Peadiatric Surgery Flashcards
What are inguinal hernias
When obliteration of processes vaginalis fails to close = therefor in children always indirect inguinal hernias
Swelling of inguinal hernia can be either in inguinal region or in scrotum
In both- it depends on the obliteration, if complete obliteration fail then will be in both, but if mayber incomplete then in inguinal
Clinical pictures of inguinal hernia
Intermittent visible scrotal swelling after crying or straining
Resolves when baby is sleeping
In examination can be reduced
Repair of inguinal hernia should be done as soon as infant is not wearing nappies any more
No you should not wait
Treatment of uncomplicated hernia
High risk of incarceration or strangulation
Inguinaal hernias never close spontaneously
Best practice is to do an inguinal hernia repair laparoscopically
Yes, but not much difference
What is incarcerated/strangulated inguinal hernia
The bowel trapped out side the abdominal cavity
Incarceration is a common cause of bowel obstruction in babies and children
What is strangulated ingurnal hernia
Entrapment becomes so severe as to compromise blood supply of bowel
Treatment of incarcerated Herman
An attempt of reduction should be made
Sedate the child and then put it in trendelensburg position on mothers lap
Should be referred for surgery if it is not successful, but it reduced then successful but must still examine
Transillumination confirm diagnosis of hydrocoele
No = bowel filled with fluid also transilluminate
What is hydroceles
Painless non reducible swelling of the scrotum or inguino-scrotal region
Sonar might be helpful in differentiating a hydrocele from hernia
Remember transilluminations does not help at all
Routine repair of hydrocoele should be done before school going age
Yes but it does not complicate so it parents don’t consent can leave
Uncomplicated umbilical hernias can cause abdominal pain
What is umbilical hernias
Majority does not cause any problems, operation indicated if
- hernia has not closed by the age of 5 years
- In the rare event of incarceration of contents
- can be momentum, worms, stones in child with pica
- larger defect (>2cm): will not close
Risk of incarceration of umbilical hernia stay the same throughout life
No if from childhood
Yes if starts at adulthood