PDL Flashcards
The PDL fibers running between two adjacent teeth: a- Belong to the dento-alveolar group. b-Are gingival fibers. c- Are transseptal fibers. d- Are oxytalan fibers.
Which of the following is not true of the alveolodental periodontal fibers? They:
a- Are organized into bundles with different orientation.
b- Are derived from epithelial rests of Malassez.
c- Undergo continuous remodeling.
d- Are formed and partially resorbed by fibroblasts.
Which of the following is not present in the periodontal ligament? a- Epithelial rests of Malassez. b- Fibroblasts. c- Cementoblasts. d- Osteocytes.
Which of the following principal fibers groups constitutes the main attachment of the tooth? a- Oblique group. b- Apical group. c- Horizontal group. d- Alveolar group.
Which groups of tissues comprise the periodontium?
Cementum, alveolar bone, periodontal ligament, gingiva.
The width of the periodontal ligament:
a- It is thiner when teeth are functioning normally.
b- It is narrowest at the level of the midroot area.
c- It becomes wider with aging.
d- It is of uniform width around multi-rooted teeth.
The periodontal ligament develops from what?
The dental sac
Elasticity of periodontal ligament is due to what?
Wavy coarse of collagen fibers.
The principal fibre of periodontal ligament is what?
Function of oxytalan fibers:
a- Support nerves. b- Support blood vessels.
c- Help fibroblasts migration. d- All of the above.
Open faced nucleus is found in:
a- Resorptive cells. b- Synthetic cells.
c- Defensive cells. d- Progenitor cells.
The periodontal ligament is formed of:
a- Cells only. b- Fibers only.
c- Ground substances only. d- All of the above
The protective function of periodontal ligament is achieved by its:
a- Fibers. b- Blood vessels.
c- Nerves. d- All of the above.
The periodontal ligament
a, Derives its blood supply primarily from the branches of vessels entering the pulp
b. Has a slow rate of turn over
c. Contains epithelial cells
d. Comprises primarily of type II collagen
Collagen molecule exhibits all of the following features except: A. Triple pleated sheath B Mostly contains glycine residues C. Exhibit cross striations at 64 μm D. Intracellular in nature
Remnants of the Hertwig’s root sheath are found in: A. Gingiva B. Alveolar bone C. Periodontal ligament D. Cementum