peace, justice, forgiveness & reconcilliation Flashcards
an absence of conflict which leads to harmony between all aspects of society.
QUR’AN: “say words of [1]” (Surah 23)
[1] - peace
SERMON ON THE MOUNT: “blessed are the [1]”
[1] - peacemakers
*(also seen in matthew 5:9)
bringing fairness back into a situation.
BIBLE: “seek [1]” (isaiah 1:17)
[1] - justice
QUR’AN: “stand up [1] for [2].” (Surah 4)
[1] - firmly
[2] - justice
letting go of blame against a person for their wrongdoings; moving on.
BIBLE: “forgive not [1] but [2]-seven times.” (matthew 18)
[1] - seven
[2] - seventy
HADITH: “[1] others and God will [2] you.”
[1] - forgive
[2] - forgive
making amends to relationships between two sides after a disagreement/conflict.
HADITH: “whoever makes [1], his [2] is from [3].”
[1] - reconcilliation
[2] - reward
[3] - God
ST PAUL/CORINTHIANS: “God reconciled himself [1] [2].”
[1] - through
[2] - Christ
parable of the prodigal son:
!!about forgiveness!!
- son leaves, spends all his father’s money, returns and then is welcomed back with open arms.
behaviour involving physical force which intends to harm or damage.