pe Flashcards
Cardiovascular system examination
I would like to complete my examination by offering to
1. review vital signs - Temperature, BP, HR, RR, O2 saturation
2. palpate the remaining peripheral pulses
3. examine for hepatomegaly
4. perform urine dipstick test
5. do a fundoscopy
Respiratory system examination
I would like to complete my examination by offering to
1. examine the cervical lymph nodes
2. review vital signs - Temperature, BP, HR, RR, O2 saturation
3. review the patient’s sputum mug
4. do a peak flow measurement
Abdominal examination
I would like to complete my examination by offering to
1. examine the cervical lymph nodes
2. examine the hernia orifices
3. perform a per rectal examination
4. examine external genitalia
5. do a urinalysis
6. review vital signs - Temperature, BP, HR, RR, O2 saturation
Cranial Nerves & Cerebellar Examination
I would like to complete my examination by offering to
1. examine the rest of the neurological system
2. assess 1st CN (sense of smell)
3. test corneal reflex
4. test jaw jerk
5. do a fundoscopy
Neurological examination of UL
I would like to complete my examination by offering to
1. examine the rest of the neurological system
Neurological examination of LL
I would like to complete my examination by offering to
1. examine the rest of the neurological system
Hand examination
I would like to complete my examination by offering to
1. do a neurovascular examination of the upper limbs
2. examine the shoulders and joints of the lower limb
Thyroid gland examination
no offers
General inspection: body habitus, skin quality, eye signs, quality of voice
Thyroid inspection: swellings / nodules, scars, pulsations
Palpate thyroid gland / nodule: symmetry, consistency, mobility, tenderness
Hands: thyroid acropachy, nail changes / onycholysis, sweaty palms / dry skin
Radial pulse: tachycardia, atrial fibrillation
Breast and axillary system examination
I would like to complete my examination by offering to
1. examine the supraclavicular lymph nodes
2. auscultate and percuss the chest for pleural effusions
3. palpate the abdomen for hepatomegaly
4. percuss the spine for tenderness
brain lung liver bone
Vascular arterial system examination
I would like to complete my examination by offering to
1. perform a full neurological exam of the lower limbs
2. examine the rest of the arterial system - palpate for carotid, brachial and radial pulse, palpate abdomen for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)
3. auscultate for renal bruit, femoral bruit, carotid bruit, cardiac auscultation
I would like to suggest using Doppler to check for pulses and Ankle Brachial Index
Vascular venous system examination
I would like to complete my examination by offering to
1. perform a full arterial examination to assess for concomitant arterial disease
2. examine the abdomen for abdominal masses that may impair lower limb venous return
I would like to suggest using Doppler ultrasound of the venous system for further evaluation
Inguinal hernia examination
I would like to complete my examination by offering to do respiratory, abdominal and per rectal examination to look for underlying cause
Examination of lumps and bumps
I would like to complete my examination by offering to assess other lymph node regions for lymphadenopathy