sectional area is
reduced by 75%, and resistance increases 16-fold. By
contrast, in an adult airway, 1 mm of edema only causes a
25% decrease in diameter, 44% decrease in area, and 3-fold
increase in resistance. More than 90% of children diagnosed
with bacterial tracheitis require intubation.
Children with bacterial tracheitis often have fever,
dyspnea, retractions, a nonpainful cough, and
inspiratory stridor. What is the most common
cause of mortality in these children?
Airway obstruction resulting from sloughing of fibrinous/mucopurulent debris or membrane. Mortality rates (his-
torically high) have been decreasing as a result of early recognition, aggressive pulmonary toilet, early antibiotics,
and airway protection via intubation when necessary.
What is the most common organism cultured from
the trachea (tracheal cultures are important for
diagnosis as blood cultures are often negative)
during an acute episode of bacterial tracheitis?
S. aureus
True or false: Obtaining IV access in children with
bacterial tracheitis is not necessary.
False. Initiation of broad-spectrum empiric antibiotics is
imperative. However, IV access should not be attempted in
a child demonstrating respiratory distress, as agitation may
precipitate acute airway collapse. Once the airway is stable
or secured, obtain IV access.
A 10-year-old girl has hoarseness, cough,
odynophagia, general malaise, and low-grade fever.
On examination, she has bilateral lymphadenopathy
and coalescing pseudomembranous plaques involving
her pharynx and larynx. She is a recent immigrant and
has no vaccination records. What is the likely
causative agent?
Corynebacterium diphtheriae (gram-positive bacillus). Diag- nosis = culture and positive toxin assay
How can diphtheria lead to myocarditis, nephritis,
and central nervous system (CNS) complications?
Systemic absorption of toxin
How is diphtheria (1) prevented, and (2) treated?
- Vaccination: Immune individuals can be asymptomatic
2. Careful airway management (extreme caution with
intubation, early consideration for tracheostomy), diphthe-
ria antitoxin, erythromycin or penicillin, serial electro-
cardiograms and cardiac enzymes, serial neurologic checks,
symptomatic care, consideration for prophylactic treatment
of close contacts
What results if, during the 10th week of gestation,
the epithelium that normally temporarily obliterates
the laryngeal lumen fails to recanalize?
Congenital laryngeal web. Most commonly noted in the
anterior commissure.
What is the most common chromosomal anomaly
associated with laryngeal webs?
Chromosome 22q11.2 deletion
What congenital syndromes are related to laryngeal
22q11.2 deletion syndromes (e.g., velocardiofacial syndro-
me, DiGeorge syndrome, conotruncal anomaly face syn-
Cohen’s classification of glottic webs can be helpful
to describe these rare lesions. Describe this system.
Cohen’s classification of glottic webs:
● Type I: Thin anterior web, < 35% glottic involvement, mild
● Type II: Thin to moderately thick web, 35 to 50% glottic
involvement, weak cry, mild airway symptoms
● Type III: Thick web, possible anterior cartilaginous
subglottic extension, 50 to 75% glottic involvement, weak
voice, moderate airway symptoms
● Type IV: Thick web, 75 to 90% glottic involvement,
cartilaginous subglottic extension, no cry, severe airway
distress (tracheostomy)
You are performing a direct laryngoscopy on a newborn suffering from cyanosis, apnea, and stridor. Flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy was suggestive of bilateral vocal-fold paralysis with no obvious webbing anteriorly. On palpation of the interarytenoid space, you note a thick band that is fixing the arytenoids and preventing adequate abduction.
What is your diagnosis?
Posterior laryngeal web
You are consulted on a patient by the high-risk
maternal fetal medicine team to evaluate a fetus diagnosed radiographically with congenital high air-
way obstruction syndrome (CHAOS) resulting from nearly complete laryngeal atresia. What procedure(s)
offer a chance for survival and potential long-term
EXIT (ex utero intrapartum treatment) and tracheostomy.
With early detection, patients may undergo fetal broncho-
scopy with attempted wire tracheoplasty as an adjunct
How are laryngeal webs managed?
● Mild webs: Endoscopic division can be attempted but is
often unsuccessful.
● Posterior webs: Tracheostomy with delayed decannula-
tion, laryngotracheal reconstruction with posterior cri-
coidotomy, and grafting
● Anterior webs: Laryngotracheal reconstruction or lar-
yngofissure with Silastic keel placement, with or without
In a term infant, what measurement indicates
subglottic stenosis?
Subglottic, or cricoid, diameter < 3.5 mm
In a term infant with recurrent prolonged episodes
of croup, no history of prior airway manipulation
(surgical or intubation), no history of trauma, and
neck films that suggest subglottic narrowing, what
underlying pathology might be found in the
Congenital subglottic stenosis
What are the possible causes of congenital
subglottic stenosis?
Elliptical cricoid cartilage, laryngeal cleft, cricoid flattening
(possibly from a trapped first tracheal ring), a large anterior
lamella, generalized mucosal thickening
How is subglottic stenosis graded?
Cotton-Myer grading system ● Grade I: < 50% obstruction ● Grade II: 51 to 70% obstruction ● Grade III: > 70% obstruction with a detectable lumen ● Grade IV: No detectable lumen
Why is the management of congenital subglottic
stenosis different from that of acquired subglottic
Most congenital stenoses are cartilaginous and therefore do
not respond to dilation or laser ablation of soft tissue.
How is congenital subglottic stenosis treated?
● Grade I: Generally conservative management
● Grade II and III: Tracheostomy or other surgical interven-
● Grade IV: Tracheostomy or other surgical intervention**
*Dilatation for soft stenosis, laryngotracheal reconstruction
with anterior and/or posterior grafts, anterior cricoid split
(rarely performed today), cricotracheal resection
**Cricotracheal resecton
How can life-threatening subcutaneous emphysema
be avoided in laryngotracheal reconstruction (LTR)?
Leave a small drain (Penrose or rubber band) to allow egress
of air.
When creating an anterior costal cartilage graft,
what is the most common shape that the cartilage
is carved into, and what is done with the
The shape is a modified “boat” if there is no tracheostomy
site to close (i.e., no tracheostomy tube in place or double-
stage procedure). If performing a single-stage procedure
and closing tracheostoma, a teardrop shape is used.
Perichondrium is left intact facing toward the lumen.