Pectoral Region and Axilla Flashcards
What are suspensory ligaments?
Act as walls to separate breast into 115-20 lobes that contain milk glands
What three arteries provide blood supply to the mammary glands?
Interntal Thoracic
Lateral Thoracic
Pectoral branch of the Thoracoacromial
Describe the lymphatic drainage of the mammary gland and its clinical significance.
Pectoral nodes drain 75% (lateral breast)
Parasternal nodes drain the remaining (medial breast)
Plays a major role in the metastasis of cancer cells
What is winged scapula?
Medial border and inferior angle of the scapula thrust posteriorly when the patient pushes hand against the wall
Results from damage to the Long Thoracic Nerve
Serratus anterior no longer holds scapula to thoracic wall
What is the function of the clavipectoral fascia?
Surrounds the pec minor and subclavius
Protests the underlying nerves of the brachial plexus and axillary vessels
What structures pierce the Clavipectoral Fascia above the pec minor?
Cephalic vein
Thoracoacromial artery
Lateral pectoral nerve
(Medial Pectoral Nerve pierces the pec minor)
What are the borders of the clavopectoral triangle?
Pectoralis major
What is the only major structure that passes directly through the medial wall into the axilla?
Intercostobrachial nerve
What are the contents of the axilla?
Nerves of the brachial plexus
Axillary artery
Axillary vein
They are all contained within and axillary sheath
What are the branches of the Axillary artery in order?
Superior Thoracic
Lateral Thoracic
Anterior Circumflex Humeral
Posterior Circumflex Humeral