PE Pre-Finals Flashcards
Cultural movement best known for its impact in music in the form of a musical genre of thw same name
Hip-hop dance
Where did hiphop dance originate in the 19702
Bronx, NYC
Basic hiphop damce movements
An amount of activity that uses about 150 calories per day
Moderate physical activity
How often should we do Cardio-respiratory exercises
20-60mins, 3-5 days a week
How often should we do strength training in a week
3-4 days a week
How often should we do stretching exercises per week
3-5 days
What is the intensity of the folling ohysical activities
Brisk walking
House work
Ballroom dancing
What is the intensity of the following physical activities
Jumping rope
A therapeutic relaxation of ones beauty and mind. Its main objective is to revitalize the holistic aspects of a person
A recreational activity that can develop our physical, mental, social, and emotional health
Refers to dance styles tyatbhave evolved outside of dance studios. It is peeformed in streets, yards or any available space
Street dance
A collection of various similar dance moves and styles put togeyher into one practice and regarded as the same dance
Full street dance
Involves performing routines which include aspects of dance, gumnastics, and acrobatics such as tumbling, stunting and jumping
If youre trying to get the most protein out of your meat, stick to _____, _____ , _____
Lean cuts of red meat
A fish that is an excellent source of lean proteon
The _____ is the source of everything thats good for you in egs
Egg yolk
These aee great source of protein that are great when you need a protein powered snack on the go
Nut butter
Its needed for healthy eyes, bones, skin, immune sytem. It also acts as an anti oxidant
Vitamin a
Bhelps calciuk and phosphorus to absorb
Vit D
Needed to make collagen
Vit C
Vutal for smooth muscle devwlopment and nerve functions
Vit E
Needed for blood clotung cascade and for bone metabolism
Vitamin K
Coenzyme used in the production of ATP
B1: Thiamine
Acts as coenzyme for many different enzymes and is vital for energy production
B2: Riboflavin
Helps cobverr catbs into energy and increases good cholesterol
B3: Niacin
Important for energy metabolism and synthesis of fatty acid and cholesterol
B5: pantothenate
Help balance sodium and potassium; promotes red blood cell production
B6: Pyridosxine
Needed for fatty acids synthesis and breakdown of amino acids
B7: biotin
Needed for making and maintaining new cells and DNA
B9: folic acid
Required for healthy nerves, red blood cells, and dna synthesis
B12: cobalamins