PE Flashcards
What is the years Items
- Pe is more likely diagnosis
- Unilateral LL edema
- hemoptysis
Any positive consider positive
Wells score Cut off
More than 3
Geneva score
More than 4
D -Dimer
Normal D-dimer in Low pre-test probability has
100% NPV In patient with high clinical probability, D-Dimer is not
D -Dimer
Normal D-dimer in Low pre-test probability has
100% NPV In patient with high clinical probability, D-Dimer is not
D-Dimer for Age
Age * 10 if more than 50 years
Diagnositc criteria
1- CT pulmonary angio
2- V/Q scan
3- Echo in unstable pt
V/Q scan moditlites in PE ?
1- IF Normal negative PE
2 - If V/Q scan yields high probability for PE ( diagnostic )
3- If non diagnostic should be wiht US in PT with Low probability
IF high need further investigation
Chest xray in PE
1- Westermark sign
2- Hampton sign
High probability of PE CT PE cant be done ? Next step
CUS for Proximal DVT if positive no need to go further
If negative further testingneed to be done :-
V/Q scan
IF positive :- no need to go further
CUS postive3 for PE and used to diagnosis of PE in high probability pt what is the next ?
Need to assess pe severity
ECG finding in PE
1- S1 Q3 T3
D-Dimer :-
Good -ve and poor +Ve
Sane as clinical scores
Low and intermediate clincial probability’s , next step
Unstable pt , with high probability of PE , Next step
PE ruled out criteria (PERC )
Age more than 70
Hr moretha 100
Spo2 less than 95
One leg swelling
Previuse DVT or PE
Hormone use
Surgery or trauma within last 4 wks
Classification of PE pt
High risk :-
- hemodynamic unstebality
- PESI score more than or equal one
- PESI class 3-5
- RV dysfunction
- elevated trop T
Intermediate high risk pt
Have postive in PESI score and
RV dysfunction
And Trop T elevated
(Except low BP )
Intermediate high risk pt
Have postive in PESI score and
RV dysfunction
And Trop T elevated
(Except low BP )
Intermediate Low
PESI score more than or equal one
RV dysfunction OR trop T
Trop T positive and RV dysfunction what is the risk calcification
Intermediate high
PESI score
- more than 80
- Cancer
- cardio- pulmonary disease
- Hr more than 110
- BP :- less than 100
- SPo2 :- less than 90
Low risk what is the next step ? In mangment
Intermediate Risk next step in management
Intermediate high in mangment like high risk
True ( need to be reviewed )
Medication during intubation ?
Ketamine and etomidate
PE in respiratory distress , Next step
Start with conventional devices
Avoid intubation if possible
Ventilation setting in PE
Low TV
- low or zero PEEP
- Plateau less than 30
Vasopressors in PE
1- NE
Seconde line
When we have to consider ECMO
1- Arrest
2- Bridge to other therapies
IVC filter ? Indication
1- contraindication of coagualtion
2- PE in adequate anticoag
PEITHO trail
Thromplolysis improved CVS decompansastion in intermediate risk pt but increase the risk of major hemorrhage and stroke
PE algorithm
Suspected pt :-
1- rule out criteria
2- clinical scores
3- ( D-Dimer or CT PA based on PE probability
4- anticoagulant
5- risk stratification
6- Low risk NAOC
7- high risk :- reperfusion
8- intermediate :-
High :- LMWH and monitor consider reperfusion therapy if deteriorate
Low :- LMWH
Discharge of pt with low risk
1- if no other reasons of hospitalization
2- family and social support
3- easy access to medical care
Then discharge if one of them is no then admit
Molecule Recombinant tissue-type plasminogen
activator (rtPA)
100 mg over 2 h 0.6 mg kg over 15 min
(maximum dose 50 mg) 250,000 IU as a loading dose over 30 min,
followed by 100,000 IU/hover
12-24 h
Accelerated regimen: 1.5 million
IU over 2 h
Contraindications to fibrinolysis
Absolute • History of haemorrhagic stroke or stroke of
unknown origin
• Ischaemic stroke in previous 6 months
• Central nervous system neoplasm • Major trauma, surgery, or head injury in
previous 3 weeks
• Bleeding diathesis
• Active bleeding
Timing of TPA
Greatest benefit when initiated within 48 hrs
Can be still used for 6-14 days