Peadiatrics Flashcards
Developmental milestones for neonate
GM- moves all limbs, normal muscle tone
FM- Looks and startles
S&L- Cries
Social- cries, limes being picked up and cuddled
Developmental milestones for 6 weeks
GM- good head control
FM- fixes and follows
S&L- startles in response to loud noises
Social- social smile
Developmental milestones for 6 months
GM- sits unsupported with rounded back, rolls from prone to supine
FM- palmar grasp transfers objects between hands
S&L- babbles, understands simple nouns- mamma dada
Social- reaches for objects, puts objects in mouth and feeds themselves with fingers
Developmental milestones for 9 months
GM- sits unsupported with straight back, crawls, stands with support
FM- inferior pincer grip, object permanence
S&L- inappropriate sounds, imitates adult conversation
Social- plays peekaboo, waves by bye 8mo- fear of strangers, 10mo- separation anxiety
Developmental milestones for 12 months
GM- walks alone, casting objects, full pincer grip
FM- builds a tower with 2 bricks, holds a cup
S&L-1-3words should have said 1st words, understands simple commands
Social- plays happily near primary caregiver
Developmental milestones for 18 months
GM- runs jumps, casting objects should stop
FM- builds a tower with 4 bricks, scribbles to and fro
S&L- naming explosion 1-6 word phrases, 22 words,
Social- imitates adult behaviour
Developmental milestones for 2 yrs
GM- walks up stairs using 2 feet, tip toe
FM- throws a ball, turns pages of a book, draws a vertical line builds a tower with 8 bricks
S&L- joins words together, understands verbs
Social-uses a spoon, toddler tantrums
Developmental milestones for 3 yrs
GM- walks up stairs with 1 foot and down with 2, rides a bike,
FM- draws a circle builds a bridge, uses a fork, Griffith beads
S&L- understands colours
Social- imaginative play, friends, shares toys with friends, bowel control
Developmental milestones for 4 yrs
GM- walks up and down stairs like adult
FM- draws a cross, builds a tower with 12 bricks, threads beads on a string
S&L- coherent conversation
Social- has best friend, bladder control, dresses self
Developing schemas
Schemas- patterns to help us make sense of the word around us
Schema- assimilation- accommodation- equilibration
Paigets 4 stages of cognitive development
Sensorimotor- reflexes, explore environment, object permanence
Pre operational- reasoning dominated by perception, concrete objects
Concrete operations- law of conservation, thick logically about real
Formal operations- think logically about abstract ideas, test hypothesis
Cognitive development by ages
Infancy (0-2)- object permanence, sensory and perceptual maturation, attachment
Early childhood (2-6)- locomotion, learning, language development, fantasy play, group play
Mid childhood (6-12)- skill acquisition, self evaluation,, cause and effect, conservation, friendships
Adolescent (12-18)- physical and sexual maturation, peer group and sexual relationships, abstract thinking
Puberty Tanner staging girls
I 8- no noticeable changes
II 9-11- thelarche breast buds develop, sparse pubic hair
III-12 axillary hair growth, acne, height increases fastest, breast tissue growth no contours, pubic hair covers pubes
IV- 13 menses, pubic hair doesn’t spread to medial thighs, projection of papilla and areolar, breast mound formation
V-15 regular menses, pubic hair spreads to medial thighs, adult breasts
Puberty tanner staging boys
I 9-10 no noticeable changes, testicular volume <4mls <2.5 cm bead 3
II 11- testicular volume>= 4mls, 2.5-3.2cm bead 4 sparse pubic hair from base of penis, scrotal thickening
III13- testicular size 3.3-4cm bead 10, thicker curlier pubic hair spreads to pubis, voice deepens, increase in penile length, increase muscle mass
IV 14 testicular size 4.1-4.5cm bead 16, increase penile growth, scrotal darkening, acne growth fastest, axillary hair, pubic hair doesn’t spread to medial thighs
V 15 testicular size >4.5 cm bead 20, facial hair, cessation of growth
What is precocious puberty?
Early puberty
Puberty before 9 in boys and 8 girls