Peacemaking, Peacekeeping 1918-1936 Flashcards
Treaty of Versailles main representatives
Clemenceau, Wilson, Lloyd George, (Orlando)
Treaty of Versailles issues to be solved
4 problems:
- War caused destruction to buildings/land in F.. How can it be repaired?
- Communists took over R. 1917. Ideas spreading.
- WWI cost 20 mill. lives. Total war. How to prevent it in future?
Also, biggest were:
Current situation in G.
Future role of G. in Europe.
Instability in Central & E.E.
Aims of Woodrow Wilson
14 Points Self-determination (independence based on common culture, history etc...) Open diplomacy End to imperialism Collective security - LofN
Aims of Clemenceau
Reparations from G.
Return of Alsace-Lorraine.
Demilitarisation of G. for F. security.
Aims of Lloyd George
Limiting G. navy
Not total destruction of G. bec. of trade & he didn’t want F. to become new dominant power as F.&B. tense relations.
Limit chances of another war.
Protect B. Empire.
Compromise peace between Woodrow Wilson’s and Clemenceau’s extremes.
Aims of Orlando
Land: Fiume, Tyrol, Trentino, Dalmatia
Terms of the Treaty:
G. Guilt Clause 231, committing it to pay reparations of £6,600 mill.
Military restrictions on G. (e.g. limiting army to 100,000 w. no conscription)
Demilitarising Rhineland mostly to satisfy F. demands.
Handing over all overseas colonies.
A-L returned to France & other territories given away.
P. receives West Prussia & Posen, giving Poland a corridor to sea.
Anglo-American agreement with France
Clemenceau was prepared to moderate F.’s demands e.g. accepting that Rhineland remains part of G. bec. Wilson & Lloyd George provided guarantee of military support in case of G. attack on F.
Same day, 28th June 1919 G. signed TofV and B. & US found an escape in the treaty, allowing them not to ratify their guarantee.
The US also did not join LofN, following a policy of isolationism & leaving France betrayed and without security.
Impact of TofV
G. was angered by the terms & blamed new Weimar gov. for accepting it.
G. thought of treaty as a diktat, as not signing it would mean resumption of war.
However, treaty was more leniently applied. Disarmament was carried out by G. under Allied commissions supervision.
Throughout 1920’s G. wasn’t complying & restrictions on G. armed forces were evaded by Rapallo 1922.
G. was remained intact, its population being double of F.
League of Nations
Wilson’s top priority.
Mid Feb. 1919 - terms of L. agreed.
At head of L. - B.,F.,I.,J.
Defeated countries e.g. G. (1926) & allies excluded until they proved their commitment to peace.
U.S. & USSR absent.
Led to hated “victors club” among many G.’s and others.
Important treaties: St.Germain (Sept.1919)
Dissolved A-H empire formally
Recognized indep. of H,P,Yug.,Czech.
Land taken from A & given to I.: Trentino, South Tyrol, Trieste, Istria, Dalmatian Islands.
Important treaties: Neuilly with Bulgaria (Nov.1919)
Required B. to cede territories after being one of the Central Powers defeated.
Had to pay reparations.
Important Treaties: Trianon with Hungary (June 1920)
Reparations & limit on armed forces.
Territory lost:
Slovakia & Ruthenia to Czech
Croatia & Slovenia to Yugo.
Important treaties: Sevres with Turkey (Aug. 1920)
Straits of Dardanelles placed under international commission control & permanently open to all countries’ shipping.
Lost all rights to Sudan & Libya.
Saudi Arabia, Kurdistan, Armenia independent.
Syria, Mesopotamia & Palestine became LofN mandates administered by B&F.
Intended role of the League
Disarmament of nations.
Prevent aggression.
Ensure peace after WWI.
The Rhur Crisis Jan. 1923
F. & Belgian troops invaded the Rhur (most industrial area in G.) in 1923 after G. failed to pay its second reparations instalment.
Important treaties: Locarno (October 1925)
G., F., & Belgium promised not to use force to change their borders with each other.
G. also promised to accept demilitarisation of Rhineland.
Locarno played a big part in G. being allowed to join L. in September 1926.
Great Depression (1929-33) (US, Germany, Britain, Japan)
Countries ignored diplomatic developments as they dealt w. economic effects of GD.
Countries moved away from free trade & to protectionism.
US foreign policy became more isolationist.
G. was rebuilt by US loans (Dawes Plan, Young Plan).
-when loans ended, G. econ. collapsed: by 1932, G. industrial production dropped 60%, unemployment (1.4 million 1928) was 12 million.
-Polit., GD was one of main factors contributing to Nazi rise.
-1932, Chancellor Brüning stopped making all reparation payments (B.&F.accept at I.Conference of Lausanne 1932)
B., iron & steel production dropped 50%, value of £ fell.
-B. gov. dealt w. crisis by cutting gov. spending (defence).
-After 1929 B. gov. were most concerned w. protecting B.E.
J. industry was modernising, but wasn’t self-sufficient in coal, iron, oil, tin, rubber.
-By 1931 50% J.’s factories shut down&hit rice farmers badly.
-J.’s main export silk declined-prices less than 1/3 of 1925.
-J.’s goods hit by tariffs & emigration restricted by racist immigration laws.
-J. was increasingly denied full access to raw materials.
Manchurian Crisis 1931-33
M. part of China, bec. civil war betw. Guomindang & Chinese Communist Party, there was little stability.
Harmed J.’s trade & econ. interests in M., which allowed J. to have military force in Kwantung area of S.M. to protect their interests.
By 1927, J. in control of most M. mines,factories,ports.
18 Sept. 1931, officers of J. army staged the Mukden Incident (J. officers claimed C. soldiers tried blowing up J.-owned Railway near town of Mukden, when they themselves arranged incident) to justify sending in of occupation.
Both C. & J. were L. members & invasion was a breach of L.’s collective security system & Washington Naval T. 1922.
L. took a year to get a report on the situation.
L. criticised J. for using force, & as result J. left the L. in 1933.
Ineffectiveness of L.