Pectoral and Axillary regions Flashcards
Which ribs are atypical
1 and 2 (odd shape)
11 and 12 (floating ribs)
really strong joint in sternal region
sternoclavicular joint
The breast is a modified?
sweat gland
What is the retro-mammary space?
potential space between the pec major pectoral fascia and the fat breast tissue
order of breast to nipple
mammary gland lobules—> alveolus–>lactiferous ducts–> lactiferous sinus
what is the breast innervate by?
intercostal nerves 4th-6th
- anterior and lateral branches
- some supraclavicular innervation
what connects the breast tissue to the overlying dermis?
suspensory ligaments (cooper’s ligaments)
arterial supply to the breast
mammary branches from the anterior intercostals, lateral thoracic, and internal thoracic arteries
-perfortaing branches off internal thoracic vessels
venous drainage breast
medial mammory veins–> lateral thoracic vein–>axillary veni
what is polythelia
an extra nipple
what is polymastia
a supernumerary breast
what does the clavipectoral fascial envelope
pectoralis minor and part of the subclavius
when the clavipectoral fascia joins the pectoral fascia it is called the?
axillary fasicia
pectoral region superficial fascia contents
1) platysma
2) supraclavicular nerves
3) anterior and lateral branches of intercostal nerves
clavipectoral triangle borders
deltoid, pecs major, lateral 1/3 of clavicle
clavipectoral triabgle contents
cephalic vein, deltopectoral LN, deltoid branch thoracoacromial artery
what pierces the clavipectoral fascia
- cephalic vein
- thoracoacromial artery
- lateral pectoral nerves
pectoralis major origin and insertion
origin: medial clavicle, anterior surface sternum, superior 6 costal cartilages
Insertion: lateral lip intertuberular sulcus
Pecs major
1) action
- adducts, and medial rotates humerus
- draws scapula anteroirly and inferiorly
- clavicular portion flexes humers
- sternal potion can extend humerus while it is flexed
pecs major
2) blood supply
pectoral branch of thoracoacromial arterial trunk
pecs major
3) innervation
lateral and medial pectoral nerves
(C5-C6 clavicular portion)
(C7,C8,T1: sternocostal portion)
pectoralis minor: origin and insertion
origin: 3-5 ribs, insertion: coracoid process of scapula
pecs minor
1) action
stabilizes scapula by pulling it anteriorly and inferiorly
pec minor blood supply
pectoral branch of thoracoacromial arterial trunk
pec minor innervation
medial pectoral nerve (C8,T1)
1) action
2) blood
3) nerve
1) anchors and depresses clavicle
2) clavicular branches of thoracoacromial arterial trunk
3) nerve to subclavius
blood supply to serratus anterior
lateral thoracic artery
what muscle divides the axillasry artery into 3 main parts?
pectoralis minor
part 1 of axillary artery?
superior thoracic artery
part 2 (behind pecs minor)
thoracoacromial trunk
1) Pectoral
2) Deltoid
3) Acromial branch
4) (Clavicular branch)
part 3
subscapular artery 1)cicumflex scapular 2) thoracodorsal anterior circumflex humeral posterior circumflex humeral
bounderies of the axilla
1) apex
clavicle, scapula, first rib
boundaries of the axilla
2) base
- skin and superficial fascia
- anterior axillary fold: pecs major
- posterior axillary fold: latissimus dorsi and teres major
- chest wall: serratus anterior
boundaries of axilla (anterior wall)
clavicle, subclavius, pec minor, and pec major
boundaries of axilla (posterior wall)
scapula, lats, subscapularis, teres major
boundaries of the axilla (lateral structures)
intertubercular sulcus, tendon of long head biceps, coracobrachialis tendon
contents of the axilla (axillary sheath)
axillary vein, artery, brachial plexus