PD Bylaws (Made by me) Flashcards
What are our restricted titles ?
Massage therapist
Massage practitioner
Registered massage therapist
Registered massage practitioner
Who sits on the Board of the CMT ? For how long ?
6 elected members sit on the board (3minimum out of the 6 are appointed)
April 1-April 1st they can serve for 2 consecutive years, appointed members as long as government appoints them
Type of insurance based on the date the injury occurred
Occurrence based
How much liability insurance are we o located to have ?
2 million
When can you refuse to treat someone ?
Render tx unsafe
Treatment is beyond capability
If they ask for sexual services
Treatment would be ineffective
What two committes can you not be on at once?
Inquiry and disciplinary
How much notice does the disciplinary have to give a registrant before date of hearing ?
(5) If a citation is amended under subsection (3) prior to a discipline hearing, and the amended citation changes the date, time or place of the hearing, the Registrar must notify any complainant of the amendment at least 14 days prior to the date of the hearing.
How long does the disciplinary committee have to keep records for ?
10 yrs
What are the basic requirements to be an RMT ?
Graduation from recognized institution Evidence of good character Criminal record check 3 letters of personal reference Liability insurance Passport quality photo Solemn declaration
Can your future patients contact the CMT and find out if you’ve ever been in trouble ?
Disclosure of registration status
73 (1) If an inquiry about the registration status of a person is received by the College, the Registrar must disclose, in addition to the matters required by section 22 of the Act,
whether the Discipline Committee has ever made an order relating to the person under section 39 of the Act and the details of that order,
whether the person has ever consented to an order under sections 37.1 of the Act and the details of that order, and
whether the person has ever given an undertaking or consented to a reprimand under section 36 of the Act and the details of that undertaking or reprimand.
When is your annual fees due ? How much in renewal ?
December 15th, $450
What are the 5 college committes?
Registration Quality assurance Patient relations Inquiry Disciplinary
How long do marketing records have to be kept for ?
1 year
Can RMT take a specialist title ?
It is okay yourself to other health care practitioners ?
Can we endorse products, properties, or investments as an RMT?
Only if it relates to massage therapy
How long must we keep healthcare records for ?
16yrs for adults after last treatment. 16yrs after a child reaches age of 19
What must health care records include ?
(a) generate an indelible clinical record for each patient containing,
the patient’s name,
birth date,
the name of any referring practitioner,
the date of each professional visit,
and the name of the person who rendered the treatment,
health history obtained and updated,
findings obtained, clinical impressions and relevant information of the patient’s condition,
a treatment plan, including objectives, treatments provided, instructions given, periodic reassessment findings and treatment revisions, and
all written reports received from or sent to other sources with respect to the patient,
ensure that the information in a Health Care Record is current, legible, accurate and complete,
address requests from patients for the correction of Personal Information in a Registrant’s custody or control in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act and all other legal requirements,
falsifying any part of a patient’s Health Care Record, or
signing or issuing a certificate, report or any document that contains false or misleading statements concerning a patient’s Health Care Record, and
maintain possession and control over a patient’s Health Care Record until that record can be destroyed or transferred in accordance with section 5 of this Schedule.
Where do we keep healthcare records ?
ensure that Health Care Records remain in the Registrant’s treatment facility or place of business until it is necessary to destroy or transfer the records,
What do we do with healthcare records After 16years?
Have them disposed of appropriately
Giving them back to the patient
Destroying them (shredding)
Burning them
How many years after being an inactive registrant will an RMT need to retake their examination ?
3 consecutive years
If you are an inactive registrant in BC can you practice I another jurisdiction ?
Yes , but if you return you need to disclose any inquires or discipline from other jurisdiction
When does a continuing education cycle start? How long is it ? How many credits are needed if you’ve been active for over 12 months ?
Starts November 01st
2 year period
24credits if active for over 12months
How many CEC’s do you need if you’ve been inactive for less then 12 months ?
Treatment plan, monitoring vital signs, informed consent , and safety and hygiene are a part of …
a) code of ethics b) standards of practice
B) standards of practice
What do RMTs have to know about the Massage Therapists regulation ?
1) def of massage therapy
2) designation ( health care profession)
3) reserved titles
4) scope of practice
5) reserved acts (only RMT can do massage)
6) limitations on practice (can’t adminster drugs, or set a fracture)
7) PT relations program
8) health profession corporations (part 4 HPA aplies to M therapy)
Hierarchy for governing massage therapy
Federal government HPA General regulation (oath of office) Massage Therapy Regulation CMT by laws
What is jurisprudence ?
A body or system of laws
What are the regulated jurisdictions of massage therapy ?
BC, ONtario, NEwfoundland and Labrador
(New one ) -> Nova Scotia
What committee establishes and maintains procedures for college to deal with complaints of sexual nature, and develop guidelines for conduct of Rgs w their patients ?
Patient relations committee
Why do we chart
What is beneficence ?
Act in ways that promote the welfare of other people
5 conflict styles ?
Avoiding Competing /directing Accommodating/harmonizing Compromising Collaborating
How long are healthcare records maintained for if the client is mental challenged ?
For the life of the client
When do you give up health care records ?
Required by law
Patient request a copy
Does the MTA or CMT investigate complaints against RMTS?
Acts as a watch dog for issues that affect or threaten all RMTs, and provides insurance packages for RMTs
Sets regulatory standards for advertising ethics and discipline, and examines and licenses Registered Massage Therapists ?
Where an the duty or mandate of the college be found ?
Health professions act
Where do you find the oath of office?
General regulation
If you change your address how long do you have to tell the CMT ?
1 week
Where do you find the restricted titles ?
massage therapy regulation
What committee can appoint an inspector to examine an RMTs records and practice
Inquiry committee
WhT are the 4 adversary statement
Infant act
May not use Laser therapy