Wilson’s Fourteen Points (at least 4)
- No secret treaties
- Free access to the seas
- Free trade between countries
- All countries working towards disarmament
- Colonies to have a say in their own future
- German troops to leave Russia
- Independence for Belgium
- France to regain Alsace-Lorraine
- Frontier between Italy and Austria to be adjusted
- Self-determination for Eastern European countries
- Serbia to have access to the sea
- Self-determination for the people of the Turkish empire
- Poland to become an independent state
- League of Nations
Leaders of the Treaty of Versailles
“The Big Three”
David Lloyd George - Britain
Georges Clemenceau - France
Woodrew Wilson - USA
ToV Reparations cost
£6,600 million up to 1984
ToV Armed Forces restrictions (5 details)
No conscription 100,00 men No AVs, planes or submarines 6 battleships Rhineland demilitarised
ToV territory impact (four statistics)
Germany lost:
- 10% of its land in Europe
- All overseas colonies
- 12.5% of its population
- 16% of coalfields and almost 50% of its iron and steel industry
ToV signing date
28 June 1919
What did the French do in reaction to German workers’ strike in the Ruhr
Killed over 100 workers and expelled over 100,000 protestors
When did France invade the Ruhr
11 January 1923
Hyperinflation statistics
A loaf of bread in 1918 cost 0.63 marks. In July 1923 it cost 3465 marks and by November 1923 it cost 201,000,000,000 marks (201 billion)
What countries did the other treaties deal with?
St Germain (1919) - Austria
Neuilly (1919) - Bulgaria
Trianon (1920) - Hungary
Sevres (1920) - Turkey. Later redone as Lausanne in 1923.
Summary of the Treaty of St Germain
- Austria’s Army limited to 30,000 men
- Anschluss forbidden
- Austro-Hungarian empire broken up
- Austria suffered sever economic problems due to the treaty.
Summary of the Treaty of Neuilly
- Bulgaria lost land to Greece, Romania and Yugoslavia
(B GRV, Big Green Round Yonkers) - Army limited to 20,000 and £10 million in reparations
- One of the less harsh treaties.
Summary of the Treaty of Trianon
- Hungary lost territory to Romania, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia
(H RCY, Hitler Rented Cars Yearly) - Due to pay reparations but never could as its economy was so weak
Summary of the Treaty of Sevres
- Turkey lost territory to Bulgaria, Italy and Greece
(T BIG, Territory Loss BIG) - Army restricted to 50,000 men
- Strictly limited navy and no air force
What was the reaction to the Treaty of Sevres?
Turkish Nationalists under Mustafa Kemal Pasha (MKP, Make Kids Pee) set up a new grand assembly and stopped the Treaty. Regained land lost and this was recognised in the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923.