PE Tests Flashcards
Murphy’s Sign
Patient asked to breathe in while I palpate border of XXX. If they wince/catch breath its positive for Cholecystitis
Walk in heels/elevate great toe
Can walk on heels while holding great toe up? If not consider L4 and L5
Knee at 20-30 degree flexion apply pressure to tibia. Pain indicative of AP cruciate ligament tear
Straight leg raise
Indicative of sciatic nerve pain
Quad weakness c squats
L3 and L4
Plantar flexion weakness/walk on toes
Homans Sign
Indicative of DVT
S/s: pain, warmth, tenderness and edema
Epley Maneuver
Benign positional vertigo
Sit on bed Turn head 45* R Lie back quickly c shoulders on pillow Wait 30 seconds Turn head 90* L without lifting it Wait 30 seconds Turn body 90* L Wait 30 seconds Sit up on L
3x/day until symptom free x24h
Romberg and babinski and glossitis
Positive c pernicious anemia
Tap forehead of person c PKD, early dementia, neuro and they blink