Pdes Flashcards
When is the equation D/Dr(r^2 DT/Dr) useful?
In spherical symmetry, we get the equn
(1/r)^2 * D/Dr(r^2 DT/Dr)
This rearranges to:
1/r * D^2/Dr^2 (rT)
Set A = rT, then DT/Dt = 1/r * DA/Dt
So equn is diffusion equation with A = rT
What is the diffusion equation?
dT/dt = alpha del^2 T
Show that B = fn(y/sqrt(alpha * t) solves the diffusion equation.
Require that dB/dt = d^2B/dt^2
dB/dt = B’ * -1/2 * alpha^-.5 * -1/2 * t^-1.5
d^2B/dy^2 = d/dy( B’ * 1/sqrt(alpha t) )
= B’’ * 1/alpha t
then B’’ - B’ * eta / 2 = 0
This is solved by B = int(0 -> eta) {exp(-x^2 / 4)} dx
B’ = exp(-eta^2 / 4)
B’’ = -eta / 2 * B’
as required.
What is cp? How is it calculated?
cp = omega / k
It is the speed of individual wave crests.
What is cg? How is it calculated?
cg = d omega / dk
It is the speed of energy.
How would you calculate cg for a 3D wave?
Let eta = eta* * exp(j (x.k - omega t)
Solve for omega = fn ( k )
cg = d omega / dk
What is curl (u) in index notation?
epsilon_ijk * d/dxj * u_k
Show that u x u = 0 using index notation
epsilon_ijk * u_j * u_k = - epsilon_ikj * u_j * u_k
= + epsilon_ikj * u_k * u_j
therefore = 0
What is the first step to showing a poisson solution is unique?
Let v = u1 - u2, where u1 & u2 are valid.
In what circumstances is a poisson solution unique?
del^2 (u) = f
subject to u = g OR du/dn = h on S
v = u1 - u2, where u1 and u2 are valid poisson solutions.
How would you start to show that v is zero everywhere?
Take del.(v del v) = v * del^2 (v) + (del(v))^2
= del(v)^2
In showing that u is a unique soln to a poisson equation, we have shown that
del.(v del v) = v * del^2 (v) + (del(v))^2
= del(v)^2
What comes next?
Show that
Then perform integration by parts on del.(v del v)
= integral( (v del(v)) . n ) ds
and v(part of boundary) = del(v(part of boundary)) = 0
So del(v) ^2 = 0 so v = 0 everywhere. u1 = u2.
What is {[A][B]}_ij in index notation?
A_ik B_kj
Show that {[I][B]} = [B] where [I] is the identity matrix.
[I]_ij = delta_ij
IB = I_ik B_kj = delta_ik Bkj = B_ij
What is div(u) in index notation?
divergence applies to a vector, so u is a vector.
div(u) = du_i / dx_i = a scalar.
What is grad(u) in index noation?
grad applies to a scalar, so f is a scalar.
grad(f) = df / dx_i = a vector.
What is grad(abs(x)) in index notation?
d/dx_i ( (xj xj)^0.5 )
This evaluates to:
2 x_j * dx_j / dx_i * 0.5 * (xk xk)^-0.5
= x_i / abs(x)
ie a vector.
What is integration by parts in index notation?
d/dxi ( f * u_i ) = df/dxi . u_i + f * d/dxi ( u_i )
lhs is divergence theorem = f * u_i . n_i along the surface.
How is the Rayleigh-Ritz method performed?
Must have a functional I_h as a function of u, the solution. Set u = a_1 f_1 + a_2 f_2 + …
Then dI_h / da_1 = 0 etc.
This may give a matrix expression that needs to be inverted.
How is the Galerkin method performed?
Take the weak form of the equation.
Use u = a_1 f_1 + … and w = f_1, then w = f_2
Run the Galerkin method on u’’ - u = -1, using sin(x) as a basis function.
[The weak form equivalent is u’v’ + uv - v]
u = a sin(x) ; v = sin(x) u' = a cos(x) ; v' = cos(x)
integral{ acos(x) * cos(x) + a sin(x) * sin(x) - cos(x) } = 0
a * pi/2 - 1 = 0
a = 2/pi
A strong form PDE is u’’ - u = -1. How would you start to perform the Galerkin method?
Find the equivalent weak form. This turns out to be int{ u’v’ + uv - v }
How does the Galerkin method vary from the Rayleigh-Ritz method? Which one is more general?
The Galerkin method works on the weak form, and so is general. The R-R method works on the variational form, so only works if the variational form exists.
Under what conditions do the Galerkin and R-R methods agree?
They always agree if the R-R method is possible (ie the variational form exists)