Peak Expiratory Flow Rate Flashcards
Explain the 11 steps of PEFR procedure.
- Wash your hands
- Zero the device
- Patient should stand (where possible)
- Take maximum inspiration
- Make airtight seal with mouth around mouthpiece, holding PEFM level
- Hold meter horizontally so that fingers do not touch the slide
- Forcefully exhale as rapidly as possible into the meter
- Read directly from scale
- Record the best of three attempts and mark in an appropriate position (morning, midday or night) on chart
- Dispose of mouthpiece appropriately
- Calculate what the expected peak PEFR is from their height, age and gender using the predicted values chart
7 steps of explaining this to a patient
- First we show the patient by doing what was on previous Q, then observe them trying it out for themselves.
- Explain the recording chart to the patient
- Ask patient to perform the test, three times daily (each time taking the best result of 3) for 2 weeks then return for a review
- Inform the patient that readings taken before and 15 mins after use of b agonist inhaler are sometimes useful
- Tell patients what their expected PEFR is and explain that if male = 100, female = 85 l/m below is still thought to be normal in range
- Show patient an example of a completed chart so that they can monitor their own progress
- Calibrate the amount of information you give them against their current level of understanding of PEFR in relation to asthma.